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ATWT: Discussion for the week of June 9 - 13

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^^^^teehee....check your pm's.

I wasn't really listening to the "explanation"...but basically Lucinda took the fall for not telling Holden and Lily about Luke's situation. NOW, how the hell his parents didn't miss him being in Oakdale for the last three days (weeks..whatever) when he still lives at HOME is beyond me.

Forgot to add....Kim rocks, even when TIIC make her an idiot like today. Okay...maybe it just made me smile that Kimmy wasn't so gosh-darned protective of Katie-did's feelings when it came down to her or the ratings.

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I love watching the episodes online! Such a great luxury.

Anyways I'm loving Carly and her boys. I just wish they'd give her a real man who worships the ground she walks on again. Plus a career would be nice. She should be designing clothes or designing houses or something!

Noah and Luke were pretty good today. Love the intensity of their scenes. Not a diehard Nuke fan but I do appreciate what they are doing for gay couples on tv.

I don't like NuLily...and I don't dislike her. I'm just so apathetic. She doesn't grate my nerves at all. But she doesn't make me feel for her like Martha used to. Just seems like filler to me.

Love Lucinda and I'm loving Liberty today as well. Is it confirmed that she's Brad's daughter? That sorta makes her and Parker related right? Although Parker biologically isn't a Snyder so I guess its not a HUGE deal.

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The only thing the show is doing right is getting the vets involved in their youngster's problems. It's been great seeing Susan, Kim and Bob on a semi-regular basis. Oh, and not ignoring the family dynamic. I can't remember the last time nearly every single family member was kept in the loop about what was going on.

I'm smelling an Adam-like rewrite of Chris' character.

So...Noah rates an invite to a family dinner...but no one mentions trying to invite AARON?

I don't necessarily like Casey/Em...but they're trashy enough to grab my attention. (Katie's usual jump-my-bones anyplace attitude seems to have inhabited Em's booty....)

Boo hiss...Katie's back tomorrow.

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Loved today's show!

I know its cool to hate on Jake but I think he's doing a great job w/ the current storyline with Noah and Luke. And I'm loving the angst between the 2 characters. Loved Lily and Luke's convo in the kitchen. I wish my mother and I were like that....Holden and Noah were awesome too.

Again I'm surprised that there's not much outrage at the current relationship between Casey and Emily. As a huge fan of Maddie and Casey I am shocked they're doing this. Plus I can't stand Emily at all. Thank God she's no longer torturing Peg... :wub:

The guy playing Casey is hot but he doesn't convince me at all that he likes Emily. It just looks and feels creepy when I see 2 of them together in the same room!

Margo's look at the door after Emily left and she forced Casey back inside....? PRICELESS

Anyways great eppy.

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Hello, everyone, new to the boards and I wanted to join in.

I really enjoyed today's episode. It felt like classic ATWT to me. Halfway through the show, I said to myself Susan Dansby must have written this episode.

Loving Bob, Kim, and Susan involved with the Chris/Ali storyline. I am happy that at least someone at ATWT is using the Stewart vs Hughes history with this storyline. I am only invested in this storyline because of the integration of Bob, Kim, Susan, and Tom in the story.

I do not like Emily and Casey together. I feel like I am watching a sleazy porn. Apparently while in prison, Casey forgot that Emily slept with his father, broke his parents up, had his dad's child, and slept with his uncle. But, everything is gravy because sex with Emily makes everything she did a-okay. <_< GMAFB!

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Welcome to the boards Kevin. :)

Yeah, she usually writes the good episodes.

This is the only bright spot about ATWT right now. I would also say Carly and Jack. But Carly is being wasted with Holden.

I guess Casey has forgotten all that. Daniel should be a constant reminder. But as Emiloon said it is pure harmones racing with Casey. The only goo aabout this is Margo giving Emiloon a big slap for sleeping with her son.

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It's not that I don't find Emily/Casey sleazy and disturbing...on a lot of levels actually. I guess I see it as serving the greater good, and creating some good drama. As opposed to Holden/Carly, which is just contrived horse apples.

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Ugh...y'know there are no words for the train wreck that is Colden/Horly. You've got to wonder what Goutman and Pissy were smoking the night that sucking vortex of story was created. I mean recycled from last year's CajackKack pissfest.

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I agree, a total wreck. I think I could have been invested in Carly and Holden if they did not bring Lily back right away. The writers should have used the rest of the year to build Carly and Holden together and then have Lily return during May sweeps 2009. There was no need to bring Lily back right away and the writers could have continued to use that as a catalyst to build Carly and Holden together. Plus, it would have been nice for Jack to be on the other side of the fence and fight Holden for Carly.

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^^^I agree...if they wanted any kind of Holden/Carly hookup, immediately recasting Lily was a bad move. Now Holden is a himbo.

I don't know what to say about today's Ali/Chris scenes...they were disturbing, to say the least. I don't get the writing...Ali had a case when Chris used his influence to get her kicked from patient care. Making it about the nursing courses sets up Ali to lose, and Chris to be vindicated even though he clearly did harrass her.

Janet making life hellish for Katie is almost fun.

When I said I wanted more family scenes, I didn't mean two adults stuck in a car listening to girls sing camp songs. And why on God's Green Earth are two adults acting like high schoolers? I was embarrassed for both Maura and Jon having such crappy writing.

Was I the only one who saw B&B's credits? Way weird....

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