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AMC: Should Greenlee go to jail?

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Before anyone says well she isnt leaving the show so she wont go to prison, remember that Krystal, Erica and Kendall all were sent to prison for their crimes while still on the show. Sure they were reduced sentences but they all got locked up. How does everyone feel about Greenlee? She tried to kidnap a baby and as a result of her actions and negligence, that baby nearly died and will suffer now for the rest of his life bc of her. She put his parents through hell. Im not sure if I want her in jail yet, but she defiently needs to pay and be held accountable for her actions.

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I don't see why any character shouldn't go to jail at least once when they do things like this (you know - really, really bad things). If JR went to jail for even just a month of episodes, it would have made a nice difference (at least in my book). I think the same is true for Greenlee.

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Quite honestly I think it would be a joke at this point if anyone on AMC went to prison for anything. Everyone gets away with everything in that town. Hell Zach causes a massive blackout and causes severe emotional and mental anguish against hopeful parents and the show says it was a token of his love for Kendell and the show never brings up the fact that numerous parents were affected by that selfish act of awfulness, Tad burried a man alive for weeks torturing him and he get's off with not even a slap on the wrist. JR has endangered the lives of atleast 11 different people on this show and he walks away freely. Adam tries to kidnap Jenny and barely get's his hand swat.

Honestly this entire town get's away with everything and it just makes Derek look incompetent.

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No greens should not go to jail, but she needs to tell kendall the whole truth and that would redeem her in my eyes. She only thought about kidnapping spike for like 5 minutes, I really don't think she should go to jail for that. Babe is the one that should be put in jail kidnapping two kids, and hasn't paid a second for it. An skin don't even bring up jr getting custody of little A, she practically saw him everyday. :lol:

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U crazy :huh::P

You are aware that JR alot of the time tried to get out of letting Babe visit little adam right and even at one point bought off a judge to cancel her visitation to her child right? But i'm not going to hijack this thread. This isn't about Babe this is about Greens.

I honestly think it would be a joke if Greens went to jail now for this when Tad walked away scott free for his Madden torture.

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The thing is as a viewer whenever I see Tad lecturing just about anybody about their misbehavior I want to kick him in the balls, and that's the consequence of a lack of punishment. I almost feel the need to throw a remote at my TV during Tad/Adam scenes with the lecturing, lol. I don't need to see Greenlee in jail or anything (pleading guilty and getting - unserved, it's a soap - community service is fine with me b/c she did commit a criminal act for 20 miles and it did lead to some serious damage), but again I think it's good thing that every character that's a sort of a bad-a** (in a consistent basis; I include Babe here b/c she is a bad-girl) serve at least one jail sentence in their soap life. So I can say yes they did this or that, but he/she did serve some time in jail at least once - got to give them props for that.

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I really love the actress playing Greenlee, but it wouldn't bother me if she got into some kind of legal trouble for this. Maybe a suspended sentence or something. It won't bother me if she walks away scott free either, since many characters have for the same or worse crimes.

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Definitely not. Many walked away without being punished for what they did. During these past few months Greenlee is the only thing that kept this show alive. Last week we finally got some story (with the new writers and all).

If Greenlee and Ava wouldn't be featured on AMC, there would be no AMC for me.

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I say if Babe was able to kidnap two babies, drug a nanny, commit fraud, run from the cops and cause -- what is it... "mental anguish?" :rolleyes: -- and not go to prison, then Greenlee will be able to get off as well. Especially if the case were to go in front of a jury.

But she definitely needs to go to traffic school. :unsure:

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