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Fact Check: Does McCain almost always agree with Bush?

Posted: 11:58 PM ET

Does McCain almost always agree with Pres. Bush?.

The Statement:

At a presidential debate Friday, September 26, in Oxford, Mississippi, Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama attempted to tie Republican opponent Sen. John McCain to President Bush. "John, it's been your president, who you said you agreed with 90 percent of the time, who presided over this increase in spending," he said.

Get the facts!

The Facts:

According to an analysis by Congressional Quarterly, McCain has voted for bills favored by President Bush 90 percent of the time. The nonpartisan publication, which has analyzed voting by members of Congress since 1953, said the report took into account all legislation that Bush had taken a clear position on. It spans from the beginning of Bush's term to Congress's recess in August.

In the 100-member Senate, 14 current members — all Republicans — voted with Bush more than 90 percent of the time, according to the report. Six others have a 90 percent rating like McCain's. The report shows Obama voting with Bush 40 percent of the time and his running mate, Sen. Joe Biden, voting with Bush 52 percent of the time during the course of his presidency.

Obama surrogates also frequently say McCain voted with Bush 95 percent of the time. This is a reference to the Republican senator's record in 2007. That was the highest percentage in the seven years studied. In 2005, McCain voted with Bush 77 percent of the time — his lowest percentage in those years. "The president and I agree on most issues," McCain said in a May 22, 2003 interview on Fox's "Your World with Neil Cavuto." "There was a recent study that showed that I voted with the president over 90 percent of the time, higher than a lot of my even Republican colleagues."

Verdict: True

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I'm not certain what you are asking, but Obama won the debate. I watched on CNN. They ran monitors of undecided voters. Even among those voters, Obama won and did better. The Drudge polls and Fox polls are viewers polls. People who read Drudge or watch Fox are largely Republicans and they are of course going to say McCain won. The more "scientific" surveys indicate Obama won.

McCain just seemed angry and condescending. He came off as a little bit of a war monger, and yes, he did not separate himself enough from Bush.

It will take a few days to learn, but I doubt it changed the direction of the campaign. I don't think debates make that big of a difference any longer unless someone just screws up and nobody did. I do think that Obama erased some concerns about himself. I also do not agree with those who say the candidates should have gotten in each other's faces more. I really do not think when the country is in two wars and the economy in the pot, that people want to say their future presidential leaders screaming at each other and acting in a disrespectful manner.

I also think there were a few little mistakes and probably some deliberately misleading comments by both candidates. I don't think there were any just stupid statements made or any of the outright lies that we have seen in the campaign ads.

On ads, at this point, I think both candidates would be well-served to play to their own strengths. Obama should talk personally to the cameras about his thoughts on the future of the economy and what his vision for America is. He should talk about his opposition to the Iraq War and how the country took its eye off the ball.

McCain should talk about his service to his country and also about his deep love for America. He also should talk about his views for the world and for the economy. Both of them need to run something about themselves and a whole whole lot less about each other.


by the way, sorry the earlier message was so confusing. I was off to Weight Watchers -- there are some things that temporarily knock politics and the national economy off my front burner. LOL.

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Here is a description of the "science" that you tout behind the lone poll that Roman linked..The CNN poll..

I'll link it again so that you can read this for yourself...

Roman's CNN Poll- link

These numbers are pretty much in line with the "results" and conclusions that CNN came to..Isn't it?

Here are the lastest results from Drudge...It seems to me that 332,506 would be a larger sampling than 524..I'm no math major though..


MCCAIN 68% 225,564

OBAMA 30% 98,874

NEITHER 2% 8,068

Total Votes: 332,506

With that being said, the majority of Drudge readers may be conservative, but they allowed anyone to vote in this impromtu poll. They did not deny access to Obama supporters. You can vote there as well if you would like...

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Yes that and they are online and phone in polls. Who reads Drudge -- neo-cons, who watches Faux -- neo cons. Hell even Faux admits there is not scientific or reliable about their polls. It is like an online blog, a way for viewers to participate. The Drudge poll is not more accurate than those pop up boxes when you go to certain web sites that say who do you support in the election

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IA with you on this. I think that McCain's attempt to paint Obama as clueless might have had impact had McCain's general tone and demeanor been different but it was kind of pushing it since Obama doesn't seem stupid. In order to convince people on whole that Obama doesn't understand people would have to either buy into McCain's version or to understand enough to believe that Obama didn't and that's tough to pull off.

It's also kind of hard to sell everyone on the idea that the surge worked and that's the only thing that matter when McCain could not even entertain that the premise for the war was false or even flawed.

Anyway, as I said earlier, I'm not real interested in who won or who didn't since it can be spun either way. I'll leave the Democrats and the Republicans to sort that out. What should mater to both is what Independents thought.

I didn't agree with Pat Buchanan on MSNBC thinking that McCain won because he was a basically belligerent because I disagree with that approach. He might have made sense to me had he pointed to something McCain actually said. I didn't like their format since they had surrogates and/or members of both campaigns on and of course, Joe Biden is gping to say Obama won so that was useless for me.....call it partisan politics burnout.

I wholeheartedly agree with you that I didn't want to see any in your face exchanges. I have never been for the negative campaigning and I think that the media contributes to this idea that people only want to hear and see the negative. Positivity would be nice for a change. If either candidate knows what America needs then hopefully he will understand that these are hard times and a little hope can go a long way.

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This is misleading IMO. Because two out of three conservatives referenced in this article "race bait", the title constitutes the implication that all conservatives are lumped together and are guilty of this..? Not fair at all...

The title of this editorial should be "Cavuto and Malkin Race Bait"...not "Conservatives Race Bait"...

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I wasn't implying that you were being presumptuous what I did was point out that by saying this:

and this:

you were doing the sort of thing about which you've complained.

I don't care whether you think I come across as uneducated or not because I'm not here to measure up to your standards. If you don't like what I have to say or cannot accept that I don't want to waste my time on a particular issue or candidate that is your problem not mine.

I merely said in response to one of your posts:

then you went on to make it seem as if I should have to accept the comparison to the Holocaust which I don't have to do if it does not work for me. I don't have to provide reasons for anything at all. If I were demanding reasons from you then I would expect that you'd point out my hypocrisy in not providing any of my own....but guess what?? I demanded nothing.

I didn't initiate a personal debate with you. I have no control over how you choose to interpret my posts. I try as mucn as possible to seek clarification from posters. Sometimes I slip up. Had you said that I was wrong when I said you presumed to know how GGL feels, I would have apologized to you for jumping to conclusions but you said:

If I neglected to say this before now, it was wrong of me to indirectly respond to or make reference to the fact that I was ignoring your posts. I should have only said so once so that you were aware, in case you were interesed, that I wasn't responding to your posts at the time. I will not make that error in judgment again.

And I am going to reiterate that I post for entertainment. I don't have the kind of passion that you attributed to me and I have encountered people who are for all intents and purposes undeducated and very politically aware--whether they choose to vote or not.

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