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AMC: Do you think the new head writers will turn AMC around?

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Ratings fell down for PC because it was going be cancalled and no one really cared after that. It is not because of the writers. The writers did a good job it was that no one was watching because it was going to end and no one really cared.

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Do you know anything about their PC stint? <_<

Actually no, B&E took over PC in 2000 and the show was canceled in 2003. As the wise and insightful bellcurve said, pre-B&E, PC consistently had dailies in the 2.0-2.4 range. However, after they took over in 2000, ratings dramatically nosedived into the 1.0-1.8 range.

No one knew in 2000-2002 that PC would be canceled, so your argument does not hold up.

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Ratings fell after Karen Harris left the HW post. That's a fact! The time she left the HW post, the show was not in danger of cancellation. It gave PASSIONS decent competition during 2000, even though PASSIONS gained on their lead by the end of the year and stayed.

It was when Jim Brown and Barbara Esenten took over when the ratings took a nosedive, budget cuts were made, and a cancellation notice sent out shortly thereafter.

And you call what Brown/Esenten and the ABC Execs did a "good job"? I guess to each his own. Dark Shadows had a budget lower than today's GL and they were able to pull off competent writing, acting, and day-to-day storytelling. PC will never have that kind of cult status. EVER!

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Well, I am saying is not to doubt them. Give them a chance. If they do bad then you can start syaing they sucks. I will give the new head writers a chance. People do change. lol. but even htough they had a bad track record, I am not going to base it on that. I will give them a whole new fresh start on AMC. I guess we will wait and see if they do well, or just crash and burn.

Also you guys did bring good points to my statement. Thanks for correcting me. lol.

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IMO I loved the PC arcs more than anything. I stopped watching pre-arcs.

It's still not their fault that the show wasn't aired in all markets, so low ratings was a factor not with just the writing.

Seriously they're damned if they do, damned if they don't :rolleyes:<_<

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I think all we can do is sit and watch and see what they can do for AMC. Some people love them, some people obviously hate them. I am not going to pre-judge them until I see their stuff air on my screen. I have had favorable experiances with their work other than Port Charles because I never watched Port Charles. We should start seeing their direct work in the coming weeks!

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Well, I'm not sorry that I can't and won't just give them a free pass, go with and wait and see, anything and everything they want to do. They haven't earned that trust from me yet. Their track record doesn't make me believe that they're the saviors they're being painting as. Do I think they're Megan's? No. Do I think they can be what AMC needs? I don't know. Do I think we're better off now then we were 6 months ago? Yes, I think we are. Do I believe that these guys won't just band aid up the show, move on, and think that if Megan got away with it, they will too? Nope. I see signs already that this is what they're doing.

Honestly, all we can do is wait and see. But that's what people did after Josh, and Dixie act poison peanut butter pancakes almost a year to the day later.

I guess we'll see.

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^ I guess I don't find it wrong to be vigulent with these guys too. I can understand if you're a J&E, or a Zendall fan, you probably have a different view things since they're going to be giving them a story. But that doesn't mean it'll be good. That doesn't mean it'll be something that isn't merely plot point driven. That doesn't mean it won't be something that is completely glossed over in the face of cheap ratings.

I think these two have the stuff to put AMC back on the map, but I'm not just going to fall at their feet and follow blindly. That got us Josh. That got Dixie killed, etc.

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People have the opinion to rake them over the coals prior to them even being credited. I do understand it, given what we have seen in this industry in terms of writing/production this last decade. People have the right to be scared. I just am being an optimist as I always have been :lol:

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It's hard to be optimistic about a group of writers whose worked you've seen on multiple shows and never liked. It's not like a one show thing, a good amount of GL, Loving, The City, and PC fans despise them, which says a lot.

They don't have a Bill Bell/Agnes Nixon track record, you know.

Should they bring AMC back to some of its former glory, then good. I'll be happy to admit I was wrong about them and what their work on AMC would be.

B&E are only half of the problem for me. AMC has a lazy-ass and downright horrible EP in Julie Hanan Carruthers and let us not forget Frons on top of everything.

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