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AMC: Monday, February 18, 2008

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That clip reminds me of "old school" AMC when it used to be great soap consistently and I cared about EVERYONE. (And it also seemed to echo Cliff and Nina's '86 train scenes a bit.)

How I wish Soapnet would re-run '70s/'80s AMC and other soaps.

Anyway, I cannot WAIT for Monday's episode. Darnell and Debbi made me cry like a baby!

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I whole heartedly agree with that statement. Angie and Jesse more than make up for the other garbage going on currently. I loved how the whole Angie Jesse stuff today was centred around Angie just taking it all in and just looking, touching Jesse realizing it isn't a dream and not wanting him to spill all the bad and ugly stuff that has kept him away all these years. Debbi and Darnell are making this feel so believable and as someone said taking it past the soapiness of it all. I feel their emotions, I got chills when they started moving toward each other than stopped and like they couldn't believe this was happening.

The rest of the show, the fashion show wasn't THAT bad.... Erica getting arrested at the end was a great ending but that freeze frame was so DAYS LOL.

I wonder who tipped off Jack? I don't know this Erica storyline is promising to be something worth watching too. I love Annie glaring at Greenlee, I hope they start being rivals again.... Annie is the loser of this whole mess and I am behind her.

Babe, once a skank always a skank just one problem, Amanda Baker can't even work that aspect of the character for me. I just kept imaging Alexa in the role and was like, she would have made this half entertaining. Watching Amanda Baker try to do skank, it just ain't workin.....

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I actually found Hova to be the skankiest of the day.

Aidan & Greenlee can FOAD

There was a time I would have loved Zach and Aidan being friends, but not this abusive asshatish Ryan JR version of Aidan pfftttt

Debbi & Darnell are freaking amazing! The writing wasn't the greatest for the J&A scenes, but D&D turned crap into gold......

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I actually liked the way the fashion show was shot and all the ladies looked great. I love that little Emma and Ryidiot doesn't deserve her :angry:

Loved Angie/Jesse's reunion.

Loved Jack giving Sam dirty looks and knowing he is pond scum from the get go. ;) I hate that Sammy the Slime is using Erica to further his political agenda. I hope she and Jack work to bring him down and ruin the one thing he wants most of all, his chance at the Senate seat. Maybe Dre is going to help them accomplish that.

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I am pretty much convinced Sam is just here to be a wedge between Jack and Erica leading to their eventual reunion, which I am unhappy about. I was looking forward to something new in the relationship department for Erica and Jack.... for me like almost every other couple on this show, they have become very stale.

They seemed to have dropped the Jack/Julia business. In premise I was supportive of that storyline, but on the other had there was zero chemistry LOL.

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