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GH week of 8/27

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Hot Lucky & Sam kiss. Lucky isn't being stupid, he knows what's going on with Sam & I like that.

Liz & Emily....boring

Sonny/Trevor/Kate/Ric....This is why Ric deserves the Emmy. He delivers so plese give him storylines! I liked the Kate & Trevor tie in, it works for me. It may not later, but for now it does. Really liked who is playing Trevor, he has great chemistry with RH, MW, & MB.

Jax & acrly, nothing to write home about.

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What I like about Lucky and Sam is that they both know each other's motivations. Lucky knows Sam started getting closer bc she hates Liz. Sam knows that Lucky hasnt dropped her in spite of that. They both see right through each other. I really like their friendship and hope they can remain friends. Its good to see them having someone to support them. Oh I didi like Spinelli defending Sam

Who else found Amelia and Sam to be hilarious today? I loved how they were talking about how much they hated each other to Lucky but at the same time trying to be friendly and playing it off. That cracked me up.

I also laughed when Lucky told Amelia she could get a new star for the show and Amelia said "Recasting is alot of trouble and it usually ends up a disaster. Audiences are generally slow to accept a change. They'll tune out before they watch someone unfamiliar". Yeah I wouldnt want to see Sam recast either. I wonder if that one was an inside joke. The audience hated when Amelia was recast and was glad when the original came back. Also they most likely wont recast Sam if she were to leave. And of course Lucky was standing there haven been recast twice. That line was funny

I rolled my eyes when Liz said she hasnt been unfaithful at all since last summer as if exchanging "I love yous" and kisses to another man in the park is alright in marriages. Im glad Emil brought up that she's guilty of emotional infidelity as thats something Ive felt for a long time.

Im liking Trevor but so far Im finding this story boring

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Diane is a riot! Sonny has some nerve breaking it off with Kate before Diane got her dress...lol

Today is the day Jason died and is now offiically dead to me

Loved the Lucky/Sam scenes. No manipulations, no playing around; it was pure genuine stuff here. I felt for her and was glad Lucky and later Spinelli showed up to comfort her

Im glad Lucky apologized to Liz and is trying to work things out

Amelia needs to get a life. She has potential but she needs to move on from Jason and Sam

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Jason is a cold blooded killer, but Sam is the worst exuse for a human? I guess that might be true considering Jason isn't human at all.

Anyone who can kill at the drop of a hat, and then threaten to kill without so much of a blink is vile and disgusting. Jason needs to be put to sleep because he's an animal. Disclaimer: Steve is hot!

I haven't watched The Trials and Tribulations of Jason Morgan in a few days because Luza is losing me. I will have to catch this on the weekend when I watch Diane. She's the only person worth watching these days...

Limited Luza needs his hack license revoked! He's abused it long enough...


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amelia bedelia just needs to goo.. we already have enough character doing the jiz proppage.

this mob story is very interesting.. sonny has been great! and it's because carly's no where to be seen and not much sason yet that is cuz you know they'll be soon up in our faces.

i do like the trevor-ric-kate-sonny stuff and diane & max are a laugh.

Carjackers scenes are just FF for me.

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