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ATWT: Discussion for the week of June 9 - 13

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Hopefully a story that is about building back up the Nuke relationship, and hopefully doing what many viewers have been asking have a more detailed reason of why they love each other. And plus giving us more of Noah's backstory. Then again this is JP and CG so scratch that <_< .

I don't get why Carly is not back in the fashion business either, even the interior decorating or something, I mean why bar tending???

As for Liberty and Janet, they are so useless.

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With the state of ATWT's sets, I don't want Carly back in the interior designing biz. Fashion design left the building with Hogan. I think Carly owns a club because it's a meeting place for other characters. I don't really mind, at least it's something for her to have. But I don't necessarily want to see her bartending every night. I just wish Metro was a bigger part of Oakdale. You could run a lot of stories out of there...characters could have jobs there, etc.

The next story for Nuke....I just pray it's anything other than becoming parents. That seems to be JP's last-ditch story idea.

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I love Liberty and Parker dynamic. And I'm loving Liberty! She reminds me so much of Maddie who I miss to death. Full of life, energy, and spunk. The girls got it.

I'd love to have Maddie back but only if they get rid of false/twinkCasey. I can't believe they've destroyed this character so much. Its just sickening.

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Loved today's Carjack scenes!!!

At least they gave us some explanation of why Holden/Lily weren't involved in the Nuke story. I think it's bull and totally contrived, but at least there was an attempt.

*snort* Noah must really be naive...unless there's a body, I doubt Win is dead. The rest of Nuke? :rolleyes:

*double snort* AS IF JuicyJanet could have fit into any of petite Katie's dresses. Even a wraparound. The Brad/Janet/Lib interview thing....gag me.

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Yes, it seemed like they were together again. No fighting just having fun with each other. The CarJack I remember and love.

What was the explanation? I missed that part. It was great seeing Lucinda today.

More like stupid. Daddy dearest tried getting away from the police not kill himself. Noah is so dumb. Again I missed some of their shouting match. My cable went off for a second or two. It would have been worth it had Luke said to Noah...fine I wont wait for you forever and hung up on the loser. Noah cares more for Ameera than Luke?? :lol: That sure aint love to me. I was LOL earlier while watching intern...Jake S. was a judge on the interns acting. :lol:

Janet and Liberty are just annoying. The whole Brad/Janet/Liberty pure who gives a [!@#$%^&*]!

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Note to TIIC at ATWT....if you're really trying to push Holden/Carly at us and their supposed chemistry its not a good idea to give us Carjack scenes like today as it just proves the Carjack has more chemistry in a 5 minutes scene then all the Holden/Carly scenes put together. How can they film these scenes and then try and force this Holden/Carly nonsense. Its really unbelievable. I can't say enough how stupid this storyline is. I really miss Maura and Michael's scenes together and today just made me miss them all the more.

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I was imagining how more involved I would be with the storyline if Martha was still playing Lily. Noelle Beck is lovely and talented, but she's not Lily , and I have no emotional connection with her.

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I think Noelle's a good actress, but on a whole different level than ATWT. That make sense? I could see her on Y&R or any of the ABC soaps, but not ATWT.

As for her portrayal of Lily..........*gag*

I have a feeling Nuke's going to be moving to the backburner very soon.

And as for a CarJack reunion, I honestly don't see it happening under PissAnt. Although she might prove me wrong in the end, she's done nothing but create more hurdles for them to overcome if/when a reunion takes place.

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