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Barack Obama Elected President!


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I'm also impressed with him too but I heard he had a temper and can be a sort of loose cannon. And since I'm totally against Hilary because I think she (and definitely her husband) are loose cannons I think it would be sorta hypocritical of me to support him being Obama's VP.

At the same though he's shown the MOST loyalty to Obama I believe. He was one of the very first political figures to endorse his run for President. So he does deserve some type of reward/recognition. I'll have to watch him closely over the next few days and read up on him before I can make a final decision.

It should be

1) Joe Biden

2) Ed Rendell

3) Bill Richardson

4) Evan Bayh

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I am curious as to whether having her on the ticket would make you think twice about still voting for him because I've had people say they won't vote and I know for sure at least one won't but the others may change their minds later on. I heard Tucker Carlson on MSNBC say this morning that if she's on the ticket that all the Democrats would vote for it which I seriously doubt. If I recall correctly, about 7% of voters in WV did write in John Edwards when given the choice between Clinton and Obama.

I think the media continues to devalue the people who voted for Barack Obama but I do understand why they'd make the assumption that those voters will remain in the bag.

I keep reading that Republicans and Independents respond in polls that they really dislike HC intensely but except for Kay Bailey Hutchinson, all the Republicans I've seen in the media keep pushing her for VP.

Fox is searching for something because they have E. Hill questioning the fist pound the Obamas gave each other and wondering whether it's really a terrorist jab.

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I was waiting for someone like you to come into this thread. Thumbs up!

ETA: I find the people who insist that Hillary supporters MUST vote for Obama, yet insist that he if chooses her as his running mate that they will NOT vote for him, to be all sorts of insane and hypocritical.

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I don't think her supporters have to vote for him any more than I would feel his supporters have to her because I think outside of those that are all about the party, there are those who are attracted to something that may not be interchangeable or transferable. To me the people who could have gone either way in the primaries are the ones who will have the easiest time accepting a joint ticket. The next group that will have an easier time is the one that say they won't vote for him if she's not on the ticket.

I think there are some overly passionate supporters on both sides of the fence who need to go step back and take a break from the fighting that they did during the primaries to evaluate the changed landscape. Depending on what their issues are, they may see things a bit differently.

The major thing that prevents me from being able to see Clinton on the ticket with Obama is that I feel her campaign sent out a message that Americans would not elect a black man as president. Whether Americans will or won't doesn't make it right for her to have done that. People can say she was pointing out the facts of a poll and sure she was in a response to how she was going to win the nomination. She's going to win the nomination because hardworking, white people vote for her. I think that was a whole lot worse than telling a group of voters that they were voting for a speech and not an actual person and backhandedly comparing Obama to MLK as a man with a speech because it took Lydon Johnson to get the job done. People are supposed to believe that Lyndon Johnson woke up one morning with a bright idea that had nothing to do with MLK and all the people who walked with him in the fight for civil rights.

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What's funny is that he denies ever criticizing the media. One of the pundits says that McCain is stuck in the time where the media couldn't access tapes as quickly as can be done now. I guess he's had a few incidences of denying things that he said and then having a tape prove otherwise. He's going to have to be more careful about what he denies saying.

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To be honest it would be extremely hard for me to vote for him if she were on the ticket for a number of reasons. Besides the ones which I already mentioned earlier I feel like if he choose her to be VP it wouldn't really be a CHOICE. It would look and feel like he was forced into doing it. And if he could be forced into do that then that means he basically has already fallen into the "trap". It also means that he let the system get to him and his ideals.

If he could be pressured into that then what else might Washington and old school politics pressure him into doing?

The Republicans are pushing her for VP cuz they know what her on the ticket would do for their base and John McCain. Those of them at higher levels may not like John McCain. They might despise him even. But they sure as hell don't want a Democrat in the White House and they're willing to pull out all the tricks in the book to prevent it from happening. So far things are working in the Democratic Party's favor (that is they were until Hilary decided to launch "The Last Clinton Crusade" of hers). Even then though the Democratic nominee is still the favorite IMO. But her on the ticket lessens those chances and I think the Republicans would relish the thought of her on the ticket.

The funny thing about the media is that they undervalue some people and over value others. Certain groups don't matter while others will make or break this election.

@ Southofnowhere

Is Jim Webb the guy from Virginia that supported Obama from the get go? I was pretty sure that was him. But if I'm mistaken forgive me.

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I'll say this.

If those who want to vote for JM still want to after reading his stances on issues (Such as appoiting Justices to overturn a woman's right to choose) more power to you.

But......If JM gets in office and the same stuff continues, please don't look at me. I was opne who said I would nto vote for HRC because of the campaign she ran. Having her on the ticket, for me, is not necessary, but that's my opinion.

The bottom line is BO needs to be in the WH for this country to be turned around.

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Makes no sense to me. Barack Obama has been praising Hillary Rodham Clinton for quite awhile now, even before their last debate. She's a very worthy choice and he's said she'd be on anyone's short list.

I think Hillary Rodham Clinton is pretty necessary to the ticket because of her popularity and the fact that some Hillary fans will either not vote or vote for McCain because they're pissed that Hillary didn't get it (which I think is absolutely a stupid, idioitc thing and going against what Hillary believes and supports!)

I agee that Obama needs to be in the White House for the US to be turned around. If McCain wins, this country is gonna be in a helluva lot worst shape than it currently is.

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I'm voting for the Democrat and against McCain. Obama is going to get the nomination. He will be the Democrat. I hope he does appoint Hillary because she is a woman and I want a woman VP. Also, he can win without her, but having her certainly makes it easier.

To me it's pretty simple: Democrat -- bring the troops home, Republican -- may take 100 years; Democrat -- equal rights for all citizens, regardless of color, religious background, sexual orientation, ect; Republicans -- amend the constitution (perhaps they can do away with the Bill of Rights and make it that much easier); Democrats -- health insurance; Republicans -- tough luck toots. Well I could go on. Regardless of who is the VP, the Democrat has my vote.

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Two probs with your message Jess

1) The 100 years comment is a fraud that Obama likes to use (as he should) to scare people. We are still in Korea, we are still in many other places in the world.

If you read the full context of the McCain statement you see what he says, not just a sound bite...and isn't Obama against sound bites, or is it just when it does not favor him?

Afterall, we can not and should not leave Iraq hanging after what was started there...and even Obama will NOT bring the troops home...this coming from my brother who is in Iraq..and sees all the progress that has come from what was at first a severly misguided war.

Maybe 100," McCain replied. "As long as Americans are not being injured or harmed or wounded or killed, it's fine with me and I hope it would be fine with you if we maintain a presence in a very volatile part of the world where al Qaeda is training, recruiting, equipping and motivating people every single day."

And insurance....there does need to be competition to lower prices and also better education. As someone who works in the health insurance field, you see it everyday...people who do not understand that they do not need to go to an Emergecny room for a cut, etc. Making Americans better consumers would do wonders.

Universal healthcare is for the birds and is NOT the answer.

Man, you took all that bait hook, line and STINKER lol But, very glad you are voting and very glad you participate in the process.

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And what about all the people who will NOT vote for Obama BECAUSE of Hilary.

So many of you are forgetting..the Dems will vote for the Dems, the Repubs will for for the Repubs, you need the Independants...and choosing HC would crush Obama in that...

He needs to let the Clintons go...and being that he does not like or respect them....he will have an easy time doing it.

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McCain is just more of Bush and the country can't take anymore of Bush! You can bash Obama all you want but at least he wants to cahnge it McCain wants just more war , more greed and more trashing the Planet , not to mention he wants to take women's rights back to the 1950's!

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