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B&B: Week of March 17th

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I know you disagree about Brooke falling out of love with Nick that fast. But even you mentioned how fast Rick has fallen in love with Taylor. That's my point. B&B makes these people fall in out of love at the drop of the dime when they come up with a new storyline. Just like Rick has fallen in love With Taylor so fast, I think that Brooke has gotten over Nick fast.

Regardless I think she was only attracted to Nick once she found out Jack was her biological child. That made her feel closer to Nick. Before that she wasn't giving the Nick the time of day.

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and dont you love it? The show is GOOD! It looked like it was going to be in one of its down phases a few weeks ago, but it looks like we're avoiding one of those at least for the near future bc Im loving the show thanks to Pam and all the drama elsewhere

The thing is I dont believe Rick loves Taylor. He is confused and he's attracted to her but there has been nothing shown on teh show to support a love connection here. The boy is in lust. Brooke on the other hand has history with Nick and has loved him for years. I dont believe she ever stopped loving him and she has been proving that over the past few weeks. She might try to hide her feelings now bc of Bridget, but she is not over Nick, at least not htat quick. Watch, she will end up showing her feelings again. Thats a given based on the pattern she always has
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I'm pretty sure Brooke's feelings will come up again. Just like Ridge's feelings have come up again for Ashley and then Brooke and Ridge will break up for the umpteenth time. But for right now I definitely see them pushing a Bridget/Nick/Katie triangle. I actually find Katie and Nick interesting too.

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I don't think I've ever been a fan of Ronn Moss. No, actually, that's a lie: I *love* when Ronn Moss gives interviews with the soap press because he calls it like he sees it. But Ridge? I remember my mom and I laughing about this buffoon since 1987.

However! The chemistry between Moss and Eileen Davidson is off-the-charts. The last time he had chemistry like that, it was Joanna Johnson (Caroline) and she left the show. Ridge is so much easier to stomach with Ashley. :blink: Uhoh. Am getting intested in RAsh!

B&B is on fire right now. They are actually using more than half their cast! What I would love to see, though, is a Kendall/Greenlee type friendship between Ashley and Felicia. Or, come to think about it, between any woman. Felicia & Bridget had a great sisterly vibe, too.

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The evil has gotten you too, eh Smithers. EXCELLENT! ;)

Seriously: Ridge and Ashley are fantastic together. It's as if Eileen Davidson is baking hash-cookies for Ronn Moss to unstiffen him. :lol:

Ronn Moss doing pretty good with her and Ridge is so uhm bearable with Ashley.

That said; I'm still wayyy behind with B&B. Have just watched Pam's grande return. Nothing as fitting for a very Christian intro for an Easter weekend than death threats. :lol:

The show is defintely picking up but it is still a bit too much. Usually there is just one crack-head-story. Now we have three of them... :huh:

It's very entertaining and I appreciate that kisses instead of sex romps and insta-weddings are currently sufficient shocker material in all these combos, yet I can't help myself and long for some serious vicious business fights...

Especially, since I'm currently sitting on a Martha Stewart-like case at work which SCREAMS soap opera with some black money in Liechtenstein, disgruntled step-sons and financial advisors working for their own pockets. Now that's compelling drama!

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LOL, sheilaforever needs to start "consulting" over at B&B! Your case sounds like a German-related one since they are having those problems with Liectenstein being Germay's de facto tax haven. Where I'm working, the financial sector has essentially turned inwards and started eating itself. I watched a bunch of people carry their belongings in a box from the main HQ of a major bank yesterday as I walked past at lunchtime. It was really depressing. Greed and recklessness destroying a lot of people's lives. I'm praying it doesn't hit my firm too hard.

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