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GH: Week of April 14th

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I thought Logan reacted pretty well considering, yesterday. "Woman up and admit you chose Johnny." At least he can deal with the truth. Lulu still has done nothing to endear me to her. The actress seems to have a sneer permanently etched on her face.

Sonny seems to have forgiven himself. Oh, goody. I'm so pleased he didn't feel the need to go to his Dark Place. :rolleyes:

OK, I'm ready for this Humungous Tragedy SL to get going somewhere. But the trailer for today's episode featuring a bunch of peeps asking others out, all prom-like, to some ball was a tad jarring. :lol: Tragedy. And... party! Nice to see Lucky, though.

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Maybe you will get some more tragedy at the party.

I thought Lucky wanted to work things out with Sam so it makes perfect sense for him to invite Elizabeth to go with him using Luke as the reason. Wow these writers are clever. Keep the games going.

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Is the whole HS thing fluff? On that note, I didn't like Diane's hair.

Jax and Carly's conflicts seem to be very artificial to me. They rushed through the I want to have a child with you to the miscarriage. Now they're prematurely making him the voice of doom to create conflict with Carly. He barely appears and he's over Elizabeth's as if it's critical that he know right that minute about Michael. Then he's telling Carly to give up and face reality. The only sensible things in their interaction was about Morgan and was when Carly pointed out that it hadn't even been a week. And if there was a point to Jax telling her that Elizabeth said anything then it must be to stir up more drama.

The best thing about Lulu today was her expression when Johnny interacted with Maxie.

Diane's line about grabbing Alexis' fake hair was funny.

I still don't get why people who think Elizabeth is the worst mother for wanting to be with Jason are into Jerry and Alexis since not only is he also dangerous but he threatened her nephew's life.

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I loved the scenes at Crimson...finally GH is writing females in an interesting way. I loved Maxie's "How about I call you after I have sex with them and then we'll see who's laughing" line, Maxie Jones is LOVE! Also, the Kate/Alexis/Dianne scenes were really great too. This is my favourite part of GH right now, I hope they dont screw this up.

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Ian threatening Claudia

Ahhh how intriguing that the skanky doctor is giving a threat to someone who is just like him: slutty, silly, selfish, disgusting, sleazy, and a bit on the wh0re side. Gosh I can totally see the two s*luts, Claudia and Sam, fighting each other over this piece of trash. Talk about a loathsome triangle of three stooges!

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