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OLTL Discussion: Week of July 16th

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I'm not one to notice things like lightening, but I sure noticed OLTL's today. I hate the lighting at Roady's. The way it's dark and then it seems like there is a blue spotlight coming down on the person. Nat looked awful today and so did John due to that horrid lighting.

How much longer can they drag this situation with Todd out? It's really starting to piss me off. So glad they gave TSJ the big bucks so he could play unconscious for a month. :angry: I love Todd, but let's move the drama forward please!

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I'll ask the question. How is having a bunch of guests that most love back for two episodes and then gone a great intro for the new writer? Killing Asa might have potential as a good story. Time will tell on that one although I agree that a final exit for the character is better than his languishing in nonexistence. Still the funeral sounds like one of FV's stunts and nothing more. Certainly it will be great to see Kevin, Joey, Max and Cord but then what? They all vanish and we go back to the same old same. If the funeral was being used as a way to restore some of the favorites to the show I might more impressed with it as an intro for RC's work. Instead it appears to be more bait and switch. RC's going to have to do better than offering up an illusion.

To the David story, so far it's previewed as a story involving three characters not on contract and with no announced plans to have them on the show. Again what is the story I'm supposed to want to tune in to watch because so far a story that revolves around characters not in Llanview isn't much of an incentive to tune in to see.

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This is from the Paul Satterfield message board at his website in response to a fan's question. I know he made the post on June 12, but notice how long he says we will be seeing dead Spencer.....looks like we haven't seen the last of the late doctor......

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I like them better than Rex and Adrianna. Rex has become so holier than thou lately. It's just annoying seeing him screaming and lecturing her all the tme. I'd sure like to see him be Sexy Rexy again.

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I agree Jay. Every story has potential IMO. In Higley's case it's the execution that inevitably failed. People who look to couples or characters and just think shifting them back and forth in terms of the focus makes any difference are short sighted (IMHO). It's how the stories or woven together and how the interaction is played and defined. I am loving John and Blair in scenes. Just because it's different and shows a different dynamic for him. I liked seeing Rex and Michael again. I always enjoy their scenes. Natalie and Blair yesterday were good. I would love to see more of that. The same people in scenes everyday gets flat. Frons may say "I want a TnB reunion" but it's up the headwriter to create a reunion that makes sense and show how that impacts everybody on the canvas. Viki being totally absorbed with Jessica right now and seemingly having no awareness that Todd's even missing is DH all the way. I strongly anticipate that RC will not fall into those same kinds of mistakes.

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I enjoyed Wednesday's episode. I too hope we don't see a return to Jolie. I like Natalie and want to see her in a story of her own. I'm still not comfortable with Clint and Dorian, but at least I'm getting to see them.

I think Jessica and Nash have a great chemistry. I also enjoyed seeing a little bit of the ol sarcastic Jess that I haven't seen since Tess was around. I so hope we get to see much more of the fun Jess in the future.

I don't care who killed Spencer. My unpopular opinion: I liked this version of Paige. It was the first time the character had a career and we saw the career. Having a career woman on this show was nice and I thought the actress was very good and believable. I also liked her with Bo. Of course, I don't see the point in re-creating the Bo, Nora, Lindsey triangle. I know others feel strongly about Bo and Nora so I hope that is what happens and happens quickly. I do think the actress who played Paige this time did a nice job and it's unfortunate she got caught up in the newbie backlash. It's my opinion the backlash wasn't aimed at the actress but at the heavy focus for such a long time on a newbie character.

Finally, I believe I'm seeing the RC influence a bit in some stories. I think Jess and Nash are light and funny again. I think Bo is the principled son of an ends justifies the means dad again. I think most of the Buchs are becoming themselves again. The one exception remains Dorian and Clint, but that is my opinion.

Now Jay, LOL, I agree that Dena was a bad writer, and that Frons was blamed for more than he should have been. However, I do think Frank and Frons share in a lot of the problems with OLTL. I do think you are right that Frons doesn't deserve as much blame as he gets. He deserves some though and Frank deserves more.

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I know how you feel about Frank. I think EP's should report to Head Writers, and yes I know it sounds funny. Ultimately, it is the Head Writer who is writing the story, so they should decide who they are bringing back. I know now, that the HW's pitch possible stories to the EP, and they approve, or not, but I think the HW should have final say. And Jess, I can see a little bit of Valentini's hackness. :)

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That's interesting. I think the HW is making all the decisions anyway so perhaps they should have that authority. It seems that Valentini has either recognized or been told he needs to take responsibility. This is his writer and he has said so. I think that is for the good. You know, right now, the only story that I believe RC is writing that I don't agree with is Dorian and Clint. Many other viewers love it. I don't have to like everything. Overall I'm feeling pretty good about this show! :) I think Ron might be exactly what OLTL needed right now.

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