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DAYS- Stephen Nichols bashed for comments he made in his blog

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i agree the Marlena fans on that board are way out of line sometimes...I'm sorry that Marlena hasn't had a storyline in a long time, it bugs me also..Marlena is one of my favorite characters, but it is not SN or even Ali Sweeney's fault about Marlena's lack of airtime..Its Hogan and Corday's fault. There is a post basically bashing Ali on there also...

Linn is one of my favorite Marlena fans, because she is very passionate about Marlena and Deidre, but she is also objective and reasonable...Even though Marlena is her favorite, she realizes the show does need other characters as well...and doesn't continuously bash others..

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When I read Stephen's blog I was so excited because of his enthusiasm for the behind the scenes changes which most of us here feel are necessary to improve the overall quality of the show. Many of us here have favorites and we sometime bash those characters which we don't like but certainly not to the lengths some fanbases go. I just came from Deidre Hall's site and I can tell you I won't go there anytime soon. I prefer the show as a whole. Yes I am a Steve & Kayla fan from way back but I have always liked Marlena and Roman and then John too. There have been pairings that I like and some I don't like, but I don't think that I would stoop to such blatant bashing.

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A bit off topic, but I never cared for Dee Hall or Marlena. I don't understand why some people act as if she's the friggin' star of the show, when she's so obviously not.

What pisses me off more is the end credit, 'With Deidre Hall'. She's got some ego if she demanded that be placed in there. Also, I think she's pretty much a one-note actress who was allowed to ride the popularity wave via the wacky stories JER handed to her in the 90's. Yeah, I know she existed before that, but I never quite understood her appeal. She's never had the acting chops of Suzanne Rogers, or the history of Frances Reid or even Susan Seaforth Hayes.

Fans can bitch all they want about their favorites not being shown, but soaps should not be focused solely on any one character or couple. Soaps are supposed to be ensembles, end of story.

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And before some people get the bad impression, this thread is not bashing the fans over at the DH board. Everyone has the right to their own opinion and just because there are some who may not worship the ground DH walks on, doesn't mean they aren't entitled to their own opinion.

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Really, I don't understand why Days made one character/actress the face of the show. That sends the wrong message to the audience imo. By doing that, they're setting themselves up for failure. OK, Dee is the face of Days, but when she's back-burned, they act surprise when the ratings start to tank and there's a backlash? Come on...

I also never understood why Days/Corday/Sony/NBC moved heaven and earth in an attempt to lure Dee back to the show in 1991. Also, I find that 'With Deidre Hall' credit totally disrespectful to the other actors and actresses on the show. Are we suppose to believe that they're all lesser talents/stars? I can understand Frances Reid getting a special credit, since she's been there since day one and is the matriarch of the show.

Also, Julie was arguably the face of Days up the 80's, but TPTB had no problem firing Susan Seaforth Hayes in the 80's, but yet they bent over backwards for Deidre? Julie was Days' premiere bad girl turned heroine and was definitely the "face" of the show around the time Susan was fired....

I really don't get it...

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Certainly Dee Hall wouldn't endorse this behavior. And it's one thing to think your favorite should be the star of the show, and it's another thing to dislike other people that are front and center, but to pull something from the an actors blog, and then bash what he says, and say awful things about him... very rude.

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No, it's a matter of opinion. It's also a blanketed, generalized statement that didn't pinpoint one particular person in order to bash them. No one is bashing Deidre Hall either. There's a difference between stating your opinion in a clearly intelligent manner, and calling someone an "untalented whore because she's blah blah blah."

It's not....someone made a point about Marlena fans, and I said to be fair, many fans are crazy. There's nothing wrong with that.

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