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DAYS: Shayna Rose's responce to NuStephanie.

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I'm watching her on Ugly Betty now, and she's done a good job with the part she had.....

I miss her on Days, she got a lot better towarsd the end of her run there; and I like her better than NuStephanie......

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Ok so this indicates it was Days' decision to recast and that they didn't invite her back. I like nuStephanie so I am ok with it but I do like Shayna. It's clear that the character wasn't what Days wanted when she was in the role for whatever reason. I do miss Shayna a bit and I feel a little bad for her. I wish her well. I feel like Days made the right decision but it sucks for Shayna.

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This actually makes me hate Shelley Henning even more. :angry: I know she has nothing to do with it, but she stole Shayna's job, so that makes me not like her. Plus, I just think she is too wrong for the role. She's just not Stephanie to me. She'd be better as a Chelsea recast, IMO.

I feel bad for Shayna. Don't worry! You'll forever live long in my blog as the only Stephanie Kay Johnson. :D

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Why is it that everyone was glad when Shayna left now its like she was the best actress ever. Honestly, I don't care either way. I don't understand why they made Stephanie a ho but whatever.

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I'll admit it. At one time, I hated Shayna as Stephanie. It was because the writers were making her another child that wanted her parents back together. That gets old fast. After she was taken out of Steve and Kayla's storyline and placed in scenes with the younger crowd (Chelsea, Abby, Nick, etc.) I loved her. She, Abby and Chelsea were the three muskateers of Salem. By that time, news had already broken out of her release. I was sad. :(

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I totally saw this coming. Poor girl! I didn't buy, for a damn MOMENT, that she was too busy with her music "career" (yeah right) or other acting jobs or pilot season to do "Days." That makes NO sense. First, you make a damn name for yourself on a soap and THEN, if you want, you can leave. I smelled a rat. I knew those lookist bastards at "Days" hated her look. The PROOF, you guys, is all in the damn dialogue. HOW MUCH MORE of this can we take? The pimping in the dialogue of how hot Stephanie is and how wonderful she is and how much her fashion sense has changed and how HIP she is -- and how they ALL BOW AT THE TEMPLE OF "DAYTON" for these changes, when we all know that "Dayton" just means "the casting change?"

IT'S SICK!!! I'm glad Shayna very subtely called "Days" out on their BULLSHIT!!!

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It isn't SH's fault, but I'll find it very, very, very difficult to accept her at all in this role, especially since I don't like her in it. Corday needs to check his fans pulse before doing a rash change like that. Just because this girl is a beauty queen doesn't make her right for the role and I hate her in it, personally. Shayna will always be Stephanie to me.

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I always liked Shayna Rose in the role. I liked the fact that she was different. A sweety with long flowing red hair. How many of those do we see on TV? And she interacted great with her Brady family.

Soaps are geared towards/watched by women and gay men, so why replace her with a busty beauty queen? Having Stephanie written out only to have her come back 4 months later was clearly DAYS' way of saying they wanted a different actress in the role... and with the dialogue, we know they're happy it's a different actress with bigger boobs and smaller talent.

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I dont care for Stephanie...new or old. But I will take Shayna's verison over the cliche vamped up one current gracing our screens. Sans the lame race car driver stuff, she was a tolerable and down to earth.Alas, I wanna struggle the new girl, running around saying "papa" like she just stepped out of the movie Yentle.

But I will take Steph over Willow or Gabby, so bygones.

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Shayna can whine and complain and try to campaign to get her job back all she wants. The bottom line was that she was not up to the role, the audience agreed, made their opinion known, and she was shown the door.

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I didn't like Shayna at first, but it was more because of how she was written than anything else. I didn't like her with Max at all. Towards the end of her run on the show I really liked her though! She had better chemistry with SN & MBE than the new one. I liked the way she was with Chelsea too.

I don't like this new one at all. She is immature, slutty and it the wrong choice lookswise. Pretty girl, but a tall brunette with dark eyes isn't right for this role. The whole personality of the character changed. I am not liking it!

Bring back Shayna!

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