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ATWT: Monday August 20 Discussion

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I for one am so sick and tired of this Jack/Fluffinater storyline that I could KILL!!!! I can't tell you how bad this needs to END!! What amazes me is how much I enjoy the Luke/Noah/Maddie triangle and can at least understand the writing somewhat there....but this Jack storyline is awful!! And what was the point of JJ being kidnapped if it did nothing to bring Jack any closer to Carly? I don't get it. I can only hope the spoilers for next week will bring me some happiness!! I just don't know how much longer I can watch The Fluffinater and Jack "in love"!

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:lol: It was like an 90's Batman cartoon wasn't it? BAM! He literally came out of no where. He flew in and push JJ aside and then dived into the quicksand to get Carly :lol:

They kissed atleast 4 times. That entire "joke" cope out made no sense. What kissing joke goes on like that? I would have understood maybe if it was once. But he kept on kissing him multiple times. I gotta agree though. I would of totally chewed him out for making fun of my sexual orientation and making me being "gay" a joke. That was awful writing/directing.

It was written like a cartoon. BAM! Jake rescues Carly. BAM! Silas comes out of nowhere. BAM! Jack pumpels Silas. :lol: it's kind of comical. :lol:

I really am begining to worry about JJ though. Especially after today. That poor kid has been threw so much in his young life. This kid just went threw a major trauma watching his mother drown in quicksand (after he himself was drowning in said quicksand) and then he had to watch her almost die after already having to go threw a major trauma of being kidnapped and man handled, then the poor kid witnessed Jack beating the crap out of Silas on top of already having a dead mom and a criminal father. This kid is going to have major issues when he grows up. I'm tired of all the abuse this kid has gone threw over the past months.

I am thinking this kid is going to be in need of a therapist soon. :(:unsure:

I thought it was the same (chemistry wise). Just a few moments longer and little more lip action.

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Saw this on SOD Online:

Buss Fuss

The Internet was buzzing about the big kiss between AS THE WORLD TURNS's Luke and Noah on Friday (to be continued today) — a clip of the smooch has over 230,000 hits on YouTube.com, was the No. 1 Most Viewed Entertainment video on Saturday, and was linked from several Web sites, including the main page of celebrity gossip site PerezHilton.com.

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LOL...I'm going to enjoy watching that sorry-assed excuse of a fling die an ugly, ugly death. :D

It's almost too bad Jack's jaw wasn't broken when Silas slammed him with that shovel he just happened to be carrying while searching the woods. At least I wouldn't have to listen to Kack. :D

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This Will/Gwen/Cole/Sophie/Aaron/Ali/Dusty stuff is almost making my brain melt out of my ears.... it's almost as dull as watching Meg.

Those Jack, Carly, and JJ quicksand scenes confused me. How did Jack get her out so easily compared to when Carly tried to get JJ out? And how exactly did he find them? :huh: I don't read spoilers, so I was hoping for some progress after this mess, but instead all I get is a mushy Jack and Katie phone call. Ewwwwww.

Poor Luke. Poor Maddie too. I want to smack Noah right upside the head. Lamest. Excuse. Ever.

Most of all, poor Brad. He stuck with Katie's insufferable whining. Gah! And I really don't like Vienna when she's in scenes with Katie; I usually love her when she's with Henry or anyone else. Katie's like a blackhole of fluffiness that devours anyone around her. :angry:

LOL Ustube :P

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