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AMC: Tuesday

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Welcome to Tuesday's Discussion of All My Children



Today on All My Children..

-Adam makes a vow that he intends to get everything back that he has lost.

-Zach is distraught and Annie reaches out to him.

-Jackson wants to help Ava

-Kendell's baby is done with surgury!

Speical 25th Aniversery Episode that aired in 1995

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Sean/Colby :wub:

I feel so bad for Kendell. She only gets to be with one of her children at a time.

I like that Di is letting Greenlee have it! :)

ETA: The baby made it! :) YAY!

Hanging's Emma's picture was sweet! :wub:

Liza mention. :)

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Aww I loved the last Zach/Kendall/Ian scene. Loved that Kendall said Ian liked his name and she could tell-first time since Ian's birth I felt like she bonded with her new baby boy. Really sweet touching scene

Can't wait for Mommy and Ian scenes tomorrow :)

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Yeah, Kelli was excellent today. And why are they letting her go again? ;/

I would like a Amanda/Greenlee friendship, maybe she'd be there to defend her to the others at Fusion.

Kinda sick of Ava, haha. Loved Ryan/Kendall's scenes, and baby Ian! Aw!

Tomorrow we'll get our first taste of Aidan/Greenlee.

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Today's show was ok to me. It seemed like more of a filler though.

I liked the Zach/Annie/Emma scenes and it's so cute that Emma thinks of Ian as her baby brother too.

Loved Di letting Greenlee have it because she deserved it.

OMG, the preview with Ryan looks like it will have me bawling tomorrow. I hate to see a grown man cry because you know he has to be in a lot of pain. :(

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Seven Years In Tibet Ryan

Good god Ryan is such an idiot! It seems as if he has spent several years in Tibet practicing to be the next Dalai Lhama and become a patron Saint and an even bigger one than all the PV people make his holiness out to be! So now he wants to give Greenlee the benefit of the doubt and say she had no intentions of ever stealing his beloved Spike. Newsflash Ryan (I know you never watch the news since you are never in the real world ya freak): Greenlee has been obsessing over how to get your baby boy ever since she came back to PV! Whether she is trying to get you back or your baby those are her main two objectives. After all, she thinks she has rights to him and sued for custody of him and finally a clue went off in her brain (something that can never be said about the brainless Ryan) that it was the wrong thing to do. But Ryan just being this goody goody two shoes now wants to think not the worst of Greenlee but that her intentions were not downright low and dirty. Well let's see here Greenlee was married to the con man so that means she learned some low and dirty tricks from his holiness Ryan so that means she had all the bad intentions at her stone filled heart when it comes to Spike. Ta da mystery solved! Geez so now I wonder what Greenlee will have to do before Ryan can say that she was being naughty. Perhaps steal the crowned jewels and make Queen Elizabeth chase after her rather than walk around with her purse acting like Little Miss Know Ho It All. Heck even then Ryan will just say she wanted to practice in becoming a Queen and needed those jewels! Gosh what a fool

Babe LOD (7/31/07)

(to Greenlee): "Your crime was stealing Kendall's baby and we all know it."

Yep Babe would know it, being a baby napper herself!

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Go Di, Go Babe! I so loved them ripping Greenlee apart. I lvoe that Babe threw the "baby stealing bitch" letter in her face. She deserved it. I thought there might have been alot of Babe bashing posts when I saw the previews but pleasently surprised that there arent any yet. I loved Babe defending Kendall

I was disgusted with Greenlee today when she was talking to the reporter and lied about what happened. Playing up the sympathy card about how she was in a car accident and despite that she ended up saving her nephew's life. Of course leaving out the part about the real reason why the Amber alert was issued.

While I dont care for him, I thought it was cute of Emma to call Zach, Uncle Zach. I do love the family unit that Ryan/Annie and Zach/Kendall have built

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Random question not releated to this thread per se... When did Barbara's last airdate happen? Was it when Sean told her to go away around July 12? What a waste...

But speaking of similar characters if we've lost Barabara, any chance Mary could return? I mean the storyline is ripe for it and I'd really welcome her presence back

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Today was ok.

I really enjoyed the Zach/Annie/Emma scenes, even though it was a little random that Zach is her uncle and Ian is going to be her 'brother'. I understand they are a close family, but I didn't realize they built themselves up THAT much (obviously behind the scenes).

I enjoyed Di and Babe today....Greenlee was a little annoying with her stone cold attitude. I thought she was going to soften up for awhile, although I love how she breaks down tomorrow.

I was happy to see Jack and Adam finally have a scene regarding the Ava/Sean thing.

I was just annoyed at Tad once again randomly being a bully to Adam. We get it you two don't like each other, but do you have to always go out of your way to hang out with him and be a jerk?

Sean/Colby/Little A were cute!

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