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AMC: Monday, February 18, 2008

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Lovin' Angie and Jesse but there's one thing I'm curious about. Where is Angie's Jesse-lookalike husband named Jacob? Remember him? And why was she so sure that the person that she saw on the train was Jesse and not Jacob? It's going to be interesting to see if Jacob is even mentioned throughout any of this.

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Yeah to be fair I was pleasantly surprised that they mentioned Jacob back then (I guess the fact B&E created him helped) but I can't see anyway for them to bring it up now, without completely confusing those who never watched Jacob on Loving/City so it's best not to bring up the lookalike thing...

So did I miss an exit scene with Frankie? Anyone know? :P

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Heh, bad overlook. After the death bed stuff there wasn't any reason there shouldn't have been an actual same day as departing scene for both Angie/Frankie and Jesse/Frankie (Jesse just looking at him, maybe him and Angie, from the distance).

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I honestly thought they were going to kill Jacob off and thats the onyl way I can see things progressing. They do that and they wont have to deal with him being a lookalike and it frees up Cassandra to come live with Angie. But still, they'd have to address it bc I cant see Cassandra living with Jesse and not acknowledging taht he looks exactly like her father

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Well Alexa Havins could play trash with her eyes closed. Bottom line Alexa could act period. I remember her first few scenes when she came on in the Chandler mansion and she was able to make Babe's lack of class and tact humorable. I will always remember when she called Adam "pops" and when she came down in that all tickle me pink outfit to meet everyone for dinner. It was as if she had characteristics from Opal, Dixie and Liza all shaken up within her. She was such a breath of fresh air when she first came on.




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Yeah in the end anyway--by the time of The City for all intents and purposes Jacob and Jesse were interchangeable. That's why initially I wanted them to bring Jacob on but I get why bringing Jesse on has MUCH more emotional pay off for AMC fans (it was always a mistake that Angie and Jacob NEVER went to Pine Valley/AMC when they joined Loving IMHO--I doubt many AMC fans even knew it unless they read the soap rags). But now frankly I think it'll just be dropped--when we do eventually (I assume) see Cassandra on. And... I'm kinda ok with that--though I suppose a Jesse/jacob double story could be interesting, they're SOO interchangeable it wouldn't even have any fun soap twin stuff to play off--unless they made Jacob so bitter abotu Jesse he goes psycho :rolls eyes:...

Actually... that prob will happen :P

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