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Y&R: Week of May 19, 2008

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I agree and disagree. I'm hating Y&R too, but LML's stories were much better than this boring mess. The ratings are going to drop more and more until they change writers.

I haven't watched today's episode yet. I guess I'll force myself to pull it up on my dvr after I watch a real soap..B&B. I never thought I would say this but they ought to let Bradley Bell do like Riley did on NBC and write for two soaps. (Didn't William Bell also write for both soaps.)

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Oh I absolutely agree with you, LML's stories were better...it's just that what she wrote wasn't Y&R. LML decided that writing Knots Landing 2.0 was better than Y&R. She was wrong...but her stories did have some sort of movement even though they were disrespectful to history, where hack jobs and ridiculous. But yes, they did appear to go somewhere.

Brad Bell should write for both shows. He might be a mediocre writer...but at least he assembles a good team around him and gets B&B moving.


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Why does everybody hate them so much? Today's episode was another great one:

VICTOR: Ma belle chienne

SABRINA: Vieille chèvre sexuelle!

VICTOR: I love you my petite artwoman!


NIKKI: I don't know what to do with David. His obvious addiction and lies have me so confused.

KATHERINE: Maybe you are wrong about him.

NIKKI: Maybe I am.

DAVID: Hi, old farts.

NIKKI: David! Tell me, where you off at some villa, playing cards and loosing tons of money?

DAVID: No. Why would you think that? Why? Did I... Did... Why? No, why?


DAVID: Trust me!


KATHERINE: Oh, I am so happy for you!

JILL: Nikki, you miserable bitch, I'm gonna pull your hair out!

NIKKI: Oh, shut it, I am the CEO of this company and therefore I'm smart.

DAVID: Bwa ha ha ha ha!

ADAM: Phyllis, I hear you're bored.


ADAM: What, you're not gonna talk to me?


ADAM: Phyllis, please, I love you so much my wee-wee goes BAM!

PHYLLIS: When does my contract expire?

JACK: Abbot Mansion, Abbot Mansion, Abbot Mansion

SHARON: Jack, you need to back me up! I mean, how can you not? Look at me! I don't wear any jeans anymore!

JACK: Sharon, I love you.

SHARON: I love you too, Jack, even though our "love" came from a completely plot driven idea from Hack Bitch LML, and although I love Joshua Morrow's abs more.

JACK: ... Fine. I'm gonna go stumble upon another Gloria storyline then.

LILY: Wuah, wuah, wuah

CANE: You're smart.

CHLOE: I want to do my job and everyboy hates me and thinks I'm a bitch!

DEVON: I'm not sure I still exist.

SABRINA: Oh, hi Victoria. How amazing to run into you at the only cafeteria in town.

VICTORIA: Suck it, loathsome art dealer.

SABRINA: Now, why do you hate me? I mean, Victor c'est magnifique!

VICTORIA: Ew, you know that the sperm he deposits in you is the same sperm I came from?

SABRINA: But I thought he had a vasectomy.

VICTORIA: Don't go there, I'm afraid mom, Diane and Ashley might be around.

SABRINA: I want us to be friends!

VICTORIA: Maybe a roll in the sack, but that's all. I am STRONG!


ADAM: Wow, I closed yet another deal! I rock!

PHYLLIS: I wish Cricket was here.

VICTOR: Nick, what are you doing here?

NICK: I came to tell you something, dad.

VICTOR: Which is?

NICK: I hate you.

VICTOR: OK, see you tomorrow when you tell me the exact same thing again.

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Today was sad.

Gloria and Jeff playing games and such is just not interesting, esp. in sextagenarians. Alistair has been ruined. He is a slimy drunk who will screw over anyone for $$.

Today's show was largely Lily-Cane-Chloe and...sigh.

David-Nikki-Brad was ... sigh

Not a single interesting A story here.

There is serious trouble. I largely enjoy the actors (although Melody has a stiffness to her that makes me think she is in serious back or pelvic pain...the latter being something she has been public about).

My beloved show is ... sigh. Screwed.

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Like, I've almost got a case of the giggles when it comes to the state of Y&R. I thought LML stripped me of my sanity...I was mistaken...Griffith and Arena Bell have upped the ante...I'm literally losing my sh*t watching this show...

I can only hope that the ratings go even lower, these two need to be FIRED and FAST.

Now, I think I'll go nurse a stiff Vodka whilst watching B&B, the last 'soap opera' that I can count on.

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Wednesday was a bit better than Monday and Tuesday... but still not good. I liked Paul's scenes and the fact that Adam made a business mistake. But otherwise, it was boring. And at least we got to see Heather (second time this month).

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I cannot believe Doug davidson has been on the show 30 years. Man is fine! I never got the appeal back in the 80s when he had that pouffy blonde hair and those Miami Vice suits, but he has aged well. Time to pair him with Nikki or Jill, I say.

And out of all the boring dredge, I've gotta pimp Cane & Chloe. It's probably just me but that confontation scene they had at Jabot? I thought it was hot. Liz Hendrickson is a find.

It's official. Lily is the new Cricket.

Ugh. Heather. Her voice bugs me.

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