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CBS Daytime Free Fall

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Looking at that 1993 list makes me sad :( I blame OJ Simpson for this, it all starting going down hill during the time when soaps were less important than his dang never ending trail. AW a now cancelled show has a higher rating that year than all the soaps other than Y&R today, that is just really sad.

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I think in order for soaps to survive, they need to be held to the same standards as primetime shows. No more choppy, nonsensical writing, plot-driven crap, laughable acting. The biggest obstacle, IMO, are the budgets, but if everything else is excellent, no one will mind cheap sets. What most people do mind, I think, are total lapses in logic and reality on a minute-by-minute basis, and I don't mean bleeding tree stumps or evil spas and doctors that prematurely age you (although those don't help). When was the last time you watched a soap that didn't completely fudge details or just plain not make sense at one point or another? I think some people would rather have fantasy BS that is written well, than "realism" that isn't realistic at all, but that might just be me (and I still hate fantasy crap, just not as much as error-prone writing).

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Week of September 3-7, 2007

Total Viewers (Last Week/Last Year) (Same Week: 2003)

1. Y&R 5,389,000 (+73,000/-159,000) (-300,000)

2. B&B 3,641,000 (+26,000/-569,000) (-608,000)

3. GH 3,280,000 (-46,000/+120,000) (-895,000)

4. OLTL 3,121,000 (-21,000/+100,000) (-536,000)

5. AMC 2,904,000 (+29,000/-60,000) (-760,000)

6. ATWT 2,888,000 (+253,000/-612,000) (-978,000)

7. DAYS 2,588,000 (+49,000/-662,000) (-919,000)

8. GL 2,537,000 (+70,000/-495,000) (-1,014,000)

9. PSNS 1,645,000 (-22,000/-90,000) (-848,000)

Total Viewers: Same Week 2003 (EP/HW)

1. Y&R 5.689 million viewers (Shaughnessy/Smith/Alden/Jones) Was this a magical team or what?

2. B&B 4.249 (Bell) What can I say: Extreme camp rocked back then

3. GH 4.175 (Farren Phelps/Guza/Pratt) They proved they could lure in viewers. "Could" being the operative term.

4. ATWT 3.866 (Goutman/Sheffer/Passanante) Makes you wonder about Passanante's thought process.

5. AMC 3.664 (Dadario Burke/McTavish) The duo rocked AMC in their short stint together.

6. OLTL 3.657 (Valentini/Malone/Griffith) Higley & Carlivati must be jealous of this team's "success"

7. GL 3.551 (Conboy/Weston) Daytime's most mistreated show since 1995

8. DAYS 3.507 (Corday/Wyman/Reilly/Higley) No wonder people are calling for ANOTHER serial killer story

9. PSNS 2.493 (Cazotte/Reilly) Remember Another World? NBC & Frons don't want you to. Breathe in, breathe out, you keep me alive....for only 8 years. I'm speechless when it comes to this show.

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Week of September 10-14, 2007

Total Viewers (Last Week/Last Year) (Same Week: 2003)

1. Y&R 5,462,000 (+73,000/-108,000) (-366,000)

2. B&B 3,673,000 (+32,000/-390,000) (-816,000)

3. GH 3,366,000 (+86,000/+221,000) (-466,000)

4. OLTL 2,996,000 (-125,000/-56,000) (-473,000)

5. ATWT 2,973,000 (+85,000/-210,000)(-1,022,000)

6. AMC 2,792,000 (-112,000/-198,000) (-733,000)

7. GL 2,576,000 (+39,000/-192,000)(-1,116,000)

8. DAYS 2,453,000 (-135,000/-723,000)(-1,218,000)

Total Viewers: Same Week 2003

1. Y&R 5.828 million viewers

2. B&B 4.489

3. ATWT 3.995

4. GH 3.832

5. GL 3.692

6. DAYS 3.671

7. AMC 3.525

8. OLTL 3.469

Household Ratings

2007/Same Week 2003

1. Y&R 4.0/4.5

2. B&B 2.8/3.3

3. GH 2.5/3.1

4. OLTL 2.3/2.7

5. ATWT 2.2/2.9

5. AMC 2.2/2.7

7. GL 2.0/2.4

8. DOOL 1.9/2.9

*Passions canceled/2.1

*Port Charles canceled/1.5

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