Members Wales2004 Posted November 16, 2008 Members Share Posted November 16, 2008 Obama hasn't taken office yet so you understand that I'm finding the hysteria funny. If you were making this complaint after he'd been in office several months then I'd say at least you gave him a teeny chance. But saying he's done this and that to the country when he hasn't is totally ridiculous. You can deny it all you want but you've got some pretty intense feelings toward someone who basically followed his dreams. I don't think he's outside telling people to fall at his feet and follow him and the majority of the people who supported him are not worshipping him either. Yes, it's amazing that he overcame great odds to be elected President. A lot of people find that awesome. Then there are the people who have been eaten up inside because of it and need to see him fail or even worse. I'd rather look at the better side of things than speculating on the negative possibilities. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members GoldenDogs Posted November 17, 2008 Members Share Posted November 17, 2008 Then I'm sure you have been supportive of George W. Bush the past many years! Good for you, Wales... finding the good in everyone and rooting for our leaders to do us proud! Actually, I heard some news today that DOES make me feel better. I pray that Hillary becomes Secretary of State... Seriously, no joke. I am certain she loves America and I see her acting only in the best interests of our country. I don't think she'd ever let any funny business go on... I never thought I say it, but I actually feel pro-Hillary right now. Hell, I've amazingly felt pro-Hillary all year. There ya go, Wales... I'm looking at the better side of things already!! Always look on the bright side of life... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members MTSRocks Posted November 17, 2008 Members Share Posted November 17, 2008 This thread is ridiculous. America finally elects a proper leader, and people are still bitching. Whether or not you like Obama, could you imagine McCain/Palin in POWER? Some people here really need to put aside there prejudices, biases, and pre-conceived notions and do some research on facts that does not come from Wikipedia. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members SnCCorinthos4ever Posted November 17, 2008 Members Share Posted November 17, 2008 ITA This election was closely followed world wide. My 13 year old nephew didn't attend school on the Wednesay as the election as taken place, from 11.00 am a couple of the channels here took on a couple of the American feeds and had coverage for between 5 - 6 hours. He phoned me at work and he sound excited about the election and told me that he was going to watch it to see who won. Now this is a 13 year old Aussie kid, he has a Wii, PS2 and a DS and he prefered to watch the results coming in than play his Wii or PS2, (not sure about the DS since he didn't need the TV to play that lol), but he did watch it till the end of the telecast. We had about 6 people in our conference room watching and many more that had put an internet browser onto CNN to keep an eye on the results for when we couldn't be in the conference rrom. We all cheered when Obama won. We did listen to both speeches and thought that they both did good. It is the future that counts cuz there is nothing any of us can do to change the past. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Jess Posted November 17, 2008 Members Share Posted November 17, 2008 Now Brian, it is OK to be a sore loser. Since GWB's election, I've been a sore loser. I really think Gore should have won. I won't comment on Kerry. :lol: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Jess Posted November 17, 2008 Members Share Posted November 17, 2008 Well now Brian, the original joke -- it's about eight years old -- had Billy Graham. I also do not think Oprah is Barack's "biggest" supporter, or even his "richest." After all, he is supported by Warren Buffett. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members GoldenDogs Posted November 17, 2008 Members Share Posted November 17, 2008 Well, MTS... that's precisely the problem. NOBODY has done ANY research... We know so little about Barack Obama. Even Wales concedes that the media has failed to fully vet him. But that's old news... Why is it that anyone who does not like Obama, his policies, or the fact that he won is "prejudice"? Last I checked, I could disagree with liberal philosophies and not be a bigot. Folks who disagreed with Bill Clinton and his more left-leaning policies were called "the right" or "conservative", not "prejudice". I say people like you throw around words suggesting that one is racist because it helps quell or absolutely silence those with whom you disagree. Doesn't work on me, though. I am very comfortable with my feelings on race. My problem with Barack isn't his color, it is his leftist leanings and lack of experience. But thanks for your input, MTS. Speaking of Kerry... I can't believe I didn't like him and was so down on him then. I mean, if I had to choose... Well, had the joke been about Billy Graham, it wouldn't have mattered Jess! Billy isn't the president today! I'm such a racist! I just mentioned a white preacher man... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Wales2004 Posted November 17, 2008 Members Share Posted November 17, 2008 I certainly ddn't spend one second criticizing Bush and dooming the nation before he even took office. If I have an issue with something he actually did then I say what I feel to say and move on for the most part. I don't think anyone should wish for the President to be anything less than successful at the job since it impacts the nation and the world. I thought you were a Hillary Clinton lover from the time you started posting in this thread or at least shortly thereafter. I do recall that you initially said you were neutral and then practiaclly jumped all over everything about Barack Obama. But I gues I didn't actually buy your neutrality from the beginning since you seemed to have a great disdain for the man early on. Sayin he seems pleasant or well intentioned means nothing since you still have a special dontempt for him and find the idea of dropping him from a plane humorous. I could possibly only see myself getting to that point over a pedophile. I didn't concede anything about the media period. I said your beef is with the media since you made complaints that seem media related. I didn't say I agreed with you in any way, shape or form. You said that I hadn't read your posts clearly and I don't see how my comment means I didn't since no matter what you may have said about the media previously, you still subsequently made media related complaints. Someone saying that people may have a prejudice or bias isn't the same thing as saying that someone is racist. You can have a prejudice or bias against Obama, which you clearly do, without it being about racism. When a person seems so dead set against another individual without giving that individual a chance to do his job, then it's understandable that people would feel that there is some other factor at play for such strong resistance. That's the reason why some people wonder if racism is somewhat of a factor. Racism is highly irrational and there are people that have those feelings that aren't aware of them. There's nothing that says that a person cannot disagree with Obama politically as well as have a tinge of resentment towards him for being black and the President elect, since it upsets their whole concept of what America is and should be. There are a lot of people bothered by that fact and they may not feel good about themselves for feeling that way, but hopefully they'll work through it and be better for having dealt honestly with it. Neither is Jeremiah Wright (the President today). I am the only one in this thead that's not up for condeming the man since I have yet to hear his sermon in its entirety and I can disagree with anything a person says and condemn the person's words without condemning the person. I cannot begin to imagine what it would be like to return home from serving this country, be in uniform walking along a road, and hail a cab only to be told by the cab driver that he won't pick him up because he's black (in not so nice words). He could have lost his life for his country but he wasn't human enough to ride in a cab. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Jess Posted November 17, 2008 Members Share Posted November 17, 2008 I do not think disliking Obama is racist. I do think the joke was. Sorry. As far as Rev. Wright, why should any candidate be held responsible for the sermons of their ministers? Should every Catholic be disqualified because of the sex abuse scandal? Sara Palin's ministers said dumb things, but I do not think that reflects on her. I do not know anything about John McCain's faith. I personally wish that were true of all candidates. If we start disqualifying people because of preacher statements, we disqualify just about everybody. Barack Obama was vetted by the media. He was running for office for two years. Yes, he knew Bill Ayers. At the same time, the Bush family is tied in with many individuals linked with middle east terrorists. I do not think that makes any of them -- the Bush family or Obama -- terrorists. Obama is liberal, and unabashedly so. That does not make him socialist or a terrorist. People are going to disagree with his policies, that does not mean he is some evil crook. That is what bothers me, this attitude that just because there is disagreement, then the candidate or the president is evil. I think t he American public rejected that type campaign and I am glad. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Wales2004 Posted November 17, 2008 Members Share Posted November 17, 2008 It's clear to me that some of the GOP members have amplified their disdain for liberals more than a little when it comes to Obama. I can recall their using Clinton's draft dodging as evidence that he shouldn't be in charge of the military but I don't recall insinuations or charges that he was unAmerican or unpatriotic. He pardoned a couple members of the Weather Underground group to which Bill Ayers belonged and there were no charges of his being unAmerican or unpatriotic. The bottom line is that the GOP really doesn't care about Bill Ayers or even Jeremiah Wright. They were just a means to an end and they hoped by constantly referring to them, the voters would conclude that Obama is this scary person for whom they can't vote. If Bill Ayers is such a major concern to them then they would still be talking about the pardons and they would have done all they could to see that Bill Ayers paid for being part of the Weather Underground and that he didn't serve on educational boards much less teach at a university. As I've said before, if Bill Ayers and Obama are indeed pals, then where are all the pictures of them and their families together? Surely Fox would have had a whole slide show to go with that loop of however many seconds they repeatedly played of a segment of Jeremiah Wright's sermons. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Jess Posted November 18, 2008 Members Share Posted November 18, 2008 I think those are the tactics that Republicans have used in the past, and they just did not work this time. They wrapped Willy Horton around Dukakis' neck, and ran flat out lies about Kerry. With Clinton, they did try to say he was unpatriotic. They insinuated he acted improperly by going to Russia during the Cold War and accused him of organizing protests against American while he was studying at Oxford. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members GoldenDogs Posted November 18, 2008 Members Share Posted November 18, 2008 Well, you didn't. Good for you, Wales. You're better than most of us. However, many others did... based simply on his politics. Those who felt the election had been stolen by Bush -- the (s)elected President -- didn't give him a chance before dooming the nation as they were too angry about the outcome of the election. Did you feel then that those people were being unfair to Bush? I dunno, Wales... just sayin'... No, no... you are projecting things that are not true. Unless you're psychic, you don't truly know what my feelings are on anything or anybody. I do not have a disdain for the man, himself. However, I do have disdain for his extreme left views. Couldn't have said it better myself. Too bad those who often wield those phrases use them with intent to paint those who disagree with Obama as racist. You need to set them straight, Wales! Like Mulder... who actually said I was not only racist -- but communist, too! Do you agree with Mulder? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members David_Vickers Posted November 18, 2008 Members Share Posted November 18, 2008 I did NOT say you were a racist or a communist. I said what you had said, what I quoated, sounded racist and communist. Obama has experience, sorry if you keep buying the worn out line (that didn't work btw, lol), that he doesn't, the GOP/McCain/Palin kept repeating even though he has a helluva lot more national experience and statewide experience than 1 1/2 year Governor, the remarkably stupid and pathetic Sarah Palin. He's NO borderline socialist and does NOT have ties to terrorists. You, not any of his supporters here nor elsewhere, are calling Barack Obama "the Messiah", or "The One". That is you and other far-right-wingers poor losers. I can only judge you by what you post and what you have posted sure makes you sound bigoted, etc. If you say you're not, then I take you at your word that you're not and am glad to hear that. But you do have some sorryful misguided views man. This is just pure sick that you're comparing Obama to these evil men! Scary?!?!? Why on Earth do you think electing by a landslide, the best person for the job of President that's come along since William Jefferson Clinton, is scary??!?!! I guess it does scare neo-cons who afraid of taxes on the rich, middle class tax cuts and getting the economy in better shape, getting rid of Guantanamo, doing things to stop global warming, etc. Very scary indeed, OMFG! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members David_Vickers Posted November 18, 2008 Members Share Posted November 18, 2008 George W. Bush did steal both elections. I guess Exxon and other big oil companies helped buy his presidency liked they bought and paid for the '08 GOP Convention. George W. Bush did doom the nation and the mess that this country and the world is in is directly the fault of George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and their administration and policies and the Republican party being in charge for most of their term as President (LOL). BTW, Mulder did NOT say you're racist. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Wales2004 Posted November 18, 2008 Members Share Posted November 18, 2008 This is like apples and oranges in that Obama didn't barely eke out a victory. Had the same thing happened in this instance and you and others been angry about the outcome, I would understand that. Even though being angry and frustrated won't change things, I understand having those emotions when the system appears to have failed. The only thing that failed this time was the GOP's strategy or more precisely their banking on Americans not to vote for a black man for President. It's a bunch of sour grapes at this on. Why on earth would you ask my opinion of you when you quite clearly, in the preceding paragraph, said I was projecting? If I give the response you seek then I'll be right in your book and if I don't then you'll assign some other fault to me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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