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Night Shift 2

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I think it's a given that the second season (should there be one) of SoapNet's "Night Shift" should tie in better with the ongoing storylines at GH. But, presuming you had the authority to do so, what other adjustments would you make to the new show?

The sky, as they say, is the limit.

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Anchor the spinoff with the much underused medical vets at GH. Have Monica mentor a bunch of new residents and have Bobbie school the new nurses. They could also have some of the current nurses work with Bobbie & Epiphany. Why not have Elizabeth realize that she wants to be a doctor while working the NS. Maybe working the ER gives her an adrenaline rush and she wants more.

I'd use NS as a catalyst to explore Robin's rumored pregnancy and any complications that may arise from that.

Have the show be more "ER" like. Have them have an overall story arc, but mini-story arcs through the season. It would mirror that of the first season of NS, but more cleaned up and in sync w/ GH.

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At least we'd see Monica and Bobbie more often. Which means, it'll probably never happen.

Love that idea, Ryan. It ties in perfectly with my idea to bring back Richard Dean Anderson (ex-Dr. Jeff Webber) for NS2.

I'd also love to see Rick Springfield put in some appearances as well. Perhaps, Noah falls off the wagon, and we'd have an arc with him and Patrick.

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The only "improvement" I can think of is to scrap it.

Second option barring that: Make sure Guza, Korte, Wolf, and his other merry band of hacks are nowhere near the scripts - all new writers and producers as Frons says (even though he lies).

And Leyla must be dead. I say send the strangler after her ass.

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The first thing they need to do is make this show about the love between Patrick & Robin. All soap need romance. NS had none.

Second they need to pull Bobbie & Monica in. Use the people from GH! no need to create 100 new people then try to force them upon GH.

Jason? he doesnt need to be in it. I love the idea someone posted about making LIZ relize she wants to be a Dr. and not a Nurse now. Furthermore if they are going to use someone like Maxie, tie her into the hospital more. Have her go to med school to be a nurse or a ultra sound tech or something.

I also agree they need to have an overall storyarc, with each episode having mini arcs (Like they did on ER, Greys... hell even on Buffy & Angel!).

I think that NS is a great idea, and obviously its a ratings hit. it just needs to be perfected.

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I like Ryan's ideas. Im not so keen on Liz being a doctor though. EVERY one in her family is a doctor. Her brother, her sister, her 2 uncles, her father, her mother, her grandfather.... I like that she's different and isnt necesarily following in their footsteps. Becoming a nurse was bad enough, but a doctor would be too much.

Jason adn Spinelli need to be taken off. Their inclusion was beyond forced and made little sense.

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I agree and disagree. In theory i liked jasons part, mostly due to his past with Robin. But NOTHING happened between them on NS so him being on there was stupid. as for Spin, i liked him on NS. he made the show funny, however that also coulda been done using Maxie. and that jolene/spin think was stoopid.

as for connecting it with GH.. i dont know. I think they either need to connecty it 100% or not at all. not this part conencted part not crap.

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My suggestion, having never seen a full episode of NS (even on YouTube, I can't really stick with one) since I don't have Soap Net...


Kelly went from being normal to be a horny sex addict in a matter of weeks. That singing orderly thing was horribly out of place.

Robin: I miss Patrick so much.

Lainey: I know you do, Robin.


WTF?! :huh:

And I like Nadine but considering she's connected to Jolene, who we know nothing about, and her whole NS storyline, it's just weird how people were being so mean to her for something he sister did that I never saw her do! Say what?

Other than that, this was an experiment, never been done before, so of course there are going to be a few kinks. Always room for improvement, so I'm not surprised that it wasn't this FABULOUS thing right out of the gate. But just keep the storylines separate. I hate that feeling of being on the outside looking in in real life -- I don't need to experience it during my daily soap opera escapes. One of the reasons why it took me so long to watch Friends and why I never will watch Lost. Too many "you had to be there, and if you weren't, you suck" moments.

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Kelly being a sex addict wasnt too much of a stretch as Kelly was always horny even on GH. We just didnt see her have sex as she never had her own storyline; only showing up as a docotr and lending support to her colleagues. I wasnt too surprised when she was revealed to be a sex addict as she was always talking about sex and wanting some on GH
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