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90210: Discussion Thread


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me too. i feel like they now have an overall feeling and direction the show had lacked. before it seemed like a lets throw things out there and see what sticks. you can tell they like annie/ethan as the show man couple, who will pretty much be together but have issues. Silver/Dixon will be the sidekick couple thats a lot more complex and layerd with internal issues. Then you have the friends.


if i was Navid i would have left her too. Whats he suposed to do? Hes what, 16? I wouldnt be able to take that on now at 21 let alone at 16.

yes. i think they wanted KL's char to become the steve but then he got all this other work and he cant/wont commit to the show, but i like him.

yup. i agree. love the parents. i LOLed at ethans reaction to finding them in the car.

i am pretty sure they will bring her back on. She is a great comical relief, but they do need to let debbie and harry establish themselves as a married couple raising kids and living in bev hills without his mother. ya know?

i cant wait.

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she seemed a bit off with the way she quickly turned on Annie and attacked for no reason. Not too mention she came across obsessive and over the top with her hate against Naomi. I thought the girl had some serious issues. At first it seemed to be her drunk mother and her past history but it just may be more.

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Yeah, Silver's storyline is going to be pretty good. The way she treated Annie and Ethan after they were kissing and looking at Dixon like he had 4 heads when he told her 'I love you', wow.. Girl definitely has some problems! I have a feeling Dixon will end up turning to Christina (the bisexual girl)

I really love Naomi and Ade's friendship. I love that she's right there for her, unlike NAVID who I was really disappointed with in the episode. He's the guy who payed for her rehab, helped her after she left rehab and became her boyfriend.. now he suddenly wants nothing to do with her? Sad.

Annie and Ethan are TOO cute. I love that they decided to wait, but I don't think everything's going to be smooth sailing for Ethan.

I have a feeling Tabitha will be back soon.

And finally tonight Kelly gets to confront Ryan about sleeping with Brenda. I was surprised about that reveal, we didn't even see them hook up, kiss or anything.

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I dont know, i feel for him. I eman puit yourself in this 16 year old kids shoes. His new girlfriend is prego and its not his baby. What would you do? Most would walk away, and i honestly dont see anything wrong with that. I would too. Its sad yes, but there are two sides.

Silver is LOVE! But i felt so bad for her when Dixon broke up with her, but at the same time... she is a little much.

Annie & Ethan are adorable. I was shocked byt he car accident and cant wait to see whats next for them. I love how unlike other teen shows this one doesnt have the front main couple, the cute sidekicks, and the rest. Well, they do.. but they all rotate spots. One week Dixion/Silver is the main focus couple and they have issues when Annie/Ethan are the cute side couple, then it flips, and then they pull adrianna front and center or naomi. It has great balance.

I love the new drama teacher too. And ryan. and kelly. and the parents.

ALM was really good IMHO. i love it when Naomi is a bitch.

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Ryan is only 23? Masn he's younger than me. I thought he was closer to 30. Wow, Kelly really was rocking the cradle then...lol. How self centered of her to think that his issues with Erin had to be about her. I liked how he handled the situation. Girl needs to realize taht she seriously hurts people with her website

Is Naomi's dad, Will from AMC?

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Yeah I think so.

Really great episode this week. Loved seeing Adriana in the opening! Her scenes with Kelly and Naomi were great. I felt bad for her when she told Naomi she couldn't get an abortion cause she was too far along. Ty being the baby daddy was shocking. I'm glad RRK spiced his character up a bit cause under G&J he was a complete and utter bore.

Naomi's scenes with her dad and Gail were awesome! I wish Naomi would have told Gail he was cheating on her with the real estate agent(who was played by Kristen Miller, DD from She Spies).

Annie can be so effin annoying sometimes. Her whining over not getting the lead in the play got old, real fast. Also, I hope Ethan's alright(he should have known better then to use a cell phone while driving, go buy a blue tooth or headset you dumb ass!).

Dixon came off like a jackass breaking up with Silver like he did, though I understand why he broke up with her. Loved his scenes with Debbie.

And Ryan is such a manwhore lol, first Kelly, then Brenda, then Kimberly, and now the director of the play. Dude needs to try being single for awhile lol. And I'm sorry, I don't buy him being 23. 27, yes, 23, no.

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Don't have the energy to write something creative. So I'm just gonna say that I agree with detroitpiston ^^. Except for the Dixon breaking up with Silver part. I think he's tried to communicate with her and she just won't budge. Childish really.

Oh, and I love Adrianna's hair this way. She's so d*mn pretty!

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I was surprised too. I thought he was mid-to-late 20's.

I liked the twist! Instead of making the father someone we don't know, they made it Ty's.

I'm disappointed he broke it off with her. What a fool. LOL

She sure is. :wub:

Ahh...so Jeff and Gabe were clashing with the network. No wonder the show has been disjointed with no real vision.

I still want my "group episode" where all the teens are together. The show is so isolated.

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I was surpised to see Aimee Teegarden on the show. Telling from her last scene, it seem like she's gonna be on some more.

I like the change in Ethan. It's a different path and a healthy one.


Wow, what a turn Adrianna's mom did. I really really like the scene in the bedroom. Hope their relationship will stay this way.

I was so waiting for someone to tell Ty's mom off. Finally Constance woke up!

Gosh, I've gotta say. Adrianna is by far my favorite character. I don't know what it is, but it's just something about her... And the hair still looks gorgeous! ;)

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I like Aimee (FNL fan here) and she's cute. At first was disappointed in Rhonda's duplicity because I really liked her tender scenes with Ethan. In this one episode, Rhonda/Ethan bonded more than Ethan/Annie all season. But then I laughed because it could be fun to see a bad girl who causes trouble.

Me too. Ethan was enjoyable in this episode - all thanks to Rhonda of course.

Adrianna is the star of this show and has been since the first episode - that's why I was wondering before, that a supporting character is getting all the meaty storylines. Loved that slow-mo walk in the last scene. And yay to the hair still looking good! LOL

Navid was back and he was hilarious as usual. Loved his "uncool" speech. I like his friendship with Dixon. We need more friendship scenes like they had in this last ep.

I thought Jessica Stroup was pretty good in the scene on the street with Dixon where Silver realizes she's in love with Dixon.

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