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OLTL Discussion: Week of July 16th

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I don't watch much of the Marty, Miles, John stuff. I very much enjoyed Viki and Dorian. It seems they are getting more into their old selfs again. I do look forward to seeing them being funny again.

I also enjoyed the Viki, Clint, Sarah, Rex and Cris stuff today. You know, though, for some reason Rex just annoys me these days. When he lectured Sara about telling Viki and Clint what Sarah had done to her uncle, I thought, well Rex, perhaps you should share what you did to Sarah's uncle. He's just such a holier than thou little fart. I liked him as a bad boy. I too like this Sarah.

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IMO the biggest problem with ALL the characters on OLTL is that they never evolve or change in any way (or at least in any way that makes sense). Certainly there are some mature characters for whom character history is sacrosanct and you shouldn't divert from that in any significant way or it appears ridiculous. Evidence: Dorian. When did she become Betty Crocker or perhaps more accurately Betty White? Seriously! Suddenly she's become supportive and indulgent of Clint. That's not Dorian! She's manipulative and self indulgent. You don't want characters to morph -- you want them to evolve as a result of significant events that happen in their lives.

But there are other examples. John McBain, for instance has barely shifted in four years. In spite of relationships and more importantly near death experiences which normally would equate to some sort of epiphany -- he remains an emotionally stunted hero in search of a victim to rescue. Natalie who has also suffered multiple losses remains undaunted. She still charges headfirst into everything without any hesitation as if she has never experienced severe loss. Don't know about you but no matter how brave I started out, burying two loved ones would give me pause. I think some caution would be in order. Lindsay is a psycho and suddenly she's become Mother Nature. It makes no sense.

What makes soaps so interesting is watching the evolusion of characters and seeing them shift along a paradigm. And the characters on OLTL don't move.

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There's no need for Kirk. Why keep him on? Randolph Mantooth(ex-Kirk) has said that he knew along that his role was short-term and what was slated for his character & Tate. I do think it's a shame since Mantooth is such a good actor.

I think Lindsay's progression makes sense due to Jen's death. I like Lindsay the way she is now and hope she never goes psycho again (because I'm afraid if she ever goes psycho again it will be goodbye Lindsay).

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Yeah, I like Sarah. The story is kind of moving on Higley time though. Rex is annoying me these days and Adrianna has annoyed me for some time. I'll be glad when they find Todd too. The scene between Viki, Clint, Sarah, Cris and Rex today was somewhat pointless and really, Sarah making the choice to live with Cris and everybody saying, oh OK, was dumb. However, I am always impressed by the acting skills of Erika Slezak and Jerry verDorn. Like you, I didn't think today was too bad.

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It's a soap. Characters are as needed as the writers choose to make them. We have about 5 woman in his age range and 2 men, so I would say Kirk could have easily served a purpose, if the writers had wanted to give him one. But we all know romance for the over 50 set isn't a priority.

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That is my opinion too. I just wasn't in the mood to argue. LOL. Anyway, I think they need more men of that age. It's not like people over 50 -- specifically women -- can't have meaningful romances. Also, as you mentioned earlier, I don't like all the women fight over the couple of over 50 males, why those male sit back, grin and pick the winner. I still think there is a place for Kirk if they opted not to make hiim dead.

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I am really liking this Sarah but I can't figure out who I like her better with, Rex or Cris. She's good with both, but I find myself laughing more when she's with Rex. As much as I liked the scenes with Viki, Clint, Sarah, Rex and Cris, I wanted to slap Clint upside the head the way he kept interrupting Viki when she tried to say something, and like he knows which house is better for Sarah to live at...Geesh.

Man I feel bad for Miles. I want them to find a way to keep him around.

Arrest Marty already. Do me a favor, please.

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He never threatened to kill a teenager. But as for the rest you're right and that makes him interesting and a catalyst for the other characters. Plus -- Miles has yet to do anything intentionally to hurt anyone. Todd has done that over and over again and gets a pass. Miles does what he does because he wants what he wants. Like a child. Then when he gets in too deep he protects himself. It's bad but his motivations are desperation -- not pure evil. He's infinitely redeemable. And I just LOVE David Chisum. Want to keep him.

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