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AMC: Wednesday

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LOL - I love your Amanda L. Beall hate.

I can't say I hate her - in fact, I usually love her on these special days. I prefer other writers for normal days (Cohen and Taylor) - but Beall does special episodes really well IMO (as you know).

For instance - 9/11, V-Day - two of my fav. episodes in the last year. Don't really know what the GBS reveal is? If that is Tad on the stand, laying into Dixie, then that was amazing as well.

Did anyone think the last segment was a GH: Nightshift promo? Maybe I just looked way too into that...

Oh and anyone have screenshots or video of the new opening? Ryan, Cheap...?

Btw, Angela, I LOVED last year's July 4th episode - that Josh/dead Madden scene was intense - as Tad looked on. The slow motion....ahhhh.

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I was expecting a trainwreck, and surprisingly got a decent episode.

I only have seen the first half but OMG I loved when Colby was talking about her mother. Colby finally starting to see how hard Ava has had it. I hope they bring her mother on in a future storyline!

Greenlee actually didn't annoy me today because she was being pure beyotch!

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About time that we saw a new opening. You know, I was actually thinking that we would see Leven as Ava in the opening, too, like the Adam/Stuart thing, but I still liked the update nonetheless. It seems everyone has longer poses, which I liked!

Today's episode was pretty good, actually...the Greenlee/Annie catfight was funny, loved seeing Amanda cheer it on!

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Well, you'll be LOVING :P it for a while, because I doubt I'll start enjoying her until, maybe, I get a damn break from her.

Anyway, as for Beall doing special episodes really well, the thing is, we don't know if other writers can do special episodes well because BEALL ALWAYS GETS THEM! The only special episode Beall didn't write was the dream episode -- which went to her bosom buddy in the hack department, Hot Mess Bugler.

Great Baby Switch reveal in Florida. "Because babies are like purses." :rolleyes:

Yeah, well... I wouldn't love ya if you didn't, Boo! :P

OMG! Andy, are you serious?! :blink::blink: THAT was the Fourth of July episode last year? That dark, depressing, bleek episode?! I had dropped AMC and was only watching GH from about mid-May to mid-July (ConFusion's opening/film look pulled me back in) of last year, so I didn't see it until they reaired it on Labor Day. I didn't even finish watching it on Labor Day because it was just soooooo depressing. Pure McTrash! What a shitty way to celebrate the holiday -- twice in eight weeks, no less! Ugh!

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I agree. Like every other writer she has her bad episodes, but I do think she generally handles the special episodes well.

I wasn't judging that episode on "dramatic value." I'm judging it more on the fact that I've come to expect 4th of July episodes to be somewhat good-natured family, picnics and fluff stuff (well at least somewhat) - and I like it that way. A son finding his father buried alive and in slow-motion digging him out of his premature grave while we see the list of suspects scattered around time being supicious, eh... not in the spirit!

During the vast majortiy of Fusion scenes/episodes you can find me groaning in "agony," lol, but today I was pretty amused. I don't think I groaned once, save Annie whining about Greenlee in her head and Greenlee whining about Ryan in her head.

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That was the only bad/nausiating thing about today's show.

Yeah - I can see how that episode for the 4th was depressing and not in the spirit of America's birthday. But as a stand alone, it was pretty amazing to me. Wasn't that Colby's first day? If so, today was her 1 year anniversary with the show - and my Lord how far she has turned around. From everyone's most hated newbie to now almost everyone's favorite character.

Sinclair - I am very surprised that Beall didn't do that awesome dream episode. But you're right, I would like to see other writers given the opportunity to do special episodes so we can compare.

GBS - ahhhh ok, that makes sense. For some reason I was thinking it had to be from something recent.

Did Cohen or Beall do the 6-character special episode last year with Zendall, Josh/Babe, and Tad/Dixie? That was a well-written episode too.

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You all know I still think Beall is the best scriptwriter currently and imo this episode proves it once again. What should have been a trainwreck turned out watchable and somewhat entertaining.

The person who should be fired immediately is whoever thought up this special episode for the Fourth of July! I'm with Angela in that I would much prefer to see families and couples celebrating Independence Day together in the park. For the second year in a row, we've had a disappointing holiday episode. What's next, a Fusion Christmas?

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Cohen's only been with AMC for a year? That surprises me. Granted, I've only been paying attention to the daily writing credits ever since last year, mostly thanks to you, Sinclair! :)

Don't exactly remember - someone please help me with this - but the special 6-character episode happened in the fall maybe? Anyway - it had Zendall - and I can't remember what they were talking about - maybe Emma/Ryan or Josh being her sister? Then Josh/Babe - where Babe needed comfort bc of JR and Josh dealing with Zach/Dixie getting off for his father's death and not getting justice.

But the main thing that I remember, that was sooooo good, was Tad/Dixie - and I'm pretty sure it was the day Tad admitted to Dixie that he was the Madden killer and explained to her why he had to lash out on her in court, yadda yadda yadda. Then I think they went into the Kate thing - and Tad broke down in Dixie's arms and they hugged.

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Okay, looked it up (not the bestest episode, but the T/D part was very good. Zach/Kendall were discussing Dixie/Madden's burial/Ryan) - October 3, 2006. From the archives here Hayes and Kanelos wrote that episode.

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The only part about today's ep that was god was the brief moment when the characters were talking about their childrhoods. Loved Kendall's wih about being loved by Erica all her life. Why can't all moments be character driven? Also, why haven't the writers explored more of Di's past. They're reallyy wasiting a good actress with leading lady potential.

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