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AMC: Wednesday

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LMFAO at Richie and Janet. Total highlight of the day for me - especially that last scene when her short-term memory loss started taking affect.

The cochlear implants thing was nice - but it should have happened a month ago and with Zach there IMO.

I did love that Hannah/Kendall bitchfest though. That was fun.

Everything else - boring. The Greenlee/Zach scenes might just be the most pain-inducing scenes in years on this show. What a horrible idea and horrible writing.

That snake tomorrow though - GROSS. That scares the crap outta me.

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Of course only Greenlee apologized wanting something in return. But it is refreshing to see she did actually own up to it in her own little way.

Hannah, whoa she needs to calm the hell down. She had no right to go off on Kendall like that. Why didn't Kendall slap her like her mother would have?

Janet and Ritchie was friggin hilarious. I loved how she was forgetting things. "Lime disease is terrible" LOL.

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LOL Good point. I didn't realize how tall Hannah was until she was standing next to Kendall today. LOL. It would be even more of a discrepancy with Erica.

I just wonder when and if B&E are going to sh*t or get off the pot with Hannah. I mean..... they have basically dropped all her story.

Maybe it will heat up in the new year. It just seems like a waste. I want Hannah front burner, even if it is a storyline that writes her into a corner. JUst don't go let a talent like Stacey just sit around until her short term contract runs out.

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Confessions of a Dangerous Mind Ryan

Yep Ryan finally told the beloved Kendall, his ex in case you do not know, that he permitted Aidan to take the Green Butterfly out of the courtroom and hence he is the reason why she is on the run and now has gone into the deep black hole with Zachariah. Wow for once Ryan actually tells the truth rather than lie his way out of something else time and time again but little does he know that he is still an idiot with no life and no excuses now to back up his insane and idiotic decisions. But I have to admit that I did not mind him letting Fish n Chips and the Green Butterfly waltz out of there like they are on foot or horseback and what not but what I do mind is that he waits for a little while before telling someone. Sheesh this could have come out a little sooner so Kendall could easily know sooner that Zach and Greenlee are missing together and that they are with each other. Thankfully both of them will be found in time but it looks as if Ryan has waited for far too long to confess the dirty low down secret of yesteryear. I just wonder what his next confession will be...that he grew Dynamite Kiddo marijuana on his lawn as a young boy and smoked it to the point where it killed off his brain cells and he now requires an oxygen tank to keep that small brain of his active. If I were him, I would ask for my money back since that tank is not necessarily making him say the smartest things if you know what I mean. Who knows maybe he will now confess to having seen Osama Bin Laden and Betty Crocker making love on the Amazon and she gives birth to septuplets and names them after the seven dwarves from Snow White. Then again, someone coming face to face with Ryan and the seven dwarves have something in common since they both say "Hi H0" but alas Ryan still does not get it. I just wonder why he waited for such a while to tell and spill the beans to Kendall. Oh yep I know...he was just too busy running around collecting evidence against Richard Novak as if it is any of his business when it really is not. Maybe now Ryan can be swallowed by a galapagos turtle and die a slow and painful death. In fact, make it slower than Paris Hilton reciting the alphabet!

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Where the F!!! does Hannah get off attacking Kendall like that. WTF? Did I miss something bc that was so random. What the hell was she even doing at teh hospital. Lowlife pathetic bitch. Yeah, must be real big of you to attack a distraught mother who's husband is missing, recently took home her premature son and waiting on surgery for her other

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