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Say Something Positive About Your Soap Part II

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I felt it was time to bump this back up. It seems SON is turning into a complainers paradise. All people seem to do is complain, complain and complain. I think people now wake up to nit pick at their fav show. Or to try and guess who write's what or who produced this and dissect everything about a soap these days. What happened to just watching a show. Give these writers some time. It takes a while to get new stories going.

So what do I have to say good?

I love GL's new opening. I also love how it's shot on location.

Days, Dena is doing a great job right now writing, even though city hall is harassing her.

OLTL, I am so glad RC is doing wonders with the show and that he is going all out for OLTL's 40th anniversary.

AMC, looking forward to Chuck Pratt

GH, hmm......Hmm


Y&R....is still pretty good for the most part

ATWT, hmm don't really watch so cant say but still love their opening. The best on TV right now

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AMC: The show has improved a lot since the strike. Jesse and Angie brought a lot of life back to it, and I loved seeing Adam and Dixie.

DOOL: Last winter, when the news that John Black would return broke, I could not have been more opposed. I told anyone who would listen about how Days would lose all credibilty, and how they were undoing the best drama they'd had in about a decade, and on, and on. I've had to eat my words on that one, because Robo-John is AWESOME!

I think Dena's struck the balance Days needs- there's certainly plenty of camp, but there's still more real drama than JER gave the show.

GH: Um, Nik and Claudia have chemistry. And Claudia and Maxie together now make two people in Port Charles who don't worship the ground Lulu walks on, so there's that.

GL: I know I'm, like, the only soap viewer anywhere who thinks so, but I really like the new GL. It seems really realistic to me.

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Hey amlc, I split this into it's own Topic since it's a new year and all :)

There are a lot of people on SON who don't complain about their shows, because they're happy with what they watch. Those that do complain do it because we want better. It's hard to dedicate hours a day to watching soaps and having to suffer through mediocrity. I myself have tried to just watch the show as is, but sometimes that's hard to do.

AMC - I am loving the a lot of things about the show, mainly the resurgence of family interaction and the vets moving to frontburner status. The stories still need work, but I feel Pratt will do a good job.

ATWT - ......well..........Maura West is very pretty. :)

B&B - I love the show. I am enjoying Jennifer Gareis' storyline. It's about time they gave her something good to do.

DAYS - I adore Arianne Zucker. She is one of the brightspots on the show for me. I also enjoy Bo/Hope (when they're on) and Phillip/Chloe

GH - The possibility of a Nikolas/Claudia pairing keeps me entertained. Kirsten Storms is also a highlight for me. I enjoy whenever she bitches out Julie Berman's character Lulu. LuSam and their Sexico (yes, Sexico) adventure has been nice.

GL - Crystal Chapell is very pretty :)

OLTL - The show isn't perfect, but it's one of the best shows on the air right now IMO. I've had to tone down my fanwanking for the show as it's become a bit annoying. Some things need some work (like tighter script writers and new directors) but overall it's really good.

PSNS - Don't watch...don't have satellite, but it's a hot tranny mess...always has been, always will be and I like that.

Y&R - There's a lot about the show I like, a lot I dislike. But hope is what keeps me watching.

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ATWT is incorporating the vets in a relevant and useful way. Maura is very pretty. And I'm glad to have caught a few glimpses of the Jack I love lately.

GL...Billy's had scenes the past couple of days.

B&B....the show isn't revolving around Brooke's love life at the moment.

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Y&R: This was and still is my first love although at times they piss me off. Loving Jess Walton/Jeanne Cooper !!

B&B: Can't complain, loving the show

OLTL: Loving every minute. This show reminds me of what it feels like to be excited about soaps again.

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ATWT - Love Maura. I have to say that she is doing a good job, no matter what they throw at her. ;) I also love that they are using the vets so much. That's long overdue!

Days - To my surprise I'm actually enjoying the show. John is humorous. Love Nicole! I LOL everytime she's on.

GH - I will be crucified for this here, but I love Sonny and Kate. Kate has really made him not only watchable for me but almost endearing. Believe me, before her I couldn't understand what all the fuss was about. I love the Crimson storyline. I like Alexis/Diane scenes. Maxie and Claudia have great potential with hating Lulu. I just may warm up to Claudia for that. :P Overall GH is my favorite right now.

B&B - I'll get back to you on this one..........

OLTL - I'm just getting back into this one but I must say that I'm enjoying it overall.

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