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Y&R: Week of May 26, 2008

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I am starting this because nobody else has...I hope this is okay.

I was just so touched by Monday's Memorial Day thread...and I'm surprised nobody else has commented. Well, I guess a few folks did in other places...

I posted a slightly different version of this on Usenet, where I have been dismayed by negative reaction to the revisiting of Cassie's death. Over there, there has been so much complaint about the mining of history on this show ("can't the writers come up with something original?"), and specifically complaints that revising Cassie's death is "FF Material"...we (and the show) should "get over it already".

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IMO, the ramifications of Cassie's death should be milked to every last drop. I think we've seen more emotional vulnerabilities over Cassie's passing in the past few episodes than we ever saw under Latham. It's the little moments that count, something we didn't get on the show with Latham. I found the scenes with Sharon and Nick at the cemetery touching. The worst type of death is the death of a child and its probably the type of death that is the hardest to get over.

Now, it's time to end this ridiculous Sharon/Jack/Phyllis/Nick quad and break Phyllis and Nick up. It would also help if Phyllis got her tits back...

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Those scenes were indeed touching and poignant. Joshua Morrow has grown leaps and bounds since his debut as the wealthy, boyish good looks son of Victor and Nikki Newman. I didn't think he'd get the tears, but alas he proved me wrong, and they were flowing.

I also found it sad that Victor failed to acknowledge the fact that Adam called him "dad" today. I still think this character has mega potential, and I like him and his portrayer.

The scenes with Cane, Jill, and Katherine tomorrow look awesome! I believe Cane is upset over Jill and Katherine arguing on the anniversary of Phillip's death.

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Today's episode was amazing. It's the best kind of soap, like OLTL's episode surrounding Asa's death. I love that all these years later Y&R still hasn't forgotten Cassie and I hope they never do. In real life you never forget a child, so why should you be expected to on a lifelong addiction like a soap? It shouldn't always be the anniversary, just random moments that hit various people who loved Cassie. Had she not been remembered we'd have something to complain about.

Y&R has a lot of problems (like a severe lack of stories), but it's still capable of pulling out a great episode here and there.

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Tomorrow's episode IS good. I'm surprised, pleasently so...much more character driven, the Cane/Jill/Katherine storyline finally made a little sense (although I am seriously concerned for Jeanne Cooper and after tomorrow you'll see why). The Cassie stuff has been gold...hopefully Sheffer is able to boost the show with some good corporate/umbrella storylines. Restless Style still sucks though.

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That sure were LOADS of flashbacks on Monday.

I liked it although the episode was slow.

But Danny Smarmalotti, boy: Michael Damian is worse than ever. His acting is atrocious. But I'm always LMAO at how Danny is touchy-touchy with his son Daniel. Talk about the Ewww-factor.

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Another good eppy. I get what someone meant earlier by Kay. Looks like she had another sick spell. Maybe even another mini stroke. I'm glad Cane had enough of Jill and Kay's bickering. He asked about his father and they went into who was to blame for what which was uncalled for.

Glad Nick has his full memory back and hopefully the quad can go their seperate way because I'm tired of all this Phick/Shick/Phack/Shack crap. It's been 3 years and the horse has been beat to death, brought back to life and beat to hell and back again. Both couples need drama that does not revolve around their exes.

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There are people on Earth who don't talk to each other because of one, two or more fights. However, these four characters (Sharon, Phyllis, Nick, Jack) are capable of going through EVERYTHING they've been through and still stay friends and close to each other (even though lately they've had business difficulties). I just don't buy it. And I hate it. Okay, I'm aware of the fact that this is a soap opera, but still...

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