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OLTL: Discussion for the week June 2-6

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Can I just say it's great to be a soap fan right now? I come home and instead of dreading what I'm going to see, I'm excited. I get my daily dose of drama, comedy and just enough camp to warm my soap loving heart.

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That would be a nice validation of this kind of storytelling over one where firearms seem to the most over-exposed main characters. Was there much promotion? And more importantly, did they promote the right content?

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There was good promotion for this, and they didn't give it away. One thing that I liked, is immediately after the accident with Nash happened, they aired a new promo with Rex/Gigi/Adrianna/Dorian...instead of playing the same old promo that GH does.

My goal is to work on this mass mailing around 2 so I won't be able to read the thread, lol.

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I really hope so. It has been so long since talent and good storytelling and hard work got rewarded in Daytime. I would love for OLTL to keep strengthening because (fingers crossed) it could have a ripple effect on Daytime, forcing shows to promote talented new writers who love and understand the soap and the characters they are writing for.

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