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What will happen to Days ratings now that Passions is gone?

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It will be interesting to see how all of this plays out and how well Days does. NBC is reshuffling its daytime lineup, Days is switching time slots in some pretty big markets, and it's the only soap on the NBC lineup. I personally don't see how Days could possibly rebound from this. The show is already in a ratings decline, having lost over 800,000 viewers from a year ago. It really can't afford to have its time slot played with and its network reshuffling everything. To a lot of viewers, they have a certain loyalty to a particular time slot, when that show is no longer on at that time, they may never tune back in again. The same is true for many primetime shows that switch time slots as well. Also, it's pretty obvious that Hogan can't write big ratings stunts, like Guza, so that won't help them any. Also, Ed Scott is a more traditional EP, he certainly won't go for anything JER-ish like a serial killer storyline or procession.

Days is really in a lot of trouble, I just hope for the same of the genre, it doesn't continue to bleed even more.

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The end of 'Passions' isn't going to have any effect on DAYS' ratings, PASS was never the lead in and always lost viewers that were watching DAYS.

I hope that the reshuffle of time slots (in some BIG markets) doesn't backfire. ATWT and OLTL are weaker soaps than GH or B&B so I think DAYS might have a shot of gaining some viewers. That being said most soap viewers are very loyal and get into a routine of viewing, I hope this routine isn't too easily upset.

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Probably the same thing that has been happening for years continue to go down just like the rest of Daytime's ratings :( My hope is that ATWT and OLTL pick up alot of Passions viewers to make there ratings go up but I don't see that really happening. As for Days like others have said moving it around to a different time zone, especially one already fans that probably watch OLTL and ATWT and won't leave those shows to watch DAYS, IMO it is just another sign that DAYS is gone soon :(

Plus Passions from what I understand will still air at 2 on Direct TV so that is not going to help DAYS either, putting it on with three other soaps airing at that time does not really add up to me, but that is NBC and it's affiliates choice to do that. Frankly having four soaps airing at 2pm might not be good for any of them, they all might drop because of this.

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some areas DAYS is moving back to their original time slot now against ATWT/OLTL. The Chicago market is moving it back to that slot after it switched PSNS and DAYS back in January last year (it might of been even earlier then that I can't remember exactly, I just now I went back to school and DAYS was on against GH).

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Either stay the same or go up...

Once the trash out the beauty of the garden can be fully experienced.

I don't know if Days is moving its timeslot where I am so I don't know if it will be up against different competition. However now its up against AMC and B&B in the later half hour.

I think it would do do better if it were up against ATWT and OLTL. ATWT really isn't pulling in that many viewers so I don't see it being a real threat. OLTL on the other hand has been consistently good the last few months and is getting even better it seems so I expect a tight race between them.

Anyways I think B&B is hard to match up against for any other soap. Even though its almost as bad as GL.

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The worst thing for Days is the fact it will also be cancelled in 2009, as someone said when Passions was cancelled. Do viewers stop watching altogether when a soap is cancelled or do they find another soap to watch? Are Passions fans, only Passions fans, or are they fans of other soaps? There probably won't be a noticeable difference in ratings, except GL fans might get a little anxious now that their soap is on the bottom.

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I will admit I am worried but I don't see the loss of Passions hurting Days. I see the timeslot changes hurting it.

However, in my view, there isn't much further the show can go in numbers and this could be a good thing. People aren't stupid and the whole "fans are loyal to a time alot" thing is a bit exaggerated. People can look in there local guide or even check out the times on their cable box. I do it all the time to see when something is on. Sure, there is a track record of failure when switching time slots but Days was moved in a few markets earlier, as mentioned, and it's going to be returning to what it was in those markets.

Let's remember loyalty in regards to viewership is a thing of the past for the most part. It's more about "what have you done for me lately" in regards to entertainment. If people are invested in the show, they will find it. Days has already seen a massive decline and the numbers have been stable all summer so, to me, those are the fans that stay no matter what. If those fans are invested, they will follow the show. Then, at least, the show will still maintain that audience.

We'll see. This could be good in a minor way or bad in a BIG way from how I see it. Hopefully, it's the former.

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