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GH: Week of April 14th

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Elizabeth finally bought a clue. "You're choosing that life over me and the boys?" Well DUH! It only took her over a year to figure it out. Ive been sick of hearing about this great big sacrifice that Jason made by staying away from them but if he truly loved and wanted to be with him, he would have left the mob and made a life with her and his son. Liz is only now realizing that that is never going to happen. His first love will always be the violence that he lives in. Its what he knows best. Elizabeth and her kids will always take a backseat to that

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I know! She was preaching about how a father needs to be part of his child's life while she sees no need for Patrick to be a part of her child's. Sure Robin's circumstances are a bit different, but it's all the same. I still love Robin regardless.

What was up with that Michael bumper? Dylan Cash is leaving and yet they air that bumper now!! (this was the first time they aired it, right?) Plus it just looked like a bunch of outtakes.

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Sorry, I like Claudia despite myself. Can't help it.

LW is doing a good job but MB is not winning me over at all.

Even though I didn't agree with everything Robin said, I thought it was cool to see a scene between Sonny and Robin -- the first in forever. They were close back in the day.

Not always sure about Liaison but that was a sweet and tender goodbye kiss. Damn. Why does Jason get a free pass when Sonny doesn't?!

Perhaps that's the excuse JFP used for firing him? You know "We've done some focus groups... oh, and those bumpers didn't come out the way we wanted. Guza already told you: no smiling! So... you're fired."

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is that the first time DC's bumper has aired? i felt like i had seen it before. idk.. i just love how often they play the maxie one. it seems like a lot.

you know what i love even tho i know i should bash it? the up and down go around of Liason. they are on then off, shes ready hes not. hes readys hes not. both agree to stay apart but cant keep away. both decide to go public then something happens. so much angst, and i love it all! i figured after 9 years i can wait a little more before they lvie together all happy in bliss then they get ruined.

so i tried watching claudia in clips today and understand her and feel for her and like her and... nope. total hate. thats all i got from it. die. now. please. and ty.

lets see.. what other gh randomness am i feeling right now? humm... i like jerry, and idk why. i think its the actor. ian i like and idk why either, but he even makes me like sam. i think maxie & lucky need to have some sex again. just a quick roll around or ten. diane and max are cute. alexis i feel so blahh with. sam i have been able to like for the past week. it shocks me how much i can love scrubs and hate robin. i think LW has been fab, and its obivous MB needs to go. i have been loving nikolas & nadine and spinelli & maxies friendships.

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Unpopular opinon yeah Robin is a hypocrite but Robin was right about everything she said about Carly. I've always felt Carly was more hyocritical and self righteous than Robin ever will be.I could care less about Carlys pain and I hate this stupid Michael storyline. I'm not impressed but any of the actors in this story.

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