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Which writers in your opinion should NOT being writing in daytime?

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1. Lynn Marie Latham

How do you go in, and 16+ months later, daytime's #1 show is unrecognizable and could possibly rival that discarded piece of filth Trassions? How in the sam hell does something like this happen?

2. Jean PISS-ANT-e

What she has done to ATWT is criminal. The show is an absolute piece of trash!

3. David Kreizman

Has this man ever heard of pacing? How do you invest when a story begins and ends w/in 7 days? DK is someone you bring in for the short term after you rid yourself of something like Dena Pigley. You need someone to just go in and wrap things up - this would be Kreizman. Outside of that, he serves no purpose in daytime. I don't know why I just allow this man to break my heart over and over again.

The reason 75% of CBS daytime "writers" was chosen first is because when all else fails on any other network, you could always rely on CBS to be a cut above the rest. Not the case anymore. I didn't include BB because that will always be incestuous trash no matter who writes it.

4. Megan McTrash

The debacle that is AMC is for the dogs. The ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZendall hour is also for the dogs. Had Alexa not decided to leave, it would still be the piglet hour. The strong actors are not used properly. They are supporting players to the people at the Infusion Dumping Site. The waste of talent and the singlemindedness is killing this show.

5. Dena Pigley

She has made it so that I don't care if I never see OLTL again. The woman wrapped up the best story this show has had in a long time (gay politician) in 2 weeks just because she could not wait to get the Spencer Truman thing started. Now, I have to ask. Did that guy really serve a purpose? Need he be so diabolical and not be related to anyone in the end? ST was Dena's prize, and she was not letting that one go. In the end, it was her undoing. Loser idiot she is!

6. Robert Luza

See what happens when you fall in lust with one of the characters for which you should be writing? Luza's boner for Jason/Steve is hurting this show terribly, and I don't even watch that often anymore. Sorry Luza, I liked Nurse Betty much better.

I won't include James E. Reilly because that man is just sick, and he should not be labeled a writer. He's not happy unless he's penning death, rape, incest or beastiality. There is no place in the writing industry for that mutant. Thank god NBC finally came to their senses and rid the airwaves of that man. The stench will be with us for a long time, but eventually, we may forget all about him.


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I'm glad someone mentioned Dena Higley's Daniel Colson story on OLTL. When she took over, the show was actually revitalised though it fell apart within weeks. It was fresh storytelling and killing of Jen in such a brutal way gave Catherine Hickland among others, fantastic material.

The issue of a bisexual politician was the kind of "outside of the box" story that is forever being used in shows like Law and Order. Yet daytime has the ability to tell them in greater detail with character development and instead prefers lame old cliches like baby swaps and amnesia. I will never understand it.

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I've had trouble w/ Guza Jr., Not sure yet about Korte [GH]. Dena Higley, and the directing of Frank Valentini EP, the jury is still out on Ron Carlivati w/ his newly formed scribing team [OLTL]. Although he' been w/the show for yrs, co-HW since February; I want to see a "body of work" under his credits. I have trouble w/repetitive dialog. Characters w/so much airtime basically saying the same thing while other characters sit on the bench but they can't scribe for...[Y&R] I haven't really analyzed but think they mix up the dialog well.

[b&B] stopped making sense to me years ago. Stopped watching it bc of the Brooke' musical Forrester chairs, couldn't handle it. AMC stopped watching a few years ago. I'm down to about 3 now and about to give up one soon if it doesn't get better.


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Ron Carlivati has been Co- head since may...........Announcement came out in February! Ron's new team isn't even together yet. It will be weeks, before those changes are made. All that has changed as of now is the Head writer and a script writer. We know a new breakdown writer has been hired, but she hasn't written anything that has hit our screens yet.

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Inside the Actor's Studio pmpous dorkus James Lipton. How this man ruined soap after soap (starting with Another World in 1966) for over 20 years and even got to create two of his own soaps shows that soaps have always had some messed up roundalays of "talent"

I mean this man didn't have ONE single successful tenure. Unlike say McTavish who has had some history of success (although nearly all of it in her first stint)etc... it just boggles the mind

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Oh, no, you put Kay Alden and Jack Smith on there too? :o:(:(:(

My list would be:

Dena Higley

Hogan Sheffer

whoever's writing GL

Megan McTavish


However, I don't think that Brad Bell should not be writing. I think that he can be a great storyteller. Sometimes.

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John F. Smith burnt out in 2005 & I was glad LML fired him. Smith needs a lengthy vacation. Kay Alden should always be writing- either on Y&R, GH, OLTL, and especially AMC.

Bradley Bell, a great storyteller!? :blink: If that's the case, how about Robert Guza Jr? B&B needs a writing staff overhaul, pronto.

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Well, Bell has made a lot of terrible choices and he keeps making them. However, he did write the Stephanie's Past Storyline and the Darla's Death one and, despite severely missing Darla, he really did do a good job on these. Bell can be very good, when: 1) He occassionally decides to tell a story he hasn't told a thousand times, 2) When he has a worthy co-HW with him. May-August 2004 was a terrific, TERRIFIC era for B&B and things are certainly looking up now that Kay Alden is helping him. 3) When he slows the whole damn thing down a little bit.

As for Guza? I wouldn't wish him on PASSIONS, but he's still better than The Hack.

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Funny cuz 2004 was one of B&B WORST years. I'm glad that Meg Bennett was fired then. I returned as a regular viewer in October 2005.

You hate Guza Jr.? You wouldn't even hire him to HW Passions? He did top the five million viewer mark this year, after all. What's the highest Passions has received? 3.5 million?

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I thought you hated the show and have nothing good to say about it? Anyway, I didn't mention 2004 as a whole, but a specific time in it. If you didn't like it that doesn't make any difference to me because I immenseelly enjoyed those few months, especially the Thorne vs Ridge Storyline. You thought it was bad? Good for you.

So, fine, you like Guza Jr. Toped the five miilion mark? Uh-huh, OK. So?

I do think that GH used to be the best soap on ABC, true. Now that Carlivati is on, that goes to OLTL. But, wait, you hate OLTL, don't you? So, GH is good, B&B and OLTL are trash. Got it. For future reference, that's all.

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