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ATWT Monday, January 14

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I would love it if Paul bit the dust too. Correct me if I'm wrong about the law, but since Margo got a confession from Craig, why does she have to wait for Meg to press charges before arresting him when a baby's attempted murder wet down? Is this Passanante's umpteenth application of teflon coating to Mr. Montgomery?

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I felt so bad watching Rosana knowing that she's going to be written out very soon. Her conversation with Babs was sort of resemeblence of what JP did to Cady McClain just in plot format. Why are the fans not jumping all over the new CarJack home wrecker. I remember that when another GH homewrecker came to Oakdale she was practically crucified!

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With Carly's reckless abandon and Jack's self-righteousness, it's not exactly easy to care whether they get back together. I've read lots of fan commentary open to the idea of her exploring a relationship with Sam. I imagine it's like the GL fans tired of Josh and Reva's saga, glad that Jeffrey is in her orbit now.

I think tomorrow's show will be much better, since the only reveal I've looked forward to for months is the exposure of Emily's professional whoredom.

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Personally, I don't care for CarJack anymore. Passanante killed my interest by having Carly's impending death turn into another opportunity for her to scheme. It was doubly cruel for Jack to marry her again out of pity, not because he realized that they were soul mates. There's been too much hurt on both sides, so hopefully they can gravitate to other people and connect again in ten years like Bob & Kim.

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Well now that Jack's obsession with Katie has ended. I dont see him turning to anyone else. Unless he starts dating Lucinda or Lisa. He can be Lucinda's pool boy. :lol: Eventually they will be back together. That is obvious.

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He needs to be a father to his fractured family. Anybody who was with Carly and Katie plus Julias 1 & 2 needs a major break from love. But if he had to be with anyone right now, I'd recast Frannie with the newly available Robin Christopher and pair them up. Then we'd get more Hughes airtime and Jack would get a girlfriend who shared his sense of morals. And what a welcome change of pace from Frannie's usually dubious selection of men. I'd love to see her and Carly argue over the kids.

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*ahem* Speaking as one who bitched long, loud and with a white hot hate, there's a a lot of difference between Sam and Skankerbee in the course of Carjack history. Carjack was truly split up to bring in three time award winning, we're trolling for the GH demo, God's gift to acting Sarah Brown and give her story. The press tripped all over themselves to interview "the legend" and all she could spout was how she was there to "shake up" the old and "together forever" Carjack, while she collected her tribute and then flitted off to her real career in movies or whatnot. (Yes, I'm still bitter...... :lol: )

Sam, otoh, has come along after Carly and Jack have been separated for two years. Anyone can read the writing on the wall...Sam is the conduit to some kind of Carjack peace (...detente...reunion, what ever you wish to call it.) Not to mention, a lot of ire got spewed on Katie for the past umpteen months. Compared to those witches, Sam the psycho is a relief.

And personally, Wally Kurth seems to be a better actor, aside from the fact he's not a ventriloquist.

I want Carjack back together. Jack wasn't marrying Carly out of pity, that's the entire reason Carly confessed before exchanging I do's. She knew he meant his vows.

As for today's show....YIKES....the implosion of the Quad just can't sustain itself, can it. All of those performances seemed phoned in to me today. I wanted to freakin' SLAP Margo---who the hell goes into the hospital room of a woman who JUST miscarried, and browbeats them with the thought of reliving it "for a jury"???? Not that Meg seemed particularly upset anyway. And not one mention of her previous miscarriage. Paul is a tool, no matter how he tries to deflect the blame and accuse Rosanna of being her "worst self". The minute Meg told him he might be a father, he rejected the idea because he didn't want to deal with her anymore, period.

I thought the Carjack/Parker/Sam stuff was better. LOL...you truly know someone is gone when they talk about their wooden dummy in the third person. What did he say??? Something like, "I don't want her. My dummy says what I want it to say, but he never said anything about your mom." LOL...Sam is unspooling fast.

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