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AMC: Tad Gardner Martin

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But I remember the day he debuted, when he stopped that gunman outside of the Glam-o-rama. All you saw initially was this tall man with dark hair wrestling with the gunman, then the gun goes off directly behind Dixie inside the Glam. I was giddy with excitement, certain it was Tad... then immediately let down after the commercial break!

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I might have been the only one who, after finally getting over the shock and sadness of MEK/Tad being gone, really enjoyed Craig Lawson and his storyline with Dixie. Probably bc at the time I had a little crush on the actor, but I thought Dixie/Craig were hot. Then I loved how he ended up being Gloria's ex, and she threatened to tell Dixie and Palmer about his past, but then I remember the scene where he choked Gloria with the pearl necklace and threatened her life if she told. He eventually got caught - but I always secretly was hoping he'd turn out ok, bc again, I was 'loving' Dixie/Craig.

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I remember liking Craig myself from what I remember. Dixie and Brian though were just horrible. I know technically they werent too far in age, but she just seemed too old for him, probably bc I was used to seeing him with teen Hayley and Dixie at the time already had a son and was divorced twice. That right there aged her

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Thanks for posting these Pasha. My goodness, reading that Tad bio certainly shows just how much Megan McTavish completely took a hatchet to his character and was relentless. I miss the old Tad. Most days when I see Tad I want him to either STFU or just get off my screen. But Michael E. Knight is still as wonderful as ever. If only they'd give him Tad like material to play. Oh well.

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That's my gripe. I LOVE MEK! I think he's a great actor and seems to be genuinely a good guy. He loves the fans and everything. But whenever McTavish gets a hold of Tad, I want him dead and gone! I can't stand him. At all. McTavish started the hatchet job back in 1998, and even through the Nixon, Passanante and Culliton regimes from 1999-2002, I had no use for Tad. He became sanctimonious, hypocritical, holier than thou, self-righteous, you name it. Then, when Rayfield brought back Tad the Cad in 2003, I began to warm up to Tad again, because he was fun and light hearted and had a good sense of humor. Then, here comes McTavish again in 2003 and she makes him this dark, depressing, angry, bitter, stuffing a man in a box and killing him character.

And with the culmination of this latest storyline, the new head writer is going to have some work to do to get me to like him again.

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Well, they could have had something great by slowly pushing Dixie and Tad back together.... searching for THEIR daughter together..... and I think if written properly Dixie placing Kate back in Tad's arms could have been his redemption. Of course that was all lost when they maliciously killed off Dixie and any hope of a happy reunion and with this baby Jenny, turned Tad into a self righteous jack ass who you really don't want to find his kids. It sickens me to say or think that but with the writing, that's where I am. Kate is better off with Hoolia at this point.

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What the show, as well as Tad, needs is to get a head writer who doesn't believe in the McTavish formula. Good Characters are Good and Bad Characters are Bad Because We Say So. Tad became slaughtered and mangled under that formula, because McTavish started having him do and say things that were heinous and hypocritical, and thought that since she deemed him as "good" everything was excused. Tad would be more interesting if he was just a friend to his friends, instead of being the morality police -- and then proceeding to break every rule, law and policy he expects others to abide by. Characters in soaps should be written as humans -- not caricatures. Everyone has their good days and their bad days. They saintly days and their naughty days and soap characters are successful if they're written as such. They become easier to relate to... to understand their motives. When you have an allegedly "good" character like Tad do the things he's done to, not only Greg Madden, but to JR... a man he calls his son... it's hard to reconcile. Especially with the really broad rationalization of "He Does Horrible Things For the Right Reasons."

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