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Barack Obama Elected President!


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Bill Clinton does it again.lol He said in his speech that hillary/McCain were great patriots of this country and left out obama. An I'm not sure who said it but they called Gov. Richardson Judas and he responded by dissing all the people involved with clinton.lol I really don't think Hillary has much of a chance, obama's lead is way too big for her to make a real impact, because unlike the rep. both candidates get part of delegates within the state even if they lose the state. I think its really interesting that if they just gave the state's delegates to the winner that hillary would probably be winning or really close to obama since she has won the bigger states. The Democrats may want to look into just giving the delegates to the winner and not allocating delegates to each candidate after this election. Hillary's only chance to win are: 1) winning like 90% of the remaining delegates, 2) getting MI and FL votes counted(a really long shot) or a revote 3) Getting the superdelegates on her side to pull off the win(I really think the SD's should give the nom to the person that is leading in delegates imo). I think all of those things are gonna be really hard to pull off.imo But I've been shocked before so I wouldn't count hillary out just yet. Like others have said I think obama will go with Gov. Richardson that will help him with the latino vote, I really doubt he is gonna pick hillary as his vp, the clintons have shot themselves in the foot with their negative campaign against him. Plus picking hillary will go against his change message, how will it be change with old guard still in the white house?

According to CNN, obama has 209 SD's and hillary has 243 SD's. Obama has had a huge 10-point drop in the national polls CNN says obama has 49% to hillarys 43% and just this morning GMA said obama has 48% to hillarys 45%. So I think this Rev. Wright story has had a bad impact on his campaign and seems his speech didn't resonate as well as he had hoped but time will tell.

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I'm so glad Barack's down in the polls, I hope he keeps dropping and dropping. The real Barack, I believe is coming out. I think he may very well be just as racist as his so-called minister. Which is a shame and disgrace. I did like Barack about as much as I did Hillary for quite some time, but the more I learn about Barack and listen to him he just seems all smug and all talk and that's it! I hope to God that Hillary wins the nomination, because if she doesn't, I'll have a hard time voting for Obama--although I'll never vote McCain. It'll be me voting Obama with grinding teeth or not voting at all(which will be a first for me in a Presidential election.)

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Why are you saying obama is a racist? He shouldn't be held responsible for what his pastor says and he doesn't have to agree with every thing pastor wright says. Your sounding more and more like a republican. Are you sure you aren't a republican? Its really hard to tell sometimes on this board who's a dem and who's a rep because there was another poster that claimed to be a hillary supporter only for me to find out they were a republican and only wanted hillary for the nom because she's more vulnerable. I do think however obama needs to leave that church and find a new one. Its really hard for me to fathom why he would be involved with a church that is fundamentally against his politics and I think it does matter because it reflects badly on him.

An hillary isn't so squeaky clean either she made up a big tale about her awful trip to Bosnia with gunshots firing an all. Only for CBS to dig up hillary and chelsea being greeted with no gunshots and hillary was even taking pictures with the army. Seriously, does she have a memory problem or what? That was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay far from the truth.

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One of the biggest problems I have with people saying he should have left the church is this.....

What Pastor Wright said was wrong, even though the sentiment maybe something many agree with in the black community. But, for those who say that Obama should have cut the pastor loose and took off, from right wing pundits to Joe Schmo......

When the pastors in the Catholic Church were revealed to have molested and raped many, many children over the last 60 some odd years, did any of these people leave the church?

Just wondering out loud.

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