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ATWT Thursday, July 11

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I loved Katie was tricked by Brad....hahaha. I enjoyed Margo and Craig scenes. I saw bits and pieces of the show. I will have to see it again at cbs.com. It's good to be back after almost 3 days. :D My computer crashed on Monday night.

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When is that TRICK going to realize that Carly is the one that will always have his heart? Katie can't provide for Jack, except for her body and that old nasty couch she has at that apartment that had all the men in her life on.

I didn't feel bad for her what so ever. I did like that Lily put her voice in the situation...It kind of reminded me of the whole thing both of them went through when Julia was there; and at first I seriously thought Lily was going to make mention of that.

Meg needs a slap to the head for swirling around Craig...but then again, her guilt is eating her up a live.

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I was a little confused by the comment that Lily made..."don't scheme, look what happened to Meg." It kind of undercuts the scene when we've never really seen Meg and Carly interact, and the word of Paul's death hasn't spread around town yet.

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I can't believe Caty actually thought that Jack was going to propose to her. Of course she's going to realize that Brad set her up for this little heartbreak and blame it all on him. I just hope Carly doesn't get sucked into that mess. I laughed at Sage today. Like mom like daughter...lol.

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Was it me or were the Craig/Meg scenes akward today? Like when Craig mentioned there were no shoelaces needed to be tied or stories to be read at bedtime..and then Meg saying that's why she came?! :huh: Did not make sense. Alright...so I'll wait & catch the next scene. Maybe they elaborate a little. Nope, just Meg throwing her usual pity party. I also found it odd that Meg told Lilden she made a deal "with the universe". :blink:

Sage: "You're going about it all wrong". :lol: And all this time, they thought Sage was the only child that truly (from the word 'go' accepted Katie! HAHA!) I do however hate that in a few days/weeks/months, Jack'll probably get wind of Sage's scheme and point the finger at Carly, saying she brainwashed their daughter into scheming with her to get Katie out of Jack's life! :rolleyes: And how much of an idiot is Brad? 1) Everyone knows the best time to make a lunge at Katie, bed her, make Jack feel double-crossed, and have Jack run back into Carly's arms where he belongs is..when Katie's vulnerable. Idiot missed his chance! ....and... 2) Why don't you let Katie get all the way out of the room and then check around the corner to see if Katie really is gone before you start doing a happy dance and calling Carly to rub it in her face how she should've trusted you!!

And...uh....since when did they start auctioning off makeovers at baseball camp? I know they were probably meaning for it to sound as though the makeover auction proceeds were going to help baseball camp, but the way the lines were written, it made it sound as though the outfielder might get some eye shadow and a facial. :lol:

Lily(MB)/Holden(JH)/Emma(KW) are worthy of a far better story than being Meg's grief counselors. :rolleyes:

I did, however, like the Craig/Margo scenes. In the glimmer of an instant (during the Margo/Craig scenes), it almost appeared as though J.P. could possibly be making Craig more human, less authoritarian weasel/prick/half-villain. I also wanted to slip a much needed line into Scott Bryce's script when Craig said something about the women he loves always doing him wrong or something along those lines.... he could've said "except for Mama". But no! That might waste too much of ATWT's fabulous script writers' time!! <_<

Faith cur her hair? :huh: I think she did. Her recation to Paul was.... :mellow: "I can't believe he's really gone". PLEASE! Could we expect just a little ounce of sadness glimmering in the mediocre actress's eyes when she learned of Paul's untimely death? Even when she hugged Holden, it almost appeared as though she was smirking. <_<

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Craig meant he didn't have Johnny. I thought it kind of dovetailed nicely with the Jack/Sage scenes.

I don't get Meg...but I'm kind of waiting for her to consummate this sham marriage and get preggers.

I just scratch my head at how the "news" doesn't get around like it used to. No one has talked about Paul's death weeks ago (or at least days, even in Oakie) and no one knows what's gone on in Branson. Faith acted like Meg was just back from vacation, not realizing she's got a new/old Uncle in Craig at all.

I read the recap at cbs.com....they totally cut scenes of Parker/JJ/Faith at "the Olde Town fair". Bummer!! Like we couldn't have cut out one of Gwennie's songs the other day to see something else this week?

I will say this for Bradski...he's declined pity sex at least once with Vienna. So, I guess that makes him a gentleman. I kind of wish Kack would just blow up so we could move it along. Katie's sense of entitlement is really grating.

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I actually don't mind Caty with Brad. They have some form of chemistry happening. And Brad has great chemistry with Henry of all people....although I think a hat has chemistry with Henry...lol.

Just hurry up and bring on the carjack already.....I missed the ending yesterday(trying to catch it at work and the boss came back early....hate that!!)

So I'm assuming Brad did a happy dance and Caty saw that. And let me guess...he calls Carly and Jack gets wind of it and here we go again!! Please hurry up and end this merry go round of a story.....please!!!

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No, there was no happy dance on Brad's part. Brad called Carly, who talked on her end like it was a client. Jack was oblivious. Which, of course, if he ever puts it together, will make him even more furious.

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