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ATWT: Week of May 26 Discussion

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Eh...kind of solid eppy. I'm amazed TIIC remembered Casey stealing from the till back in like, Feb. Something about Em being mature and motherish confounds me.

Aaron was sure back to being Aaron today, instead of the a-hole he'd been with Ali the last couple of times.

Nice seeing Bob and Babs.


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Loved the Emily/Casey/Lisa stuff (It is nice that we are finally seeing more of Lisa)

I am really trying to get into this whole Chris/Ali/Aaron stuff but it is just so hard to even keep track of what is going on. But I did like the Aaron and Alison scenes, I would much rather the story be about them, and take Chris out of the equation.

MEg/Paul/Sofie- Ummm. I can't think of anything nice to say, so I won't say anything at all :P

Nice having the Paul and Babs scenes though.

Previews looked pretty good, with Casey/Tom/Margo.

Meantime in New York, the Winston/Luke/Noah/Amerra story is MIA :huh:

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Eileen looked a little better today. Her last couple of appearances, she seemed to be kind of drawn.

TIIC clearly don't understand how to write the Chris/Ali/Aaron triangle...Chris and Aaron alternate being a dick to her to send her in the other direction.

I wonder if Holden or Lily even know Luke is out of town. Although, I guess you can argue that today's eppy is still the same day Luke left.

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I was surprised how badly I felt for Casey today when he told Tom and Margo. And yeah, I get their disappointment in finding out he'd stolen again. THEN I got ticked off at the writing once again failing in continuity. From what I remember, this guard Casey bribed had set him up for fighting and getting his first probation chance blocked. (I could swear Gray set it up so he could control him...) Casey should have had the chance to explain the circumstances, whether or not it excuses his actions. Now, thanks to Margo, there's some fictional prison guard getting a pass for taking bribes from inmates.

With apologies to Dusty....I'm floving Lily. Noelle rocks in scenes with Liz Hubbard. I was a little confused by Lily's talk of electricians, etc...Lily acts as if she's moved into a new house, not her old one. And this revamped set seems to be a hodge-podge. Those shuttered windows used to be on Lucinda's old pool house, and the book case from one of Lucinda's old studies. The wainscotting reminds me of Lily and Holden's first cottage from their first marriage.

Boy...could Liberty have been any more annoying today?

I will say this about the Carly/Holden scenes. Their talk on the porch used to be a staple on soaps. (Their diner talk...OY VEY, it nearly put me to sleep...) Now it seems kind of old-fashioned in a way. And I sure didn't appreciate the painfully hard sell of Carly and Holden's new "friendship".

Overall, I thought it was a solid show. Carly, Sage and Parker have some really cute family moments.

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With apologies to P.J., Noelle sucked @$$ yet again today! Sorry, but she just sucks. And I'll never get used to her. I've tried...and my mother's succeeded in welcoming her with open arms (traitor!), but nobody can pull off a scene with as much explosive chemistry between two actresses as Elizabeth Hubbard and Martha Byrne.

Lily's shrieking today that Holden no longer loves her and is replused by her touch grated on my nerves. Also kinda snickered at Lily telling the kids to hush their mediocre-decibel excitement because of Ethan, but when "Mother" walks in the house, we can yell to the top of our lungs about Lily not getting any. :rolleyes:

I still don't see how Lily thinks moving "home" is going to do any good. Out of sight, out of mind. That's probably what's going to happen. Lily's a dumb@ss. (And I would've never said that with MB in the role...give or take a serial bomber by the name of Hans or a killer monster-in-law by the name of Orlena).

Holden and Carly's friendship is sooo forced-feeling that I can't even try to enjoy it.

Wow. So Casey stole. Again. Big whoop. (And refresh my memory....did he really steal the bonds? Or did he just take the blame for the crime to save Adam?) I hate when Margo gets on her high horse. You would have thought Casey had just murdered again the way she was crying and faliling her arms around and sniffling and screaming. And what do they think Casey going to school is going to do? Somehow fix his stealing problem?? :huh:

I shuddered when Casey yelled at his mom and dad that he had finally found something that he liked to do, was good at, whatever. The main scene that flashed through my mind when he said that was him nibbling on Emily's toes under the desk, half-naked, with a hard-on from hell, while Daddy Dumbest talks about sending his other son (the one with Emily, y'know...Casey's little brother) off to summer camp.

Lastly....the set. Holden and Lily's "home". ITA with P.J. Did they get a new house while they've been living at the Snyder farm for the past year and a half? Or did the re-modeling done to their almost completely charcoaled house (thanks, Les) not quiet suit their tastes? The set is dumb. Doors like Lucinda's guest house. A couch like Tom and Margo's. Bricks or wood or whatever like Paul's secluded cabin where Meg nursed him twice. And a kitchen that closely resembles Carly's.

Liberty/Parker wasn't even necessary today. Her countless attempts at c0ckblocking are really starting to make me think that TIIC are forcing a GL-esque "kissing cousins" romance.

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I thought it was. But that's me.

Yo, Dusty...yep, Casey stole the bonds from Crash, and trashed it. He told Adam, and Adam's the one who planted the single bond at Willen's to make Gwennie believe Will was trying to sabotage her cd. I think Lisa actually dropped the breaking in charges, and Willen persuaded Babs to drop the charges for stealing (after Adam's attempted rape). The one charge the DA refused to dismiss was the one for trying to frame Will---but that was Adam. Casey, however, couldn't tell them that without getting into Gwen and Maddie's covering up Adam's "death" and the attempted rape, which he thought would devastate Margo. So alot of what he's dealing with is thanks to Adam. I don't know what's a better story...recasting Adam and dealing with the bitterness between brothers or leaving that hole in the Hughes family.

The more Em counsels Casey, the more KMH puts a motherly vibe on it, and it creeps me out.

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I kinda thought Paul/Em were twisted and hot. I don't remember mothering vibes there, more like concern and caring. There's something about the extreme age difference between Casey and Em that makes her concern motherish to me.

It probably doesn't help that Em seems to bring up Danny either.

Oh, and anyone else think there's NO WAY IN HELL Carly would have found a Parker/Libby date "cute", in light of the fact he keeps getting into trouble with her?

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I didn't think she found the Parker/Liberty date "cute"....soleyl because they didn't know one another was going to the same movie until they got there. I think Carly was referring to Parker/Ashley when she stated that about the "cute"ness.

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Nah....I mean back at the house, when Carly was first finding out Parker was going to the movies. The first name out of Carly's mouth was Liberty. The Carly of Old wouldn't have let her son anywhere near the pipsqueak who had just been getting him in trouble. Not to mention, Parker wasn't even punished for going to Liberty's room and running up that huge room service bill.

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