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AMC: Do you think the new head writers will turn AMC around?

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Yeah not much will change unless the power structure at ABC is severely altered, and that has nothing to do with B&E or any of the other writers at the 3 shows. That is why Kay Alden is now back at the rival network when she was so passionate about bring AMC back to its former glory. I still wanted her, I always wanted her. B&E are not a McTavish or Passanante... they are sort of a cross breed which means they could go either way. It will be interesting to say the least that is for sure.

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Some are touting Carlavatti as OLTL's savior, we can't even say that either. Just because he has a history with the show doesn't mean much. I mean he might be great in one position, but might suck as HW. It's happened with other writers on soaps.

B&E, and Carlavatti, and even Guza basically have to Frons to contend with. Much wont change until he's gone

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God, I miss Felicia Minei Behr and I wish she had some control over at ABCD again.

Remember when FMB called Jill Farren Phelps and Megan McTavish's stint on OLTL, "Completely unwatchable!"?

She cared a great deal about the soaps and especially AMC, a show where she had a long and successful history with. Oh, and it also helped that she grew to hate both McTavish and JFP. :lol:

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I liked Francesca James as EP. She did a great job with the show even when it hit it's low! She had a vision, and that was for AMC to be on top. And it was in 1997! She did a wonderful job! I would also like Lorraine Broderick to come back! She was a great writer. it was charatcer-driven and it made sense!!!!!

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Actually, AMC slipped in both quality and ratings when Francesca James was EP. Though, AMC really feel apart once they fired Lorraine Broderick. She was the last head-writer who knew to write the show successfully and intelligently. I've always felt like I've learnt something with Broderick's writing, I felt stupid after watching anything by McTavish.

Anyone know what happened to Wisner Washam? Many regard him as AMC's best head-writer, barring Agnes Nixon of course. He last served as a writer for GL in 93, a team where Lorraine Broderick served as a head-writer coincidentally.

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I completely agree with all of what you said. Broderick was something special with Agnes still actually working as a storyline consultant. She is apparently still that but she actually was heavily involved at that time. Lorraine wrote compelling story and it was such a letdown when she was let go.

Francesca James I always say as several steps below FMB, but also several steps ahead of her two successors. Jean Burke was useless and Julie Hanan Carruthers is proving to be the same. I think alot of Francesca's flack comes from those supernatural stories that started popping up on AMC in the mid 90's. I always thought that was the network trying to steal back the fans DAYS snatched up because a year prior is when DAYS shot ahead of AMC in the ratings.

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ROTFLMAO! :lol::lol:

This is hilarious! That _ is just the typical, standard, run of the mill black line under all of our names, but somehow everybody's thinking I put it there in mine on purpose! LMAO! :lol:

I guess that's what happens when you're just totally mega fabulous! Ya stand out! :P The pains of being so beautiful. Sheesh. :rolleyes:

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