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DAYS: Tuesday, May 15th

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You are so right. It was so obvious that was not Real!Steve for all of the spot on reasons you mentioned.

Shawn comes off still looking so immature. Weren't Steve and Bo totally on their own when they were Shawn's age? I still see Shawn as a 17 or 18 year old sometimes (and Belle and Philip along those same lines).

Agreed about Stephen Nichols' acting. It was so fun to watch those scenes and be able to see that Steve was not quite the same old Steve. Like GBB mentions, his stiff posture, even speech and tempered movements. It is interesting to see where this is going. Because even though I think Steve is not all the way there, he still does not seem like the guy who was fully under EJ's mind control.

I am patiently waiting for my television volume to get fixed. It went out about 1/3 way through the ep. I am waiting to see the Chelsea and Nick and Adrienne and Hope scenes. Oh, and more of those hot men on the island. :P

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Chelsea and Hope, Chelsea and Nick were worth the whole hour. Love them.

It was good to see Bo behaving as a father because he surely hasn't been for years upon years. He should have never allowed his son to tuck in his tail and run without a plan, money and especially bucking a court order. Thankfully, Hogan is going to let Bo teach his son how to be a man.

My personal observations of BB change depending on who he is playing with. He was great with Bo and Steve. He is great with Gabby and Duck, but he is horrid with Belle. Actually, I think they bring out the very worst in each other as I like Belle with Philip but not Shawn and Shawn with everyone else except Belle.

Being as I only saw Adrienne about twice in the past, I cannot give a history to her character at all and thought she was behaving very strangely today. Thankfully she did finally tell Hope that Kayla went to Tinda Lau to kill Steve so he wouldn't kill Bo and Shawn. I know she had to be struggling with the trauma of Steve being her brother, but it was just weird.

Loved today's show. I just wonder if Steve harmed Gabby as I cannot see her allowing him to get out of her sight and especially that quickly.

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one question........Didnt hope the other day along with roman catch Kayla in ej's room?Kayla had a map in her hand and ej had circled the island's name.Kayla mentioned the islands name to hop and roman and hope said oh my god thats where shawn and belle are..yet on tuesday's episode she seemed suprise that steve was there..........Please someone help!
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Please, I had to roll my eyes at Maggie. The bitch thinks she hears "voices" and that's her excuse for being a clingy, busybody? That's her rationale for knocking on poor Nick's door and bugging the [!@#$%^&*] out of him?!! God, I HATE bitches like that. Maggie lost A LOT of points with me after today's episode. And you could tell she was suspicious too. MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS, SKANK!

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this is the show i could love again!

1) Bo & Shawn with Steve on the island. I loved watching PR & BB play father & son. they have such a good chem together. I love watching them. nothing to great to say more than that. aside from it loooks like the damn island stuff is almost over.

2) Chelsea & Hope... what was that?!! a relationship devolpment for these two? and a mjaor step forward for Chelsea, IMO. And as for her acting a like a 12 yearold after being though so much.. hello sami brady!! look at how much she has been through in life. and she still is a lkil girl sometimes. I soo bought it and RM & KA play so well off eachother. but Julie Pinson needs to be on wayyy more!!

3) i actually kinda like willow no! but im over it already so... I loved Nick/Willow scenes today and wtf was that?! Maggie Horton on my tv? no freakin way! she made the show so much better, as she always does. I loved her being all up in nicks buisness but in a non bitch im just trying to be a good hostess to you sorta way. and Mickey is alive still? time to adress that! Then Chelsea & Nick ... so im officaly in love with them as a couple.

nice break from the sami/lucas and ej stuff but i cant wait for that all to kick up again.

IMO Days is on a roll, lets hope they keep it going up!!

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Sorry, I love Maggie too, but she was a straight-up BITCH today. What a loser! She has to pry into Nick's personal life and suspect him of having someone in his room and act like an untrusting skank just because she and Mickey aren't having sex anymore? (I HAVE to believe that's why since we don't see him anymore). If Hogan is smart (and Jarlena spoilers indicate he is anything but), he will point to these horrible busybody incidents later down the line after we learn that Mickey has strayed, is unfaithful or whatever -- and she keeps sane by sticking her butt in everybody else's business so she doesn't have to think about her own crumbling marriage.

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I just watched the show...and it was a pretty good show..Not great, but good...I loved the chelsea and hope scenes...Rachel and Kristian have a great mother/daughter chemistry, and Rachel really shines in scenes with her...Nick in his boxers was so freaking hot...Damm he has been working out...and i loved the maggie/nick/willow/chelsea scenes...Very funny...I got a chuckle out of Chelsea lecturing Nick on wasting water.."Haven't you seen the Al Gore movie? Didn't you learn anything from Sami's green wedding?" Also chelsea comments on Nick's boxers were hillarious, and i love that Chelsea commented that he looked hot...

It was nice seeing Adrienne and Hope share scenes..I love Judi, but damm her hair is way to dark...I hope they lighten it a little...Its rather distracting...The island scenes were pretty boring...But it amazes me how much Peter and Brandon look like they can be father and son..They've got a great chemistry as well...The end was exciting with Hope's warning and Steve watching in the background..

Honestly, i just want to get through this week...next week seems to be when the big changes are starting to take place!!!!!!!!!!!!

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The Chelsea and Hope scenes were awesome. I agree with King that it does kind of seem out of place for Chelsea, one minute she is control of her riskque ways and other times she is this young naive girl, but still the Hope and Chelsea scenes rocked! So sick of Shawn, but Bo and Patch were awesome on the island. Bo definitely has an edge again. What sucked were the Nick and Willow scenes. I think the writers made a mistake isolating Hogan's two newbie creations in their own storyline. Nick is liked I know, but I hate Willow and I hate Nick so that's like a double whammy of boredom. Plus it made no sense, it is all so pointless, particularly given that Willow is leaving. This whole putting her with Nick doesn't end her story at all and is precious time wasted that could be used for other more important characters. Hope was the highlight though, definitely.

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