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Days: Week of June 2

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Ej and Nicole rocked..James Scott did a fantastic job today playing drunk EJ and Ari did a great job showing a little of Nicole's softer side, as we saw that Nicole really is starting to care for EJ..Sami dragging EJ out of the restaurant was also hilarious..Pretty good show today, but the John stuff was pretty boring..This drug storyline should be so much more exciting..but its turning out to be pretty lame.

And i'm getting tired of Chloe and Phillip having sex, getting dressed, then having sex again..But i guess neither of them have gotten any in a very long time..and i'm loving seeing Phillip shirtless so often..

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The EJ/Nicole and EJ/Nicole/Sami scenes made the show for me.

EJ and Nicole getting drunk at Chez Rouge that was the highlight. Fantastic job at playing drunk by JS -- just flat out entertaining. And Arianne did a wonderful job showing Nicole's growing feelings toward EJ. I also loved Sami getting EJ out of Chez Rouge. All three did a great job.

The rest of the show, eh. The Salem PD questioning of John was pretty awful. The conversation went no where fast. I cannot buy Roman as a cop anymore -- he's far too stupid!

Stax -- I can't remember what they were talking about. Bo and Hope -- still lovely but I wish they had something to do.

I'll refrain from commenting on Lucas. Let's just say I'm not sure what his return has added to the show except for making me double-up on my Prilosec intake.

Chloe's, gawd, she is so bad. And I'm not talking a bad/good way, just bad bad. She reminded of Larry Bud Melman on David Letterman with her line delivery. :lol: Chloe and Phillip just don't seem to have much passion there. They like to have sex but meh.

See, I'm brave, I posted here. Hi Toups! :)

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I so agree! What was up with John? He acted like a Frankinstein robot. Absolutely the worst. I sometimes wonder if he is really John without memories or a clone. At first his "new personality" was refreshing, now it is just tiresome. Loved Nicole and EJ though.

Me too, Jack.

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I am lovning ej and nicole as well. they are fun but i dont think they would make a good couple, sleeping together sure but thats it.

i am just happy that people like nicole, ej, sami, and philip have layers again! none of them are pure angelic or evil. they walk the line and do good and bad things.

im also into this max is a g storyline, and no by g i dont mean gangster! lol.

the only weak point for me right now is chloe. she just needs to go. if nadia would act it would help, but shes not so...

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Ari and James continue to rock the scenes they're in together as Nicole and EJ. I think they have amazing chemistry, but I don't want to see them as a real legit couple. Not at all. I like that Nicole knows EJ's secret about the annulment, but is keeping her knowledge about it a secret. She knows that she is going to be able to use this against EJ at some point to help herself in the long run. That's very Nicole-like.

For Pete's sake, can we have John call Nicole "Nikki K" one time, please? I know that was the old John's nickname for Nicole, but I always loved it and it made her so mad when he called her that.

I like this Yvonne chick. I wouldn't mind seeing her become an actual character with staying power.

Chloe's getting a new apartment, huh? Who wants to bet that she gets either Lucas or Sami's old apartment set? Steve and Kayla already got EJ's old apartment set with a new paint job. There are two apartment sets left.

It was nice seeing Kate again. While she was trying to control Lucas, it didn't really come off that way in today's show. The writing for Kate has definitely changed. I hope it continues to be like this. I want Kate to have a life of her own, even if it means sticking her with Roman. And this is like the first scene that Kate's had with one of her children in months. When's the last time she and Philip shared scenes?

The discussions about going green are so freaking laughable and rediculous. Very rolling eye moments with these scenes. Who cares? Not me.

I didn't like the way Hope came at John today. I didn't think that was fair at all, to just automatically accused John of doing this.

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I dont mind the go green talk at all, if soaps are gonna be preachy then at least do it about something worth it. i have gone very green and its all because of days. so.... but i can see how some would find it annoying. but i also think its more of an NBCUniversal thing then a days thing... (do you watch other networks? geez. its like go green or DIE! lol)

love the chem between jaes and ari but i agree drew, dont want ej and nicole as a real legit couple.

Drew, i also agree about Kate. IO have never really liked her but i am finding her less annoying, so thats a good thing. The last scene i can member between her and philip was the dinner party at victors with chelsea/daniel/chloe and nicoles return.

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I almost fell asleep watching Tuesday... it was almost aggressively boring. There is NOTHING HAPPENING. Who the F wants to see Bo and Hope talk about going green for the umpteenth time? Give them a real story. The direction and acting is starting to get really bad again. It's like last fall and winter never happened, and we're back to the cheap-feeling Days Amateur Hour of years past, except more things happened even then.

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