Members Heatherhcb Posted June 1, 2007 Members Share Posted June 1, 2007 Pretty ggod show yesterday. Antonio/Nash/Jess- I love Jash, but this crap needs to end. Antonio is making suck a huge sacrifice for Jess. Nash is making baseless promises. Poor Jamie!!!!! Chris/Blair- I love the friendship between the two. DF and KDP just have amazing chemisty and the act well off each other. I loved the toast at the end. Layla/Vince- Why is Vince still on the show? Why haven't they recasted with an actor that can actually act. Layla was having a pity party for one. Van tossed and turned in her sleep- you learn something new everyday. I just feel nothing for Van- they totally runied her character with the whole Todd mess. Bo/Jonh- "Hey John I just found out that Tate went to camp in Wyoming." "So What" "Well the OPP people have a camp in Wyoming. Wyoming can't can't have too many camps" "Tate has a shoulder injury too. I check it out. Don't tell the mayor." That was the biggest WTF conversation I have ever heard. Nora should have been there. Hey guys it won't stand up in court and I doubt that the OPP is just going to give them a list of "camp members". Bo and Paige- Why do they continue to torture me with this worthless character!!!!!! Get rid of Paige!!!! MArty/Miles- I absolutely dispise MArty!!! I am rooting for Miles all the way. Go Miles make that b*tch's life a living hell!!!! **David makes the sun shine** Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Jess Posted June 1, 2007 Members Share Posted June 1, 2007 OK, I loved Thursday's show. I thought both Nash and Antonio did what you would expect them to do. Antonio does love Jess and he is willing to make the sacrifice, however, he can never trust her again and so it's over. Nash would sell his soul for Jessica, and probably would not get much of a price for it, but regardless, he does love her. I love Jash too. But, damn this triangle really really really needs to end. And this liver story gets dumber by the moment. Also, I don't think any story can be on five days a week for weeks on end and retain interest. Let's get this story back to a reasonable three days a week at the most. I think the OPP story is about as ridiculous as they come. When they said that about the bird wing, I spewed my coffee. And Thursday's conversations made me laugh. What an absolute travesty that OLTL is doing a show focusing on minority character and racism and the best actor on the show is not involved. Frank Valentini should lose his job tomorow for not incorporating RJ into this story. Instead of seeing the great talents of Timothy Stickney in a story of this calibre, we see the mediocre abilities of Tika Sumpter and whoever plays Vincent. They are a fine couple with chemistry and I have no problem with them having parts in this show. I have a huge problem with Frank Valentini, and he has said it was him, making the decision to hire mediocre talent because they are atrractive and charming and at the same time backburning a talented actor. I have come to enjoy Blair and Chris' friendship and very much liked them on Thursday. I like Miles and I'm sorry this is happening to his character. You know, this Marty just doesn't do it for me anymore. I do like the enteraction between John and Cole. However, I don't like John this much. If I can love Jash and say pare back their airtime, then you can imagine my opinion of a character I could care less about being on this much. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Q Steph Posted June 1, 2007 Members Share Posted June 1, 2007 Miles. Is. Pathetic. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Scotty Posted June 1, 2007 Members Share Posted June 1, 2007 But. Not. As. Much. As. Marty. Though. Also, I wish someone would smack that smug look right off of Nash's face. I can't stand him. I still feel bad for Antonio. In some ways, Jessica has gotten what she deserves IMHO. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Lskreet Posted June 1, 2007 Members Share Posted June 1, 2007 You. Got. That. Right. It's Spencer ALL over again. She's in EVERY story and she's on EVERY day. I wasn't around when the character of Marty (Susan Haskell) was originally introduced on the show, but did she have the large role like she does now? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Q Steph Posted June 2, 2007 Members Share Posted June 2, 2007 There. Has. Always. Been. Something. About. Marty. When she came onto the show, she was this out of control party girl who had a crush on the married Reverend Andrew Carpenter. When he rejected her, she accused him of inappropriate behavior. Either tiwards her or that she saw Andrew being affectionate towards a boy in the church. Her defining moment on the show followed soon after when she was raped at the frat party by Todd, Powell and a third guy. She was drinking so heavily that she accused Kevin as well but he wasn't there. Afterwards, Todd came after Marty again. By this time, she had found love with Seude but he died during one of his battles with Todd. Marty was involved in a car crash with Sarah and C.J. Roberts and Todd saved them. In return, Marty did not interefere with Todd being pardoned. Todd apologized to Marty for the rape which led to some strange bonding during a thunderstom where they got trapped together. (I personally found it disturbing) Marty learned she had Lupus and her drinking made the condition worse. Biki became her friend. Marty soon became involved with a named Patrick Thornhart. He had some trouble in Ireland. Todd wanted to atone for the rape. So he went to Ireland on Marty's behalf and got "killed". A vengeful Blair watnted revenge on Marty. So she set out to seduce Patrick. Blair got pregnant. By this time, Todd had returned from the dead. Blair miscarried after a car crash caused by Kelly. Marty discovered she was pregnant with Patrick's child but Irish terrorists were after them. At their wedding, the thugs attacked everyone. Patrick was shot. Marty faked his death and spritited him out of town. Marty returned a few years later as a consultant on Todd's rape case involving Blair. (Another dumb move). Marty left town again until she returned this year as mother to Cole with C. Chambers in the role playing her as this damsel with no direction. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Jess Posted June 2, 2007 Members Share Posted June 2, 2007 The problem in my opinion is the story is not about Marty or any character. It is about a gimmick with the name of a character attached. This Marty is a stranger. The gimmick is familiar. We have seen it before. It is the crazy lover story. It could have been Natalie or Jessica or Starr or Dorian or Viki. Dena doesn't write for characters. She just throws a name on an actor and off she goes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Juliajms Posted June 2, 2007 Members Share Posted June 2, 2007 I thought Friday's scenes with Jess/Clint/Viki were very touching. I really felt for Viki watching as her daughter slipped away. Still, I can't help wondering how someone so weak could possibly survive a transplant. Did my ears decieve me or did Miles actually threaten to kill or at least hurt John? He's going over the edge fast, which is a huge disappointment to me. Michael and Marcie playing match maker was pretty sweet. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Q Steph Posted June 2, 2007 Members Share Posted June 2, 2007 Miles did threaten to Kill John. I hope he succeeds. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Juliajms Posted June 2, 2007 Members Share Posted June 2, 2007 John McBain does inspire the hate doesn't he? I really don't understand why people love or hate him as much as they do. His world weary act kind of grates on me, but for the most part I just don't care about him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Scotty Posted June 3, 2007 Members Share Posted June 3, 2007 Oh, I understand John hate very well....why do you think I never use a picture of ME as a lead-in to the OLTL spoilers? Seriously though, he should not be on no where near as much as he is. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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