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AMC: Do you think the new head writers will turn AMC around?

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Yup, people should not be putting people down. I like Zendell right now. :) I agree with you also. Yes AMC is stale but there are good things in the show. The new HW can still have Zendell and still have AMC better. :)

Everyone just keeps saying that nope AMC will not come back. I have faith it will. We as AMC fans we hope for the best and not think of the wrost!

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I guess I'm too positive cause I have faith and I'm going to give the new writer's a chance to prove themselves.

The umbrella storyline they're starting off with is going to be good, dramatic and very very soapy. The kind of stuff I used to live for on soaps, and the kind of stuff AMC has been lacking for years.

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Ok guys lets tone it down and reign it in a little here. We must remember everyone here is entitled to their opinion, but within reason. Don't attack another member just because they do not share the same opinion as you. As always we encourage lively discussion here, but not where it is insulting other members.

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B&E wrote good stuff on PC, and I've read good stuff about their time on GL and other soaps. They sure know how to write for characters and couples on soaps. They wrote good stuff for Rafe/Ali and others on PC.

Thanks Adam, I didn't feel I did anything that deserved getting jumped on for. If I came across as attacking anyone it wasn't my intention, but dang if getting attacked didnt make me see red....

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From SID:

From SID:

It's A Whole New ABC!

With new headwriters at the helms of AMC and OLTL, fans of the ABC Daytime sudsers have high hopes for the months ahead in Pine Valley and Llanview. But what, exactly, can viewers expect from the new scribes? Luckily for Soaps In Depth readers, we got the answers from the writers themselves!

The In Depth Story:

After months of lacking an official head writer, AMC now has veteran soap scribes Barbara Esensten and James Harmon Brown navigating the show. And first on the agenda for the duo is the diversification of the rather Caucasian town of Pine Valley. "We're well aware of that," chuckles Brown. "It's also a very young place to be. We really want to create a world that's ethnically and culturally diverse, and a place where kids can be kids, which I think is a definite need for this particular show and one that we're addressing. I think it's important, in all those different areas, to have color on the show, and younger people on the show." Brown's partner adds that while the change won't happen overnight, it is in the works. "We're creating a way where maybe it can happen more quickly," notes Esensten, referring to the recent casting notices posted by AMC for both younger and African-American characters. "Our goal is to have the canvas be more representative of real life." Rest assured, longtime viewers, the scribes have plans in store for the current cast as well. "Obviously, not everybody can be in the A story, but what we try to do With all stories is make them have enough branches from the central plot to be able to play", explains Brown "So for a character who is not directly involved in whatever the main event is, we want there to enough of a connection to play then where it makes sense."

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Actually today we had:

Ruth Martin

Joe Martin

Opal Cortland

Marian Chandler

Stuart Chandler

Adam Chandler

Tad Martin

Erica Kane

Jack Montgomery

Barbara Montgomery

We had mentions and a flashback of Jenny, Grandma Kate, Dixie.

Today was all about the vets, and I loved it! :)

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I am glad they used those vets today but what tom. and the next day and the next day??? When they start using them consistently and actually give them quality storylines, not just window dressing, I will be very happy. At that point, AMC might actually be back on track!

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