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What year was the best on Your soap

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DAYS had me glued to the screen 1994 - 1997, so those are the best years for me. I really got into the dark, gothic tone of the show back then. I watched Y&R by association (grandparents) sometimes and I think their best year(s) was when Mamie was on the show. Her and Jill would be fighting it seemed like everyday because Jill was, I believe, having an affair with some guy named Jeb (???). The consensus was that she only married John for his money and Katherine was out to prove so (or...something.) Long story short, it was pure entertainment for me, just can't remember the year. I had to be really young because I can hardly remember that!

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Loved those years too! I wish I had them on tape but I was a poor student at the time and had to tape over them. The Angel story was amazing because I could'nt stand the character until we found out what her father had done to her. I was shocked when she admitted the baby she had aborted was her father's not Caleb's. I still remember her poor drunken brother- what was his name? Brandon or Bart or something. That is the kind of socially responsible and discussion inducing storylines I wish soaps currently aired. I miss Douglas Marland.

I think this was also the time period when Emily gave Susan one of her eggs to have Alison. I loved that storyline as well. Very current and cutting edge. I remember how crazy Emily drove Susan and Larry with her possessiveness of Alison. I wish they had explored that a bit more but they ended up writing Larry off.

The only part of that time I HATED was Holden losing his memory. I think Marland made a big mistake with that - just because Martha left did'nt mean she was never coming back. The story was great in theory but as a huge Lily/Holden fan I was not happy :lol:

Oh man I wish there was some clips of those days up at youtube. God knows we will never get them on dvd.

I loved DAYS from 92/93 primarily for the Lawrence/Bo/Carly triangle.

I've loved AMC off and on for several periods in the 90's. Mostly for the couples. Tad/Dixie Ryan/Gillian Maria/Edmund Kendall/Del Hayley/Matteo

OLTL from 1997-98. Mostly because I was a Todd/Tea/Blair fan. I still love watching that scene of Blair pushing Tea out the window on youtube.

All of this remembering is depressing me because I can't think of anything I've liked since 2004.

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DAYS: 1982 - 1987

The aftermath of the Salem Strangler. The beginning of Roman and Marlena. Neil and Liz. Pete and Melissa. Eugene and Calliope. The beginning of Stefano DiMera. Tony and Anna. Renee. Megan. The beginning of Bo and Hope. The concert hall. The Salem Slasher. The plane crash, the island, and Roman's "death." The beginning of John Black, the pawn. The beginning of Shane and Kimberly. The beginning of Victor Kiriakis. Location shoots. Drama. Music. Supercouples. Mystery. Those were the days.

Other good years were those that included Jane Elliot as Anjelica Deveraux and Genie Francis as Diana Colville.

JER did an awesome job resurrecting the show from 1993 to 1997.

I'm crossing my fingers for another resurrection this year.

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Wow I can't believe I missed this thread but here it goes:

AMC-1992...you had the introduction of Wildwind with Angelique/Dimitri/Natalie/Trevor, Will Cortlandt's murder took place this year (probably the best murder mystery to ever take place on soaps), Tad returned near the end of the year with amnesia, the whole racism storyline involving Terrence Frye and Deconstruction, Erica and Adam still legally married, Dimitri/Erica and him trying to take over Enchantment, Brian/Hayley/Will/An-Li, Edmund Grey came on the scene (of course he would later become a part of Wildwind) and wooed Brooke and found out he and Dimitri were brothers, Carter Jones was introduced, Natalie was blinded by the fire, Opal delivers Petey in a snowstorm

Runners Up:

1993....Kendall was introduced and the story about her being a product of Erica Kane's rape from Richard Fields well yes it was a rewrite but well executed and downright suspenseful. You had the introduction of the Santos family and Edmund/Maria, Jack/Laurel and her killing Denny Benton, Natalie's death (although I hated that they killed off Natalie, it was powerful drama), Adam/Gloria/Stuart, Tad/Dixie reunite and the real Ted Orsini shows up, Charlie/Hayley,

1994....The tornado, Erica goes on trial for stabbing Dimitri, Noah/Julia meet and fall in love, Brooke's ectopic pregnancy, Dimitri finding out Anton was his son, Edmund/Maria marry and find out on their honeymoon about Anton's parentage, Del Henry comes to town and needs Dixie's kidney, Anton/Kendall, Del and Maria's past was exposed, Mona's death, Janet Green returns as "Jane Cox", Jamal Cudahy divorcing his father Alec McIntyre (plus the love story of Tom/Livia), Tad's out of body experience, Julia's rape (powerful story)

1995....Anton/Kendall marry, Kendall leaves town after making amends with Erica, Janet gaslighting Dixie, Erica begins "The Cutting Edge" and falls off a scaffold and becomes addicted to painkillers and the introduction of the great villain Dr. Jonathan Kinder (my overall favorite AMC story), Taylor/Noah/Julia, Laura Kirk comes to town and tangles with Brooke, Hayley/Alec/Arlene, Hayley/Mateo fall in love, Taylor faking her pregnancy, more Noah/Julia and the aftermath of her rape, Louie's death and Taylor concealing the gun that proved Noah was innocent, Trevor/Laurel, Janet's presumed death and encounters with Laura Kirk and Pierce Riley, the teen scene (Bobby, Anita, Kelsey, Scott), Michael Delaney coming out of the closet, Gloria goes over the edge, Liza returns and the Liza/Tad/Dixie triangle

1996....more of Erica's addiction, Erica/Janet/Skye team up to bring down Kinder, Noah/Julia and Hayley/Mateo in Jamaica, Erica's speech at the Women in Media awards, Laurel's death, Kevin Sheffield comes out of the closet, Tad/Liza affair and Dixie leaving town, Trevor's paralysis, Janet trying to steal Brooke's identity, The sage of Baby Sam and Edmund/Maria wanting to adopt him, Dimitri/Maria affair, more of Bobby/Anita, Kelsey, and Scott...Noah/Julia marry, Noah's mother comes to town and is on the run from a hitman, Noah/Julia/Rosa enter Witness Protection Program

1997.....The plane crash that "killed" Maria Santos Gray, Erica keeping Maddie from Edmund/Maria, Maddie's paternity, Edmund and Tad go to Vadzel to get baby Maddie from Gloria/Dimitri, Laura's past with Jim Thomasen, Hayley/Mateo open Holidays, Adam/Liza, Gillian Andrassy arrives in Pine Valley

2003.....Fusion vs. Enchantment, Erica and Kendall team up against Michael Cambias, Lena/Bianca, Fusion friendship, Maria regains her memory, Leora's death (hate they killed her off but still powerful drama), Bianca's rape, Greenlee' paternity, Bianca hiding her pregnancy from Erica, Erica/Kendall bond the night of the storm, Bianca/Kendall

2004.....Edmund's paralysis, the baby switch, Edmund/Maria/Zach and Zach/Maria past, Ryan gets shot :), Bianca is reunited with Miranda on Christmas, David finding out Babe is his daughter

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1982-1986: Salem Strangler, Anna/Tony/Renee, Salem Slasher, island plane crash, Bo & Hope's wedding

1993-1999: Carly buried alive, Maison Blanche, Aremid, Marlena's possession, Marlena/John/Kristen, Paris, Killing Pool, Sami's execution, Princess Gina


1997-1998: Reva/Josh/Annie, Reva's clone, Cassie/Hart/Dinah, Nursery Rhyme Stalker, Phillip & Harley

2002: Richard's death, Alexandra's return, Carmen shoots Danny, Ben & Marina, Phillip/Olivia/Alan


1998: Julia/Jack/Carly/Hal, the Valetta, AIDS charity ball, David kidnaps Lily, Carly and Julia, Tom & Emily's affair, Camille's breast cancer

2000-2002: Lily/Rose and the island, Katie's stalker, Endicott Awards, Jake/Molly/Vicky's ghost, boathouse explosion, Hal & Emily, Malta, the spa, Avanya, Jack/Carly/Craig/Rosanna


2000-2001: Prom Boat, Mineshaft, Hell in the Closet, Ethan's paternity exposed, the double wedding, Bermuda, Luis & Sheridan, Warlock Island

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ATWT - 1991-94

It was realistic, subtle, and well-written. More like Y&R in its good days, sort of, if I remember right.

Days - 1990-93

Ditto. Not so subtle, though, but there weren't a lot of instances of "Oh, he wouldn't do that." It wasn't a cartoon.

GL - 1990-93

It's hard to pinpoint why I liked it then, but again, it had to do with a lot of the realism and subtlety.

I asked my Mother last night when was it that she thought the last time a soap was flawless, and she said, "Oh... probably 1971. But Y&R was pretty good in the early '80s."

I think nearly all the soaps started to lose it after '93-94. I can't speak for Y&R, but I liked it a lot in the early '90s. IMO, the shows I watched went downhill when:

ATWT - Carly was introduced and it became an excercise in pure torture.

Days - Reilly joined, although the tone of the show was pretty cool until '96.

GL - Maureen was killed. Although it still excelled in many ways until the introduction of the Santos family and the f'ing clone.

I still enjoyed watching GL up until Conboy and Weston took over, and then briefly during late '04-05. ATWT gives me a headache just thinking about the Sheffer and post-Sheffer years. Days was damn awful from '96 until '03, but it was still somewhat watchable on a certain level until Reilly returned. I stopped watching it in '04, but I started watching it again on and off last year, in the hopes that it would improve.

Sorry to derail the thread... had to vent :wacko:

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Best years I WATCHED? or from what I've heard? i mean for OLTL nothing seems to have topped 1978-79 but from what I saw I found 92-95 pretty fantastic.

For AMC 78-83 or so seem the best to me. But from what I watched 92-94 were fantastic and what turned me into a soap fan. I also think 96-97 under Broderick, even with some massive "WTF" moments was brilliant and from looking at my old tapes the summer of 99-2000 were pretty great when Agnes Nixon and Elzabthe Page were HWs until Passanante started writing more and eventually took over whne the show fell to Hell. Watching some of the early eps though I was surprised at how strong it was--no real major brilliant stories but just great character introduction, even minor stuff liek Opal's new Glamorama, Marian trying to make her way in PV society, some of the early teen scene stuff (Becka/Scott/Greenlee), Gillian/Ryan, Alex/Dimitri, interactions between Opal and Adrian and of course Bianca's dealing with her lsexuality etc etc. Lotsa daily things in the eps I saved (and some are online http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pa4HUnfjp7g ) show that Agnes touch even if she was revisiting some older stories... It's prob just how rough the show has been for much of the 2000's that make it look bette rin hindsight but it's funny I didn't realize at the time how decent the show was

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