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OLTL: Discussion for the week June 2-6

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I will also say I still love Natalie and Jared. Yes, they did the wrong thing for what Nat felt were the right reasons, and Jared bears some responsibility for what happened to Nash, but they are still rootable characters. Their dilemma is classic soap.

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I'm sorry that Nash is being written out, but wow-- I didn't know Bree Williamson had it in her! Best acting she's done so far. I cried when Clint and Viki said their goodbyes...and I haven't cried at a soap since Megan Gordon died many years ago. Really, really well done all around. Can't wait to see what happens next

Other than claiming to be cold, Gigi didn't seem to be in shock at all. Weird.

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I am so glad I have started watching this show, it has been such a treat for a soap fan to watch. Too bad I missed the whole second half of the show but I'll have to youtube it.

My favorite part from the first part is a tie between Nash telling Nat and Jared "out" and Rex telling his wifey she is her mother haha loved it.

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What an emotionally intense episode. The Jessica and Nash scenes.. :(

I felt so bad for Nash when Jessica told him that she was pregnant. This is all too much!!

I might not be able to see tomorrow's episode until later on Soapnet due to local preemptions (see my avi ;) ) so hopefully I will be able to restrain myself from reading the comments about it.

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I just watched today's episode on DVR. UNBELIEVABLE. I haven't been this crushed by a soap death in, um, forever. When Viki mentioned Joe, I realized that it all came full circle. Jessica's DID, her pregnancy and her husband dying young... she's mirroring Viki's life. BRILLIANT.

How beautiful were the Charlie/Jared scenes also?

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Woah.....I didn't even think of that! You're right, it's brilliant!

The best part was when Jared's crying and Charlie reaches over to touch Jared on the head and then Jared takes his hand and holds it.

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The entire show is brilliant. I know some are against the titles but it seems like if the show uses them to express the type of show that is coming up. Today was a sad and somber day with all storylines and then there are days when the s/l's are all about love and the titles reflect each show accordingly.

OLTL is simply amazing right now. While the show focused on the death of Nash and the fallout from BE it was still balanced as even the scenes outside the drama were great! Dorian/David, Gigi/Brody, and the Rex/Adrianna stories intersected brilliantly and will at one point all collide once again.

All actors also seem to be bringing their A game because of such great writing and it is wonderful to see on screen.

Yes he did, it makes me wonder how he will react when he finds out Gigi lied to him. I predict a dark Rex is on the way.

I thought she looked shocked because she was cold, holding her hands as if they were cold/clammy and she stuttered/shivered while speaking.

There are actually 3 stages of shock. Initial symptoms of shock include cold, clammy hands and feet; pale or blue-tinged skin tone; weak, fast pulse rate; fast rate of breathing; low blood pressure. A variety of other symptoms may be present, but they are dependent on the underlying cause of shock.

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