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B&B: Week of March 17th

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I just want more utilization of the cast. Pam, Donna, Eric, Bridget, Brooke, Katie, Nick, Ridge Ashley, Felicia, Storm, Thorne, Stephanie, Rick, Taylor... Just put some of these characters on a generous rotation, and I'd be a Happy Pammy!

Last week kicked some ass, though. There were some great episodes, especially Thursday. And I still say that Katie-Nick is where the writers are going and that Nidget is just a temporary smoke-screen.

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Bang , Bang, BANG! OMG, I about fell out of my chair when Pam pulled out that fake gun on Donna. Too funny. I also loved her and Stephanie teaming up against the bimbo. I cant beleive Donna threw her and I wanted Pam to slap her for that but was LMAO when she came back to scare her. The thing that B&B has that none of the other soaps has is HUMOR and I was laughing throught the whole show

I was also dying when she said "Hootchie Cootchie" LMAO

I also thhought it was funny when Brooke said that Rick's girl is taylor made for him. LOL...if only she knew.

I was hoping that Nick wouldnt sleep with Bridget. It was pretty bad that he wasnt even kissing or responsding to her at first was was trying to force himself into it

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Monday's show was awesome, wasn't it? The whole episode was hilarious, Pam is such a great psycho and I'm glad that it's going towards Pam terrorizing Donna and knowing believing her. :lol: I fell down laughing when I realized it was a toy and when Pam scared her again after Stephanie left. I also jumped too :lol: Also, someone mentioned last week that Brooke is being written so much differently lately and I have to completely agree. She is not forced down to our throats as a poor victim/heroine anymore, therefore I have found myself really liking her now. She's not being presented as good or bad, just what she is, and it's great. Love how Rick lets her have it. Bridget is really asking for trouble and I, too, believe that Katie and Nick will soon be a couple. I'm just glad Alden's taking her time with it. Wagner and Tom are hilarious together!

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Pam was great!! "Bang, Bang!!" :lol: Now this is a psycho I can have fun watching unlike that psycho in Salem. :D

It looks like Katie and Nick will hook up. Why are they going there!!?? Oh well, at least B&B is "consistent" with their "keep it in the family" model.

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Yeah, KKL looks like she's getting into her stride. The Brooke character appears to be transitioning into something stronger, bitchier, more pro-active. Like she was back in the good old days. :lol:

I just saw some spoilers for this week and next and, let's just say, at least the recycled SLs are involving some stories I can enjoy. Unlike February, the one-SL month which was just painful.

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