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B&B: Week of 6/2

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I loved todays episode! The 4th of July was great. Espeically the ending. Where they all watch the fireworks and Ridge an Ashley kiss. I cannot believe I am saying this but I feel bad for Brooke! :(

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What the hell happened to Brooke's hair? So she's in love with Ridge now? I thought she was in love with Nick? She's gotten over that and is leaving him and Taylor alone? This new story with Ashley seems like a rehash of the Taylor triangle complete with Stephanie supporting Ashley


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It's so sad to see Brooke going back between Ridge and Nick. I have no idea who she really loves and I'm not sure she does either. I'm tired of Bradly having it both ways. Right now, both couples suck because of how Brooke is written, imo. I'm sure Brooke will somehow get Ridge back only to find out she and Nick are having a baby together, which means Nick is her destiny!!

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Well at the party they actually gave Thorne & Felicia a chance to say something for a change.

But the show is still way too much about everyone going around in circles saying "Ridge Ridge Ridge Ridge Ridge" or "Brooke Brooke Brooke Brooke Brooke." Hopefully Kay Alden will put a stop to THAT.

It was great seeing Brooke on Y&R. It was short but it came out really well.

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I'm still loving the show a lot.

Still have to watch everything since 4th July but so far so good. Brooke is slightly annoying with her wishy-washy attitude but we've seen definitely worse sides of her...

On the other I'm liking how intertwined everything is. Ridge among others wants to bust Rick for seeing another woman, yet Ashley is the current woman of his heart. This is classic Bill Bell soap opera.

And I'm SO FREAKING LOVING Ridge & Ashley - they are incredibly cute and the actors really work well with each other. I found it interesting that Ashley is in a story she could easily have ended up with on Y&R, just like Amber does now in Genoa City. However, it's a difference of night and day. The one being Wohoo, the latter bohoo. LOL!

Thank you Brad Bell for bringing Eileen Davidson to B&B! :)

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Brooke is one hot mess! And Donna isn't much better. Brooke's soooo out of it because of Ridge that she almost gets herself in a wreck, than she pulls over and falls asleep knowing that her butt needs to get home to her kids because Donna has to go to the airport.

Then Donna just up and leaves the kids, going out the back door no less, because she heard a car pull up in the driveway and automatically assumes it's Brooke. Now those poor kids are left all alone, scared. LOL!

When Brooke gets home to find Hope and R.J. alone, hopefully that will snap her out of this funk and make her realize that her priority should be her kids well-being and that she doesn't need a man to make her happy.

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Thank you, Stephanie! ;)

Speaking of Brooke's hot mess: I'm so glad they changed her hairdo slightly. This screencap above gave me nightmare. I still want sassy Brooke back (with sexy short hair)...

I guess Donna's just pissed that she once was whoring around in GC and now has become resident babysitter in L.A. and is therefore neglecting the kids. LOL!

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Have Donna and Bridget had any one on one scenes. And speaking of which, who is supposed to be the older sibling, Bridget or Rick, bc do they honestly expect us to buy Rick as being older than her? Every time I see them in scenes together, it looks odd bc she looks like his big sister and it should be the other way around. It doesnt help that he's dating a 13 yr old virigin

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Can't remember. Ashley & Donna did however quipping a funny line, although they shared absolutely zero scenes on Y&R.

Speaking of Kyle Lowder, he's getting more and more annoying. Ugh, he was singing opera style this week. Ugh, what's next: Chloe/Natalia Bjorlin (sp ?). Lowder should have left some things at DAYS which includes certain mannerisms and his too theatrical opera style singing.

I'm not the biggest Jacob Young fan (LOL, who am I kidding, I practically hate him.) but he would be the more believable singing Rick and also look older than Ashley Jones...

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Ha ha! That opera crap gots to go! Ain't nobody gonna buy Phoebe's records with him singing on it. El Divo he's not. LOL!

Sheilaforever: LOL! Well, Brooke is just proving that everything that Steph says about her is true. And you just know that La Steph is gonna take advantage of this situation next week. She's gonna pounce on this opportunity to bring Brooke down!

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Isn't it time for the opera boys quartet to hit Genoa City again? I thought they ought to threaten viewers with their tunes at least once a year. LOL!

I'm looking very much forward to a Brooke-story which is not about her eggs or her love life. Should get good - and KKL deserves a meaty storyline.

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