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ATWT: Discussion for the week of June 9 - 13

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The only part I liked was Bob and Co. Everything else was so bad. The girls singing got on my nerves.....how dull and boring...while Holden and Carly made eyes at each other. The whole excuse as to why Lily couldnt go with Holden was dumb. Yeah...business comes before your children. Some idot made up excuse to send Holden and Carly on their way.

I wish Janet would just off Katie. That way we would get rid of Janet and Katie in one swoop.

I was LOL when the B&B credits came up. :lol:

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I think the sleep in the cabin was today. Carly on the top bunk and Holden on the bottom. At least that's what I'm assuming. Anywho, Holden and Carly could've actually been interesting if Lily was still away and Jack was fighting for Carly but alas it is not to be. We have Jack checking out Janet's stickybuns and Lily with no clue that her best friend and husband our making googly eyes at each other in the car filled with their children. This is just really bad.

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:D Well it seems we hear about them enough during each episode she's in! I don't know how much more of these storylines I can take on this show. Carly and Holden are awful, Jack and Janet don't even get me started! I used to like Bratie but their killing that storyline now too and making it all about Janet and Liberty. Would've been nice to see the story be more about Katy and Brad. Having a hard time stomaching Emily and Casey, and Chris and Allison storyline came right out of left field for me. I'm hating that storyline because I really don't think Chris would do that to Allison and I hated when she said today that she would drop the lawsuit if Chris was fired. After all he did for her to keep her in the nurses program to begin with. I just wish they'd left that storyline alone as I was actually enjoying Chris and Allison's blossoming relationship. It seems every time I like a couple they ruin it for me. Okay, rant over now...just frustrated I guess.

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Your post sums up why ATWT is in [!@#$%^&*] right now. And it isnt going to get any better soon. ATWT is being taped 6 weeks in advance and the same stories going on now will still be going on 6 weeks from now.

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Yeah...found out last night. Haven't stopped hurling since. I've decided to pray Pissy's struck by lightening, because Goutman is too egotistical to fire her. I don't get why, when Carjack's a proven ratings grabber, TAIC keep going away from them. The Katie/Brad/Janet show sure isn't bringing home the viewers. There are just no words. Damn Martha for leaving anyway....'cause you know there's no way this is written if she's still Lily.

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We can only hope about Pissy. :lol: Both Pissy and Goutman need to be shown the door out of the building. Yes, Carjack are ratings gold when together or in a decent storyline. Katie/Brad/Juicy/Liberty...oye...dios mio....ugh.....is just horrible anyway you look at it. As for Martha and your statement about her.....I was thinking today that they probably ditched Martha because they KNEW they were going to pair Holden with Carly. They wouldnt want backlash from not only the Carjack fans but Martha's. I have a feeling this was done on purpose. <_<

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LoL. Hopefully ATWT will come to their senses soon enough. However, I'm hoping for an entirely new regime before this happens.

Once again the downward spiral of Carly continues. Sleeping with your friend's man just because he shows interests in your company?!


Is this Guiding Light where the characters swap partners, like they change their underwear. So contrived, so lazy, and just more poor plotting on an already deteriorating genre. Siiiigh.

And don't even get me started on the pitiful upcoming Noelle/Maura smack down scenes. I can't see Noelle holding her own, less making a seemingly convincing "woman scorned" performance. Oh well, prove me wrong I say, prove.me.wrong.

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I don't agree, but I guess it's a moot point. It does seem stupid to dump her to avoid a backlash, when they had to know dumping her would cause a bigger stink than splitting up Lilden. I tend to think the opposite...a happy Lilden was going to the backburner, and giving Martha the same amount of days was more than they wanted to use her.

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I do think had Martha stayed a happy Lilden would have gone to the backburner but I can't help but wonder if once the talks hit a snag if they stopped trying to make her happy and saw this as an "opportunity" to do this story if she left. We know Jon had wanted Holden paired with Carly and I wonder what kinds of promises were made to him with his new contract. And he doesn't seem to realize that this totally trashes Holden and instead thinks it's all good. :rolleyes:

The upcoming spoiler is going to make me just turn this off. I've been watching a long time but can't watch this garbage.

The camp scenes were just stupid yesterday as this whole story has been. It's idiotic and boring and today should only be worse. Was this really the only story they could come up with if they wanted to pair the two of them?

I'm having a real problem with this Chris/Ali story. He was way over the top when he locked her in yesterday and she's over the top wanting him fired. Other than seeing the vets, I'm really not liking this story. I had actually liked Chris/Ali as a couple before this started.

Can't stand Bratie/Janet either.

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