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Speaking of which, Justin Gimelstob and Steve Weissman seemed to be sniping at each other during the Kokkinakis/Verdasco match. Was that just very dry light-hearted banter or is there some animosity there? There are times when Tracy Austin appears clearly annoyed with Steve.


Haha Nick deleted this tweet before Verdasco won:




Edited by Faulkner
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I flove Steve Weissman and just loathe Justin.....I had to LOL at how Justin was saying he wasn't confrontational in on and off court.....he just blocks people he doesn't agree with on social media. He is a true ass of a person/human being. Justin kept jabbing Steve and asking who he had gone with on that great vacation he was mentioning. Steve kept avoiding/turning the topic to something else but Justin kept hammering him about it until he finally dropped it. Tracy and Lindsay are great friends with Justin.....they kiss his behind and worship the ground he walks on.


I thought for sure Kok was going to win and let the whole that's my fuckin father battle with Verdasco get to him. Verdasco has gotten on my nerves. He has been a big complainer as of late. He is usually just a spoiler in matches and loses next round. He knows his career is almost up so he knows these small openings are his last chance to do something. Thus his angry outbursts on the court over almost anything.

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Steve called Justin a liar, and it wasn’t a “haha” moment. It felt edgy and uncomfortable. So weird.


Viewers pointed out the tension and Justin responded:




Verdasco has been whiny for a long while. It’s not a good look.



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Yeah, I am sure Steve has seen his media postings and knows of his troubled/divorced marriage. His new gf looks just like his ex-wife. He must love blonds.


As for Verdasco....its odd that a lot of tennis fans online are on his side not Koko....odd

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I can't put myself to totally watch the match. Konta's game literally puts me to sleep. I am watching Khachanov vs Kevin Anderson. Khachanov is running Kevin all over the court. I hope he beats him. I cant stand Kevin Anderson anymore. Khachanov just won the first set.

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