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GH: Week of April 14th

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Yeah. Having her boink Mobtastic on her first episode was probably not the wisest move TIIC ever made. I love how they are blaming the scab writers for Claudia's failure to bring up the ratings. Because she arrived before the strike -- back when Luza was crafting this particular ode to the Magic Peen.

Still, I think they are gradually moving her in the Independent Bitch direction.

Can anybody tell me the big attraction with Yawny? Dude looks like a potato with sideburns and a sleeveless vest.

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I liked Johnny at first but now he's been Lulufied and that is that. I find both he and Lulu's little can't stay away/stay away dance a bit annoying but not enough to feel sorry for Logan, who seems destined to become another bump in the road for them.

I don't think Claudia's moving to independent because their ladling her with a whole lot of emotion in an effort to generate empathy for the character. She's got this border line obsession with Johnny that's more of the mother trying to make up for lost time and failure than the protective sister thing.

I didn't have a problem with Robin saying what she did since I took it to be a catalyst for her recognizing that she was being unfair to Patrick. She gets to evolve from her selfishness.

Writing Carly in denial to make her sympathetic doesn't work for me since she is a bad mother all the way around. Telling Jax that Michael still calls Jason when he can't fall asleep rung as untrue. If Jason had said that maybe it would have seemed believable but Carly is too out of touch with her kids that the nanny would know that sort of thing better than she. All Carly's performance did yesterday was make me think that if she and Jason had been the ones with Michael that she would have dove to protect Jason over her Michael. I almost felt sorry for Jax but then they made him the idiot that married her so forget that.

Again they gave Jason this fantastic sounding reason for his choices as long as you accept it and don't give ti another thought. Otherwise you'd realize it was bogus. No problem if they don't want him to leave the mob. Just don't keep having him use danger as a reason to conveniently end his relationships and make him look all torn up about it. For years he's been ready to step up and play some child's father despite the danger and is Michael in any less danger now that he's in the hospital?

Jason is a soap hunk and they can't avoid having him in a relationship even though the ideal for that character would be to be detached. Since he has to have someone then give him someone and let that be the end of it with him and the women and danger being the reason he walks away. Let him make a pact that love trumps danger and being present as a father trumps the pretense and give him his life of danger with the shielded family as well., It's a soap world not the real world and there's no sense in dabbling in reality for convenience and lazy writing.

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I hate the writing for Claudia and the character really got off to a horrible start, but I think Brown's been giving it the best she's got. She's been really good in those emotional scenes and she's always sparkled with Steve Burton, out of all the Carly's, her Carly was the one who had the sexual chemistry with Jason. It's showing now too, those JIZ fans must be pissed that those two are sharing scenes together more and more time again.....

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Yeah this was the first time they've showed it. They did the same thing when they killed off Cooper, show his bumper at the end of the ep with Maxie. It was a slap in the face to 3M fans IMO. And yeah the bumper was meant to look silly. They make two bumpers for everyone. One thats real serious and another that kinda silly. Here's two examples



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Why should they be pissed? He's sharing more scenes with Carly than anyone else right now and it's kind of hard to make a case for his being with Claudia since her botched hit on Sonny put Michael in the condition he is in. I personally don't see any sexual chemistry between Jason and anyone but I'm sure fans of all of his pairings think differently.

From a story point perspective, pairing him with Claudia would be worse than pairing him with Sam who he threatened to kill. It would be very hard to take Jason seriously he was shacked up with the woman who is indirectly responsible for what happened to the first child he ever loved. And since Jason doesn't do much but look like he's in pain then she would be wasted on him anyway if the idea was to generate heat.

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Im glad Robin saw what a hypocrite she was being regarding Carly

The only good thing I can say about Lulu is at least she finally let Logan go instead of keeping him on a tight leash. He deserves better than her. How about they try him with Nadine? I thought he had good chemistry with Maxie before. It would be interesting to see them pair up since she is single bc I bet that would drive Lulu crazy

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I was thinking the same thing today. Logan and Nadine would be good together. :)

I loved the Sonny and Kate scenes. I have to say since Kate came along I might actually like Sonny. How did that happen? Megan Ward really is amazing and Kate is bringing out the best in Sonny. That's not an easy task. I have to give her credit for that.

What's with Jason on his high horse and looking at Sonny while he's giving his little speech that was really more suited for Carly. :rolleyes:

I swear I've seen the DC bumper before. :unsure:

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