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Barack Obama Elected President!


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The press are all ove Obama when he makes a mistake but Clintons peeps think the press shouldbe trashing his healthcar plan and stuff , which is her job.

The whole think about her whining about be asked the questions first is so LAME! Another thing about SNL thing that was like a free ad for Hillary and her peeps where in on it.

If one of Obama's Entertainment peeps did something like that she would be a having a COW!

One more thing about the press if Obama had messed like Clinton did on the whole name thing and that would been the talk of the talking heads.

Clinton did it and hardly a whisper.

The MSNBC stuff about Hilary and her daughter where wrong and Obama's cmap said so. It's too bad the Clinton camp didn't say the Photo thing agianst Obama was wrong as well.

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There is a bit of controversy up here in Canada today over this NAFTA discussion during the debate last night and on the campaign trail.

CTV, the leading news network up here learned that a few weeks ago a senior Obama official contacted the Canadian ambassador and said NAFTA was not going to be renegotiated or scrapped, anything said about it is just political rhetoric.....

Well Obama said last night that he would in deed opt out of it, or at least suggest it....

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Uhh she did say at the debate that those actions would not be condoned by her, nor would they be something she would expect in the campaign. If she found out somebody did it in her camp, she would ask them to resign.

Obama also made it clear that he is certain neither she nor somebody from her campaign sent the photo

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I agree about trade being fair. I support NAFTA so long as it guarantees equal trade (meaning we trade $500 worth of goods to Mexico, they give us $500 in return and the output generated through the trade, e.g. selling the goods on the market, is what creates jobs).

The guy you are thinking of (The French one). His name is Joseph Jacques Jean Chretien

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Yea I wonder who would vote for someone like Harper...I cannot imagine any of the French in Quebec and Nova Scotia voting for him since the French on the other side of the world (France) are against Iraq...and this PM favors a president obsessed with Iraq. Those in Ontario really have no reason to give him a vote since it tends to be liberal there (or of the party that Harper is not part of)

Maybe the Prairie Provinces of Manitoba, Alberta, Saskatchewan?

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Anybody know how popular bush is in Texas? Because I find it interesting that Bush slams obama right before the texas primaries when both hillary/obama have been dissing him for months now and just now he finally decides to speak out against obama???

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From what I have heard, EK70, is that he is popular in some parts of Texas but not all of them. He is pretty much held in contempt in Austin since Austin is a very liberal city. Odds are they do not like him in Houston either. But Dallas and San Antonio seem to have a strong Bush support base. I think Bush just slamming him right now is typical of Bush...he waits and waits before he makes his move. That is what happened with 9/11...he waited until the twin towers collapsed before pursuing terrorists intent on harming the country. He also waited two months before sending in combat troops to Afghanistan to overthrow the Taliban regime as well as fight Al Quaida there (essentially also the country where OBL was located). Let's not forget he waited a good seven minutes on the day of 9/11 reading a book before he acted on the news of the country under attack.

BTW, here is an interesting article on John McCain:

McCain's Birth in Panama Canal Zone Raises Questions

Feb. 28 (Bloomberg) -- Republican presidential candidate John McCain's birth in the Panama Canal Zone is raising some concerns about whether he can legitimately seek the presidency, the New York Times reported.

The Constitution states that only a ``natural-born citizen'' can serve as president, the Times said. McCain was born on a military installation in the Canal Zone in 1936, where his mother and father, a Navy officer, were stationed, the Times said.


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Yea but I am not even sure if it is a military base...either way, with the ticket likely to be Hillary/Obama or the other way around, McCain will still lose. There is talk he is considering putting Condi on as VP. If he does, he can expect a loss by a landslide.

LOL about Huckalooney. I have hard "HuckABible" before but not that one. Too funny ;)

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This Obama/Clinton race is getting bit to nasty for my taste. It's time for a winner to be chosen.

If they keep this stuff up McCain is going be able to sit back and just play ads of the loser bash the winner.

It's my hope than someone wins HUGE on Tuesday so this whole deal can come to a end if it goes on any longer McCain will win in November.

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Well odds are, South, that nobody on the Democrats will win big. The race in Texas is a dead heat while, in Ohio, Hillary has like a five percentage point lead. But I agree about the negative stuff....I just wish it did not come to that but you knew it would eventually happen. It always does in politics/campaigning

I just got some facts from a friend of mine at the Hillary campaign. She said that 49% of the registered Democrats in Texas already voted. 70% of the women within that 49% went for Hillary

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I'm still on Obama's side but him getting into the gutter with the Clintons has turned me off a bit.

Clinton needs to win both Ohio and Texas to have a real chance at the nom and Obama needs to win both to end it one of these things dosen't happen and the only thing the Clintons can do is try and RUIN Obama which will give McCain the win.

If someone has a pretty big lead the Super D's need to go over to their side and end this thing.

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