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ATWT: Discussion for the week of June 9 - 13

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I only read recaps but that was enough.

I get it.

Meg is perfect. She is the savior of Oakdale. She is good and sweetness and light.

And Paul is a spineless brainless moron who needs her to save him.

WTF is James when you need him? Stenbeck up Paul!

I swear I can't stand Sofie but I'm almost rooting for her b/c Meg is just that insipid.

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I thought it was kind of slow...I mentally cringed when Sophie starting cooing about how great humping Cole again was. I didn't get to see all of CZP, thanks to a news report, but I did love her slappin' down Sophie. LOL at Meg playing Nancy Drew...like Paul doesn't have the capability to hire detectives to check out Sophie's past. Then instead of just asking Mike what he found out...she has to set up a meeting. Yeah, that "I love Paul, blah blah" speech? Isn't worth the paper it's printed on. She'll run to Mike when it suits her.

There was a nice moment as Jack hemmed and hawed to Parker about girls...too bad I know Jack's dating accumen and how he keeps screwing up his relationships. And too bad I know Parker's never gone to a summer camp in his life.

Can Liberty please dial down the attitude? Yes, I know teens have 'tudes, but her's is every minute of every day. I need a break from it. Or I need to see her taking a break from it.

Hmmn....tomorrow's previews....

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Not only could he hire detectives....he has a pretty darn good dirt digging editor on staff at WW who has helped him dig up plenty of dirt before.

Of course, that would mean they'd have to pop some story bubbles. And use history / established relationships. And we can't have that.

And that Paul might actually be able to use his own brain instead of Meg being the SuperSaintedSavior.

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Boy...y'know I'm there with you, wanting Paul to pull out his inner Stenbeck, instead of hiding behind some woman's skirts. (Even if I think LionessBabs KICKS ASS.) Every. single. time. I hear Meg declare her love for Paul, I get this mental image of her screwing Craig's brains out on that nasty Lakeview floor.

ITA Ron...I want to scream at Parker to stay away from that maneater-in-training. Can you imagine the piece of work she'll turn into, with Janet and Katie to guide her? What I wouldn't give for ATWT to copy GL and bring some smarmy badass into town for her to date. And psst...I found a spoiler to make me happy....

Oddly, I don't mind Janet as much...I think it has to do with the fact I know she's after Katie's man. LOL

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The show is just dreadful. One of those spoilers gives me hope but not much. I wish someone would step in and do something. At this point I would rather see ATWT get cancelled. Instead of it going the GL way. I just couldnt tolerate that.

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Today's eppy of Janet and Liberty's World Turns sucked. <_< What on earth does JP see in these characters, what the Will and Gwen screen hogs leaves so she had to hire two more of them instead of using some of the cast that is always on backburner, [!@#$%^&*], and there story is dumb to boot.

Tuesday sounds better. Minus more Janet and Liberty.

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I am just sick of this show. I am so close to given it up for good. I've had it with Goutman and Pissant. Tuesday's show would be great if the Luke and Noah breakup would lead to Kevin returning. Instead we are getting the same stupid [!@#$%^&*] from Nuke. Noah not ready to commit fully and Luke crying like a 2 year old.

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Don't you wonder WTF does Noah "need a break" from? They're barely a couple. *snort*

Me? Y'know what I'm hanging on for.

Oh, and dude...it's rude to have some big Spanish paragraph in your siggy. My high school Spanish wasn't that great...and that was a long time ago. *head starts to hurt remembering the trouble with tenses.*

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Yeah, I know PJ. What's the purpose. They dont belong together. They are always miserable together. At best they are in the dating stage. Neither one can hold a conversation without the other one huffing and puffing and taking off. I can see Goutman pulling the rug under Nuke soon for good.

As for Carly I just want her by herself. She doesnt need a man.

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I think Goutman's in a corner...I don't think he can break them up without some serious backlash. The conspiracy talk has finally died down since news of Ameera's departure surfaced. Nope...they'll have tiny breakups and always be threatened by cartoony villians, much the way Willen boringly was.

I'd much rather see Carly by herself for a while, and concentrate on something besides her love life---for a while. But nowadays, if you don't have a romance, you don't have a story. And I doubt Goutman's willing to put Carly on the shelf for long, given the numerous recent departures. I wish Goutman had given our vets a little more work before shoving Janet and Liberty upon us.

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I totally agree. The Ameera story was suppose to give them more air time and they got less or about the same. I wonder what brilliant idea Goutman will come up with next. :rolleyes:

Carly could get back into the fashion industry. Why she is bartending is beyond me. ATWT has become the Janet and Liberty show...ugh....newbies leading the show. Not a good way to keep your viewers.

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