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DAYS: Wednesday

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Pretty good show today. I was really intrigued by Stefano/Rolf's scenes. First, who is this old nemesis who is alive and returning to exact revenge? Second, who is the patient that is recovering and it sounded like Stefano is going to use this patient to fight the nemesis. I'm assuming John is either the nemesis or the patient and if he's one of them, who is the other? Hmm....very interesting!

Oh no! Ford's dead? Damn, I hope not. I hope he just had a slow heart rate (due to the drugs) and that's why they couldn't find a pulse. I liked Noel Maxam's directing for these scenes: going up the stairs, Ford falling down, the dissolves from girls to Ford's body, and then the last scene with the girls dragging out the body and fading out on the sorority logo on the floor.

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This storyline with the sorority sisters is a whole lot better than the ATWT story that had Maddie and Gwen thinking they killed Adam.....

I was wondering who Stefano was talking about too with Rolf in term of his nemesis...also, it peaked my curiousity when he said he 'should have finished him off the first time".....

I truly am loving Days with each passing day, and with the timeline change, it makes it easy for me to know exactly what show to watch.

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I was pleasantly happy with today's episode...the whole set up of the episode was very good...

I will comment on the sorority stuff for a sec....When they kept talking about all the reasons why not to go to the police and when they kept zooming to Ford's lifelessness, all I could keep think about was how possibly whatever was in his sytem just stopped his heart a bit (don't know why, but that's what kept coming to mind for some reason)...

What I want to know is when is Stephanie going truly reach her breaking point to the point of telling what happened to her? I've been waiting for her to say something.... I know the moment she does open up, Papa Steve is gonna be right there...

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Wow..I'm loving this Sorority storyline..todays episode was pretty shocking..I especially liked the scene when all the girls were sitting in a circle around Ford's dead body..that was creepy..the flashbacks from Morgan, Cordy and Steph were a nice touch..Also liked that they kept Chelsea out of it for the whole episode as she was drugged yesterday...And the end with Carmen saying its just beginning was great..I'm looking forward to the storyline changing course...

Tony and Anna got me to watch the EJ scenes today...But i wonder how long they are going to be gone traveling abroad? I've heard that Anna is in the Christmas Eve episode., so thats some good news....Also the Stefano and Rolf scenes added some much needed mystery to the show...We have a nemesis and a patient to uncover!!!

I'm one of those fans of both Lumi and Ejami..but i'm so sick of this story..The Lumi sex was lame and so was EJ playing nice and bringing over Johnny..

Also nice to see Caroline and Marlena in the previews..

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I for one am tired of all things Lucas/Sami/EJ; their scenes just didn't do much for me....not that it took anything away from the episode, but I just watch and then focus what's to come...

Definitely Carmen's words will ring true.... You were spot on when you said that the whole sitting around Ford's body added the creepy effect of the storyline (mix that with the music, that too sent chills down my spine)....

I still think about to the interview Matt Ford did on ITZ and how he said we have a lot to be expecting in this storyline...I can't wait to see it.

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The one brief scene with lucas/sami/ej didn't bother me, and since lucas was talking in a way that seemed more natural, I kind of liked the interaction. (If lucas would talk like this more often, I think I'd like him better).

I loved the DiMera scenes - all of them from Stefano/Rolf to Tony/Anna with EJ and then Stefano. Since Andre was "killed" I've missed TP a lot and having Tony *and* Anna was a bonus. I really enjoy his conversations when he's trying to open EJ's eyes and loved EJ thinking back to what Tony said while he was looking out the window. Also intrigued by the nemesis and the patient.

The sorority stuff wasn't bad; did find the coven-like shots a little strange, and as someone who was never pro sororities or frats, it hit me a bit like my stereotyped image of them (not a good thing).

I did enjoy the episode - at least the parts I watched and didn't have muted. Better than Mon and Tuesday mainly because of the DiMera factor and their strong scenes.

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Good show today...except for one thing...


That had to be the most disgusting love scene I have ever seen. I liked angry Sami and all but it just seemed force and lacked substance. It was something I would expect out of Passions and to see them afterward sitting there, she still in her outfit and him fixing his pants and shirtless...it lacked so much. I am so disgusted with this story. The LUMI scene up until then weren't bad as it was good angst but the sex scene was dreadful.

I enjoyed seeing Tony advise EJ, especially given Tony's history with Stefano. Anna was so cute with the baby and I also liked how EJ let Sami have Johnny at Lucas' and how he remembered Tony's words. Looks like a war between father and son is brewing...

I can't say enough how much I enjoy the sorority story. It's being presented so well but, I must admit, as good as the directing was with the fall I am getting kind of annoyed with how people keep dying by hitting their heads on this show. Alas, it was intense with the music and flashbacks and the way they all sat there. I am sure if Chelsea wasn't out of it she would kind of back away from the whole cover up thing because of Zack but I liked the scenes. Shelley showed her acting chops today as she flashed back to her rape. Just great stuff. Very creepy, especially the body lying right on the girls' symbol. I could see Ford not being dead yet either and part of me hopes not and another part of me hopes he's not because this all feels a little too simple. He could easily be alive as the drug could've slowed his heart rate or something.

Stefano and Rolf...awesome. Gothic feel and I am intrigued. I think the nemesis could be Colleen but I hope not. I want it to be Wayne's Roman or John, although I am thinking it's John that had surgery performed by Rolf. The letter and just the dialogue and feel was splendid. A perfect mystery and one that already has been excited. I don't see the patient being Andre as John seems like a better surgical candidate them him. John had more extensive injuries and Andre could've been repaired and sent out already.

Good show and I think tomorrow should be good too.

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first off.. i am a fan of both Lumi & Ejami... however i am a sami brady fan first and last. I WANT HER BACK! who is this person they call sami? end it. end her relationship with both men. have her move out get own damn place take her kids with her, let lucas see the girl, ej see the boy, but have her done with both men - at least for a bit. establish who sami is. get her ajob, some friends, a life beyond these two men!

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You are so right Jack - Sami definitely needs a life outside of men! She has really never had friends except for Jamie years ago and I would like to see more development like you mentioned. I want her back too, just a grown up version, not the little girl that wants her parents together. At least she has moved on from that.

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Such a hot Jewish boy, such a terrible person. I will miss Ford's body if virtually nothing else. And yes, the direction was excellent and Y&R-worthy. Pity the scripts are incredibly uneven these days. Having Higley onboard can't help. And while I think EJ and Sami are very hot, I can't help but side with Lucas and find the endless triangle nauseating at this point - anybody who remembers the rape seems to be getting railroaded in the name of the obnoxious Irish Spring music to indicate EJ and Sami's "lurve". This is totally the wrong way to handle a slow build to EJ/Sami.

I am racking my brain to remember Stefano's old "nemeses". Was there some Mexican guy in the two Romans story? Or Orpheus? And I find it ridiculous that there has been no mystery or question of who the driver was who killed John (if he's dead).

Are Tony and Anna really leaving?

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